カテゴリー別アーカイブ: University of Virginia (LL.M.)

【LL.M. 2018年入学用出願締め切り日】U of Virginia

Univ. of Virginiaの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Applications, including all supporting materials, must be received by February 1 (April 1 for S.J.D. applicants). Applications that are not complete on this date will be reviewed on a space-available basis at the discretion of the Graduate Committee. Applicants are notified by email when their applications are complete. If you have not received an email from us telling you that your application is complete, you should not assume it is complete. Candidates are strongly advised to apply early in the fall semester of the year prior to the one for which they seek admission. Although completed LL.M. applications are not due until Feb. 1, the Graduate Committee follows a “rolling admissions” policy and offers of admission may be made before the Feb. 1 deadline. Therefore, it is advantageous to apply early.

同行はRolling Admissionsを採用しているため、2月1日を待たずとも、出願時期が早いほど、早めの時期に出願結果を確認することが可能です。

Members of the admissions team invite some applicants to interview over the phone or via Skype. These interviews are initiated by our staff. We also sponsor student-led tours every weekday while classes are in session, and encourage applicants to reach out to the Graduate Studies Office with any questions they may have about UVA Law or the admissions process.  For more information, see Visiting the School.  We also welcome prospective students to visit the Law School, sit in on classes and meet with the director or another member of the Graduate Committee. Such visits must be arranged in advance by contacting the Graduate Studies Office.

some applicantsと明記されているため、必ずしも全員が該当するわけではありませんが、出願時のスコア次第(サブスコアのバランス配分)やバックグランドに基づいて、インタビューの招待状(Interview Invitation)がメールで届くかもしれません。その他の出願校との兼ね合いで、予めInterviewの対策をするか否かも含めて年末までの出願スケジュール(やるべきタスクの選定も含め)も確定させておきましょう。

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 University of Virginia

University of Virginia, LL.M.の出願締め切り日です。

Applications, including all supporting materials, must be received by Feb. 1. Applications that are not complete on this date will be reviewed on a space-available basis at the discretion of the Graduate Committee. Applicants are notified by email when their applications are complete. If you have not received an email from us telling you that your application is complete, you should not assume it is complete. Candidates are strongly advised to apply early in the fall semester of the year prior to the one for which they seek admission. Although completed applications are not due until Feb. 1, the Graduate Committee follows a “rolling admissions” policy and offers of admission may be made before the Feb. 1 deadline. Therefore, it is advantageous to apply early.

A personal interview is not required as part of the evaluation process. Interested persons are, however, welcome to visit the Law School, sit in on classes and meet with the director or another member of the Graduate Committee. Such visits must be arranged in advance by contacting the Graduate Studies Office. Interested candidates are also able to set up a videoconference or Skype interview.


【LL.M. Application Deadlines for Fall 2015】: Virginia

University of Virginia, LL.M.プログラムの出願締切日になります。

Applications, including all supporting materials, must be received by Feb. 1. Applications that are not complete on this date will be reviewed on a space-available basis at the discretion of the Graduate Committee. Applicants are notified by email when their applications are complete.


一見すると見過ごしてしまいますが、上記URL上の1. Application Form欄に以下の記述があります。
Applicants should carefully outline and discuss their reasons for pursuing graduate work, including a statement of future professional plans. Applicants should also describe their principal areas of academic interest, with as much specificity as possible.

future professional plansとありますので、LL.M.取得後のShort-term goalのみならず、Long-term goalの記述も忘れることなく対処していきたいですね。

Applicants who have completed their law degree more than five years ago should solicit a letter from a current or former employer in addition to one from a former teacher. The committee recognizes that a letter from a former teacher may not be practical in the case of an applicant who has been out of school for some time, in which case the second letter may be from an employer or colleague who is in a position to comment upon the candidate’s qualifications. Letters from family members, friends or people who are not well acquainted with the applicant are not helpful and should not be submitted. 友人やご家族から推薦状をもらうことはまず考え難いですが、推薦状の人選に関する相談も受けますので、念のために注意を喚起する次第です。

If a recommender is unable to write the letter of recommendation on letterhead, please ask him/her to explain why. Emailed recommendations are not accepted, except from Virginia alumni.また左記に見られるような特別措置も存在するため、この場を借りて念のために共有させていただきます。