カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Stanford

Stanford GSB MBA Information Session in Tokyo (7月7日)

Stanford GSB MBA Information Sessionが7月7日に都内にて開催されます。
MBA Information Session in Tokyo (stanford.edu)

日程:Friday, July 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM Tokyo Standard Time
Nishimura & Asahi
Otemon Tower, 1-1-2 Otemachi
Tokyo 100-8124

Get an overview of the Stanford MBA Program by an admissions officer, and then hear the inside perspective from local alumni. You will also learn about the admission process, and have plenty of time to get your questions answered. After you register, we will send you some information to review prior to the event.

2023-24年出願要項:Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford GSBの出願要項が発表されました。
Deadlines for Applying to the MBA Program | Stanford Graduate School of Business

  • 1st Round: 2023/9/23
  • 2nd Round: 2024/1/4
  • 3rd Round: 2024/4/9

Your completed application, including your letters of recommendation and application fee payment, is due at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the deadline date for the round in which you apply.

We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA admissions office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.

【2023年入学用】Stanford Graduate School of Business : Essay Questions

Stanford GBS のエッセイ課題が発表されました。
Essays | Stanford Graduate School of Business

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.


Both essays combined may not exceed 1,050 words. We recommend up to 650 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B. We often find effective essays that are written in fewer words.

Optional Short Answer Question | Stanford Graduate School of Business

In the Essays section of the application, we ask you to tell us about who you are and how you think Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. If you would like to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully, you are welcome to share up to three examples (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example)

What do we mean by “optional”? We truly mean you have the opportunity to choose. If you feel that you’ve already described your contributions well in other areas of the application, congratulations, you’re done! If not, feel free to use this opportunity to tell us more.

Question: Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others?

Executive Assessment (EA) Scoreで出願可能な Full-time MBAプログラム (8月30日現在)

数年前、ColumbiaとNew York Univ.がExecutive Assessment (以下 EA)スコアを受け付けると発表した当初は、EAという名前を耳にする受験生がほぼ全員と言っても過言ではありませんでした。しかし、今日においては状況も変わり、EA対策を受験スケジュールにどう組み入れるか?といったポイントも必要に応じて考えていかなけれなりません。

以下はGMACのEA関連サイトになりますが、EAスコアで受験できるFull-time MBAプログラムは増えております。


・Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business
・Columbia Business School
・Duke University Fuqua School of Business
・Fordham University Gabelli School of Business
・Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
・London Business School, Masters in Leadership and Strategy (Mid-Career Program)
・MIT Sloan School of Management, Sloan Fellows Program (Mid-Career Program)
・New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business
・Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business
・Stanford Graduate School of Business, MSx Program (Mid-Career Program)
・University of Rochester Simon Business School
・The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business
・University of Virginia Darden School of Business
・Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management


【イベント案内】Women for MBA 2021 (7/3)

3日(日)にはWomen for MBA 2021イベントが開催されます。

What is an MBA?

There are many questions that come to mind when you start thinking about an MBA as one of your future life options.

・Why is an MBA good for your career, especially for women?
・When is a good time to get an MBA?
・How is each school different?
・How do you apply?
・How do you pay for it?

At this event, you’ll hear candid stories and experiences from recent MBA graduates (Stanford GSB and Harvard Business School), as well as perspectives from successful female Japanese business leaders.

We will also create space for participants to ask questions in an open and safe environment.

We look forward to seeing you there!







Stanford GSB Online Event:Your Journey: Getting Started 5/25 (火)

Stanford Graduate School of Businessのイベントが下記日程で開催されます。
GSB Online Event Registration (tfaforms.com)

開始時間:4:00 pm(現地時間)
終了時間:4:55 pm (同上)
日本時間では8:00 am

Every journey has a beginning – how might yours unfold? In this 55-minute webinar, hear from current students and alumni about how they decided “Why an MBA? Why now?” Facilitated by an admission officer, the conversation will revolve around preparing for business school and will include an opportunity for you to ask questions. However your journey unfolds, it all starts with you.


