カテゴリー別アーカイブ: LL.M.出願戦略

University of California, Berkeley LL.M. Program出願用書類の確認

・Application Checklist
See below for further details on each required item. Please do not send copies of any materials uploaded to the online application or sent to LSAC.

• Application form—submit online via LSAC by December 18, 2023

• Official academic records—the issuing institution(s) should send directly to LSAC
★ここでのAcademic Recordsとは、i) 大学, ii) 法科大学院, iii) 大学院(法科大学院以外)、iv) 司法研修所、v) 交換留学先
ii)からv)の成績表(academic records)は該当者のみが提出します。これらの書類は出願先の学校へ直接送付するのではなく、LSACへ送付します(一部の学校を除きます)。LSACには世界各国のアプリカントからこうした書類が送付されるため、我々が予想するより処理に時間を要します。書類の到着から審査中といった時々の状況はLSACサイト上の各アプリカントの専用のサイトから確認できるものの、書類到着から1週間、10日が経過しても一向に審査終了(Completed)の表示が出てこない状況に不安を覚える方々も少なくありません。こうした状況に陥らないためにも、時間には余裕をもって各教育機関に成績表の送付を手配してください。

• Two letters of recommendation—recommenders should send directly to LSAC
1) アプリカントがLSAC画面で推薦者の氏名と連絡先を登録する。
2) LSACから推薦者の連絡先に通知メールが配信される。
3) 2)のメールに推薦者専用の画面を立ち上げる(設定する)手順が記されていますので、そのインストラクションに従ってください。
4) 3)の専用画面より推薦状をアップロードする。

Letters of Recommendation (LLM & Other Law Programs) | The Law School Admission Council (lsac.org)

TOEFL/IELTS score—request that the score report be sent to LSAC OR request an English Language Requirement Waiver

Personal Statement—upload to online application
★The Personal Statement can describe your legal interests, the particular area of study you intend to undertake as a law student, the reasons you wish to study at Berkeley Law, and your professional plans or goals following completion of your degree. Since the admissions committee does not grant interviews, you may also use the statement to describe aspects of
yourself that are not apparent from your other application materials. The Personal Statement should be written without assistance from others, including generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard, etc.), and should be limited to three pages of double-spaced text. There are no other format requirements. The Personal Statement must be uploaded to the Attachments section of the online-application.
★ LL.M.用のパーソナルステートメントには、行間やフォントのサイズなど指定を受けるケースもありますので、各校の出願要項を確認してください。

Curriculum vitae (c.v.) or résumé—upload to online application
The Curriculum Vitae should provide a synopsis of your educational and academic background and skills. This summary should include professional experience, research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, and affiliations.
There are no format requirements. The Curriculum Vitae must be uploaded to the Attachments section of the online application.
★ C.V. / Resumeの長さは1-2ページを目安に作成していきましょう。

• $80USD application fee—pay by credit card while submitting online application

【2023年入学用:LL.M. Application Deadline】: UCLA

UCLA LL.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。
The application for admission to the 2023-2024 LL.M. Program will be available online in September. The deadline to apply is February 1.


そして、同校への出願に際しては(多くのスクールと同様に)Law School Admissions Council (通称 LSAC)の願書システムを使用します。このシステムの使用法に関しても、情報を収集していきましょう、まずは、LSACシステム登録作業(名前、メールアドレス、パスワード)を済ませ、システム使用サイトへアクセスできます。実際に手を動かし、自身の眼で確認しておくことをお勧めします。

■ LSACの願書システムに関するサイトです。
Welcome to LLM & Other Law Programs | Law School Admission Council (lsac.org)

USNews Ranking:2023 Best Law Schools

先月29日にUSNews Ranking : 2023 Best Law Schools版が以下の通り発表されました。

こちらはJ.D. Programに関するランキングではありますが、LL.M.アプリカントの方々にとっても、”T-14″の順位は気になるところではないでしょうか。

1. Yale University

2. Stanford University

3. University of Chicago

4. Columbia University

4. Harvard University

6. University of Pennsylvania

7. New York University

8. University of Virginia

9. University of California, Berkeley

10. University of Michigan

11. Duke University

12. Cornell University

13. Northwestern University

14. Georgetown University

LL.M.出願に際しては、原則としてTOEFL/IELTSスコア (IELTSスコアを受け付けないプログラムも有りますのでご注意ください)に加え、レジュメ、パーソナルステートメント、推薦状、成績表の組み合わせです(一部のLL.M.プログラムではパーソナルステートメント以外の書類を求めるケースがあります)。特に米国LL.M.プログラムへ出願する場合、TOEFLを受験するケースが多く伺えます。TOEFLは英語力を判定するテストのため、大学、法科大学院、司法研修所の成績を補完する材料とはならないものの、スコアはLL..M.受験プロセスにおいて重要な役割を担うといっても過言ではありません。数多く受験する戦略も一つの方法ですが、入念な対策準備のもと、受験時期を定めて集中的に受験するパターンで準備を進めるケースも見られます。

【2021年入学用出願締め切り日】Duke University, LL.M. Program

Duke University, LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Applicants to Duke Law’s LLM program may begin submitting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year on September 1, 2020. The application deadline for the LLM program is January 20, 2021.

