カテゴリー別アーカイブ: LL.M.ランキング

USNews Ranking:2023 Best Law Schools

先月29日にUSNews Ranking : 2023 Best Law Schools版が以下の通り発表されました。

こちらはJ.D. Programに関するランキングではありますが、LL.M.アプリカントの方々にとっても、”T-14″の順位は気になるところではないでしょうか。

1. Yale University

2. Stanford University

3. University of Chicago

4. Columbia University

4. Harvard University

6. University of Pennsylvania

7. New York University

8. University of Virginia

9. University of California, Berkeley

10. University of Michigan

11. Duke University

12. Cornell University

13. Northwestern University

14. Georgetown University

LL.M.出願に際しては、原則としてTOEFL/IELTSスコア (IELTSスコアを受け付けないプログラムも有りますのでご注意ください)に加え、レジュメ、パーソナルステートメント、推薦状、成績表の組み合わせです(一部のLL.M.プログラムではパーソナルステートメント以外の書類を求めるケースがあります)。特に米国LL.M.プログラムへ出願する場合、TOEFLを受験するケースが多く伺えます。TOEFLは英語力を判定するテストのため、大学、法科大学院、司法研修所の成績を補完する材料とはならないものの、スコアはLL..M.受験プロセスにおいて重要な役割を担うといっても過言ではありません。数多く受験する戦略も一つの方法ですが、入念な対策準備のもと、受験時期を定めて集中的に受験するパターンで準備を進めるケースも見られます。

【LL.M. 2018年入学用出願締め切り日】:University of North Carolina

University of North Carolina, Chapel hill校 LL.M.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Application materials will be available in mid-October and applications will be reviewed on a rolling admissions format, beginning in November. To allow enough time for the processing and issuance of the required visas, the deadline date for the submission of application materials is May 31.


LL.M. students take most of their classes together with UNC law students, sharing their international perspective with and learning American law from UNC faculty and students. Legal areas in which LL.M. students may concentrate their law studies at UNC include:

  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Banking and Finance
  • Intellectual Property
  • Environmental Law
  • Health Care Law
  • Human Rights and Civil Rights Law
  • International and Comparative Law
  • Public Law and Regulation

In addition to the UNC law curriculum, LL.M. students may also receive instruction outside the law school, taking advantage of opportunities in other departments on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus. The LL.M. program encourages collaboration between its students and University faculty and students, particularly those in business school and international studies.

上記ハイライト箇所は、同じ大学内におけるcross-registration systemへ言及しています。
同大学にはKenan-Flgaler Schoolという日本人からの留学生も学ぶビジネススクールが存在します。

US News Ranking 2017: Best Law School

今月中旬には、毎年恒例のUS News Rankingが発表されました。

Best Law School ランキングはJ.D.プログラムを対象としたものですが、出願先を選定する際には同ランキングを参考にするアプリカントの方々も多数いらっしゃいますので、下記URLをご案内させていただきます。

1. Yale Univ.
2. Harvard Univ.
2. Stanford Univ.
4. Columbia Univ.
4. Univ. of Chicago
6. New York Univ.
7. Univ. of Pennsylvania
8. Univ. of California, Berkeley
8. Univ. of Michigan
8. Univ. of Virginia
11. Duke Univ.
12. Northwestern Univ.
13. Cornell Univ.
14. Georgetown Univ.
15. Univ. of Texas, Austin
16. Vanderbilt Univ.
17. UCLA
18. Washington Univ. in St. Louis
19. Univ. of Southern California
20. Boston Univ.

当学院ではLL.M.出願に関する相談も承っております。出願までのマイルストーン、タスクの把握、出願時期(Early RoundやRegular Round)の設定などお考えの方は、ぜひ一度留学相談へお越しください。

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 University of Chicago

University of Chicago, LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日です。

December 15Priority application submission deadline. On or before this date candidates should have submitted their Basic Information Form electronically to the Law School and the following items to the LSAC LLMCAS: application for admission, personal statement, and resume. Candidates may apply after December 15. They do not need to ask permission to do this. They should understand, however, that they assume the risk that most admission decisions will have been made by the time their applications have been completed and reviewed by the Graduate Studies Committee. Candidates who do apply after December 15 should include with their personal statements an explanation about why they did not apply before the deadline.

January 15Priority application completion deadline. Although most applicants will have completed their applications (application for admission, personal statement, resume, transcripts, TOEFL/IELTS scores, and letters of recommendation) by the December 15 deadline, candidates whose applications are completed between December 15 and January 15 will receive full application review before decisions are sent out on February 15. Applications completed after January 15 will be reviewed once they are complete, but those candidates should understand that, as a practical matter, the later we review a completed application, the less likely we are to be able to offer admission. This timing varies from year to year, and it is impossible to predict ahead of time when we will have to stop offering admission to candidates.