【2021年入学用: 出願締め切り日&Test Options】Stanford MSx Program

Stanford MSx Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

〇 Round 1
Application due: October 15, 2021 (MSx Only)*
Stanford Two-Year MBA Programの締め切り日はSeptember 15のため”MSx Only”とウェブ上に記載されております。

〇 Round 2
Application due: January 6, 2021

〇 Round 3
Application due: March 12, 2021


2021年度入学用からExecutive Assessmentスコアを受け付けます。

Test Score Requirement

The MSx Program is now accepting the Executive Assessment (EA) exam as well as the GMAT and GRE.  The EA is administered by GMAC, so the test is similar to the GMAT exam, but it is shorter and does not have a writing component.  A current GMAT, GRE or EA test score is required for admission to the MSx Program, and we do not offer test waivers. We do not have a preferred standardized test nor do we require a minimum score.  The MBA Program does not accept the EA, so if you are submitting a joint application for the MBA and MSx Programs in Round 1 or Round 2, you will need to have a valid GMAT or GRE score.

Although similar proficiencies are evaluated, generally, the GMAT focuses more heavily on quantitative abilities, while the GRE has more emphasis on verbal skills assessment.

If you have previously taken either test and wish to use that score for your application, your score must be current as of your application round deadline. (GMAT, GRE and EA test scores are valid for five years.)

【2021年入学用締め切り日】Stanford MBA

Stanford Graduate School of Businessの締め切り日が発表されました。https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/programs/mba/admission/deadlines

Round 1
Application due: September 15, 2020
Decision released: December 10, 2021

Round 2
Application due: January 6, 2020
Decision released: April 1, 2021

Round 3
Application due: April 6
Decision released: May 2021

4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, including your letters of reference and application fee payment. We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA Admissions Office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.

【2020年9月入学用エッセイ課題】Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford GBSのエッセイ課題および作成過程に関する注意事項が発表されました。

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.


Both essays combined may not exceed 1,150 words. We recommend up to 750 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B. We often find effective essays written in far fewer words.


  • Double-spaced
  • Number all pages
  • Upload one document that includes both essays

Be sure to save a copy of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is preserved.

Optional Short-Answer Question

The two required essays shed light on who you are and how you imagine Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. In this section, we provide an optional opportunity to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully.

Please do not include your short-answer response in your essays upload; use the text boxes provided in the application.

Optional Short-Answer Question:

Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? You are welcome to share up to three examples. (Up to 1500 characters, approximately 250 words, for each example)

Editing Your Essays

Begin work on the essays early to give yourself time to reflect, write, and edit.

Feel free to ask friends or family members for feedback — especially about whether the tone and voice sound like you. Your family and friends know you better than anyone. If they think the essays do not capture who you are, what you believe, and what you aspire to do, then surely we will be unable to recognize what is distinctive about you.

Feedback vs. Coaching

There is a big difference between “feedback” and “coaching.” You cross that line when any part of the application (excluding the letters of reference) ceases to be exclusively yours in either thought or word.

Appropriate feedback occurs when others review your completed application — perhaps once or twice — and apprise you of omissions, errors, or inaccuracies that you later correct or address. After editing is complete, your thoughts, voice, and style remain intact. Inappropriate coaching occurs when you allow others to craft any part of your application for you and, as a result, your application or self-presentation is not authentic.

It is improper and a violation of the terms of this application process to have someone else write your essays. Such behavior will result in denial of your application or revocation of your admission.

【2020年9月入学用締め切り日】Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford GSBの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Round 1
Application due: September 12, 2019
Decision released: December 12, 2019

Round 2
Application due: January 9, 2020
Decision released: April 2, 2020

Round 3
Application due: April 8, 2020
Decision released: May 21, 2020

2:00 pm Pacific Time, including your letters of reference and application fee payment. We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA Admissions Office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.