【社会起業家の育成】:Marshall School (USC)

近年、社会起業家の育成に力を注いでてきたMarshall SchoolがM.S. (Master of Scince) in Social Entreprenurshipの学位を提供する旨を発表しました。単独科目や一部の学校では、専攻(Concentration/Major/Track)の範囲内で対応してきましたが、こうして課程を設立し、本格的な専門教育へと乗り出したのは同校が初めてでもあり意義ある動きではないかと思う次第です。詳細は下記URLよりご確認ください。


The Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship gives students the opportunity to learn business and entrepreneurship skills within a framework of achieving a social mission. The MSSE requires 26 units and can be completed in one year (full-time) or two or more years (part-time). All courses are held in the evening and weekends and focus entirely on the business aspects of social entrepreneurship. Requirements include: Cases in New Venture Management, Cases in Feasibility Analysis, Investing in Impact Ventures, and Marketing Management. Students can choose from electives such as Environmental Sustainability and Competitive Advantage or Designing High Performance Organizations. The program also includes a for-credit practical capstone project in which students will develop a business plan for a new social enterprise.