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University, LL.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日です。以下、Rolling Basis Admissions Cycleを考慮した出願時期の設定ですが、他大学の締め切り日との兼ね合いもありますので、まずは出願校を確定し、それぞれの出願時期(Early or Regular or Rolling Basis)を把握した上で、その「時期」を決定していきましょう。

LL.M. Selection Process

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis. We make decisions on individual applications as quickly as possible, although the time required may vary from case to case. We evaluate each application thoroughly, reflecting our belief that the quality of the educational environment at Vanderbilt Law School benefits from considering a broad range of information contained in each application.

Complete, sign and date the LSAC Electronic Application form. The following items should be submitted with your online application form:

  1. Vanderbilt Law Electronic Application,
  2. Transcripts and Degree Verification via LLM CAS,
  3. TOEFL Report or IELTS Report via LLM CAS,
  4. Letters of Recommendation via LSAC Letter of Recommendation Service,
  5. Personal Statement,
  6. Resume/Curriculum Vitae,
  7. Application Fee

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Northwestern University

Norhtwestern Univ. LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日です。

2016/1/15:Deadline for receipt of completed LL.M. application.

Application MaterialsとEvaluation Interview** (Option)の件についても、下記のurlにてご確認ください。

Evaluation Interview
Interviews provide the Admissions Committee with additional information about your communication skills, maturity, and motivation.Admissions interviews are optional but are strongly encouraged.




【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 University of Michigan

Univ. of Michigan LL.M.の出願締め切り日も発表されています。


The completed application and all supporting materials must reach us between October and the end of January preceding the academic year for which admission is sought. Applications will be reviewed only when they are complete. All applications which are ready for review by the end of January will have equal chances for admission; thereafter, admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis. Applicants will receive notice of decision by late March or early April.

■Application Materials

同校はAppliaction Formsは、CollegeNet or LSAC.orgのいずれかを選択して出願することが可能です。そして、Recommendation Formに至りましても、“All letters of recommendation must include either LSAC’s or Michigan Law’s recommender form, completed by the applicant and the recommender.”とありますように、スクールオリジナルのフォームを使用することが可能です。


【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Cornell University

Cornell LL.M Programの締め切り日が発表されました。

All applications are due December 15 for a decision by mid-February. To be considered for a scholarship award, all application materials must be received by this date.

また、上記サイトにはApplication Checklist(Statement of Purpose課題)も掲載されていますので、まずは一読してください。

By December 15, please submit your application, including all supporting materials, through LSAC. A complete application includes the following:

  • Application form-A completed and signed application form.
  • Statement of interestA statement of approximately 750 words explaining your purpose for obtaining the degree, your research and study interests, and their relation to your previous education and professional goals. Include your full name on the top of each page of the statement of interest.
  • Transcripts/degree certifications-Complete official transcripts of all previous college, university, and graduate/professional school study, including work done at Cornell. You must use LSAC’s Document Assembly and International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Services.
  • Letters of recommendation-Two letters of recommendation from faculty members acquainted with your work in the major area of study. If that work occurred more than three years ago, or if such letters are not obtainable because of circumstances beyond your control, recommendations from those familiar with your professional performance are acceptable. These should also be submitted through the LSAC’s Letter of Recommendation Service.
  • Demonstration of English proficiency-Proficiency in English is required for admission. Your level of proficiency, as demonstrated by all aspects of the application, is a significant factor in our decision-making process. If your native language is not English, you must take the TOEFL unless you have received your first degree in law from a college or university in a country where both the language of instruction and native language is English. We do not accept IELTS.
  • Application fee-Nonrefundable U.S. $80 application fee.

Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation in a signed, sealed envelope. Our committee will review complete applications only. Applications received after January 1 will be reviewed on a space-available basis.

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 New York University


LLM and E-LLM Applicants with Foreign Education Credentials:

  • December 15, 2015
    All prospective students who received their first law degree outside of the United States, whether interested in full-time or part-time study, must apply and submit all required materials by December 15 to begin studies in the Fall 2016 semester (August).

Personal Statement and Résumé
All applicants must electronically attach to the online application a brief personal statement of no more than 500 words. Applicants may describe their professional interests and goals, or they may use the statement to describe aspects of themselves and/or their work that are not apparent from their other application materials. Applicants should include their reasons and qualifications for applying to a particular program or specialization.

All applicants must also electronically attach a résumé or curriculum vitae to their application. This document may be one to two pages in length, and should account for all education and work experience, as well as any period of more than three months not spent in school or employed. Publications, presentations, or other career-related information may also be indicated.

Any additional information an applicant would like to share with the Committee on Graduate Admissions that is not already present in the other application materials may be electronically attached as an addendum to the online application.

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Georgetown Univ.

Georgetown Law School LL.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

◆LL.M. and Certificate Application Deadlines for Foreign-Trained Attorneys

  • Friday, November 13, 2015: Fall 2016 LL.M. and Certificate Early Action Application Deadline
  • Applications completed by the Early Action deadline will receive a decision by Friday, December 18, 2015. To apply Early Action, foreign-educated applicants must complete their LL.M. applications with all required documentation by Friday, November 13, 2015.
  • Friday, February 12, 2016: Fall 2016 LL.M. and Certificate Regular Action Application Deadline
  • The Committee endeavors to issue decisions within 6-10 weeks of the date the application is completed.