Duke University, LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。
Applicants to Duke Law’s LLM program may begin submitting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year on September 1, 2020. The application deadline for the LLM program is January 20, 2021.
Our preferred method for submitting application materials for the LLM or SJD program is electronically via LSAC (Law School Admission Council). Please visit the LSAC website for account access or to create a new account. Complete application instructions are available on the electronic application for the Duke Law LLM program.
You may also submit your application materials in hard copy form directly to the International Admissions office (address below). Please note that you must omit the box number from our mailing address if you plan to send application materials via courier (DHL, FedEx, etc.). Please note that we do not accept application materials subimitted electronically via e-mail.
Please submit a resume with your application. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment.
Personal Statement
You are required to submit a 2-5 page personal statement. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment. The personal statement should include your professional and educational experience, special areas of interest, previous overseas experience, and any other information that supports your application. Please let us know if there is a special reason for applying to Duke Law School such as family members who are alumni or who are living in North Carolina, or a spouse or significant other with admission to a nearby school or who is also applying to the LLM program.
Recommendation Letters
A minimum of two letters of recommendation should be submitted on behalf of the LLM applicant. Such letters should not be from relatives or close family friends. The letters should explain the relationship of the writer to the applicant. At least one letter should be from a faculty member well acquainted with the applicant’s academic ability.
If applying electronically, LSAC offers an LOR service for letters of recommendations. Please follow the instructions on the LSAC site.
If application materials are being submitted in hard copy format directly to the International Studies office, recommendation letter forms must be included and are available for download at our site. Your signature on the recommendation form indicates you have waived your right to the material contained in the recommendation letter and should be included with all letters submitted on your behalf. Referees may also submit recommendation letters directly to the International Studies office. We prefer recommendation letters in hard copy format but will accept electronic letters if a referee is unable to submit the letters prior to the application deadline.
■ 同校への出願に際しては、i) LSAC, ii) Duke LL.M.のオリジナル出願フォームのいずれかを選択することが可能です。アプリカントの方にとって対応しやすい方法をご選択ください(LSACのシステムを通じた出願書類の提出が義務付けられてはおりません)。
Academic Transcripts
Transcripts for all previously attended academic institutions must be submitted. Applicants can either utilize the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) with LSAC or have them sent to the International Admissions office directly from the academic institution. Purchase of the Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service offered by LSAC is optional. Transcripts may also be submitted directly by the applicant with their application materials. Please note that if you are not utilizing the Credential Assembly Service all transcripts must include an English translation, containing the seal or signature of a professional translator, and an explanation of the grading system.
■先述のRecommendation Formの箇所でも記しましたが、同校への出願には LSAC経由もしくはDuke University, Law Schoolへ出願書類を提出することが可能です。
TOEFL Score Report
Register for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) at least two months before the examination is given. Because it may take more than one month for score results to reach Duke, it is advisable to take the test as soon as possible. TOEFL scores must be less than two years old to be considered valid. Candidates who are native English speakers or who have received degrees of at least three years in length from a university where English was the medium of instruction and where English is an official language of the country, may be exempt from this requirement. All other applicants must submit test scores in order to complete the admissions process. Duke’s TOEFL institution code is 5156 and its department code is 03. TOEFL score results for students utilizing the LSAC Credential Assembly Service will automatically be included in the report. Students admitted to graduate study normally have scores of at least 100 on the Internet-based test (iBT).
Application Review
Admission to Duke’s graduate law programs is highly competitive and depends to a great extent on the demonstration of outstanding performance in previous law studies. Also of special significance are the applicant’s professional experience, areas of special interest and expertise, professional and personal goals, strong letters of recommendation, and English proficiency. The Law School benefits from a student body that represents a broad range of experiences and interests. It is often helpful to indicate reasons for interest in an LLM degree in general and Duke Law School in particular, especially as they relate to an applicant’s specific experience. The application review process generally begins in December, and decisions are made throughout the following months.