Our preferred method for submitting application materials for the LLM or SJD program is electronically via LSAC (Law School Admission Council). Please visit the LSAC website for account access or to create a new account. Complete application instructions are available on the electronic application for the Duke Law LLM program.

You may also submit your application materials in hard copy form directly to the International Admissions office (address below). Please note that you must omit the box number from our mailing address if you plan to send application materials via courier (DHL, FedEx, etc.).  Please note that we do not accept application materials subimitted electronically via e-mail.


Please submit a resume with your application. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment.

Personal Statement

You are required to submit a 2-5 page personal statement. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment. The personal statement should include your professional and educational experience, special areas of interest, previous overseas experience, and any other information that supports your application. Please let us know if there is a special reason for applying to Duke Law School such as family members who are alumni or who are living in North Carolina, or a spouse or significant other with admission to a nearby school or who is also applying to the LLM program.

Recommendation Letters

A minimum of two letters of recommendation should be submitted on behalf of the LLM applicant. Such letters should not be from relatives or close family friends. The letters should explain the relationship of the writer to the applicant. At least one letter should be from a faculty member well acquainted with the applicant’s academic ability.

If applying electronically, LSAC offers an LOR service for letters of recommendations.  Please follow the instructions on the LSAC site.

If application materials are being submitted in hard copy format directly to the International Studies office, recommendation letter forms must be included and are available for download at our site. Your signature on the recommendation form indicates you have waived your right to the material contained in the recommendation letter and should be included with all letters submitted on your behalf.  Referees may also submit recommendation letters directly to the International Studies office. We prefer recommendation letters in hard copy format but will accept electronic letters if a referee is unable to submit the letters prior to the application deadline.

■ 同校への出願に際しては、i) LSAC, ii) Duke LL.M.のオリジナル出願フォームのいずれかを選択することが可能です。アプリカントの方にとって対応しやすい方法をご選択ください(LSACのシステムを通じた出願書類の提出が義務付けられてはおりません)。

Academic Transcripts

Transcripts for all previously attended academic institutions must be submitted. Applicants can either utilize the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) with LSAC or have them sent to the International Admissions office directly from the academic institution. Purchase of the Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service offered by LSAC is optional. Transcripts may also be submitted directly by the applicant with their application materials. Please note that if you are not utilizing the Credential Assembly Service all transcripts must include an English translation, containing the seal or signature of a professional translator, and an explanation of the grading system.

■先述のRecommendation Formの箇所でも記しましたが、同校への出願には LSAC経由もしくはDuke University, Law Schoolへ出願書類を提出することが可能です。

TOEFL Score Report

Register for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) at least two months before the examination is given. Because it may take more than one month for score results to reach Duke, it is advisable to take the test as soon as possible. TOEFL scores must be less than two years old to be considered valid. Candidates who are native English speakers or who have received degrees of at least three years in length from a university where English was the medium of instruction and where English is an official language of the country, may be exempt from this requirement. All other applicants must submit test scores in order to complete the admissions process. Duke’s TOEFL institution code is 5156 and its department code is 03. TOEFL score results for students utilizing the LSAC Credential Assembly Service will automatically be included in the report. Students admitted to graduate study normally have scores of at least 100 on the Internet-based test (iBT).


Application Review

Admission to Duke’s graduate law programs is highly competitive and depends to a great extent on the demonstration of outstanding performance in previous law studies. Also of special significance are the applicant’s professional experience, areas of special interest and expertise, professional and personal goals, strong letters of recommendation, and English proficiency. The Law School benefits from a student body that represents a broad range of experiences and interests. It is often helpful to indicate reasons for interest in an LLM degree in general and Duke Law School in particular, especially as they relate to an applicant’s specific experience. The application review process generally begins in December, and decisions are made throughout the following months.

【2021年入学用出願締め切り日】New York University, LL.M. Program

New York University, LL.M. Application Deadlineが発表されました。

  • Fall 2021 Entry: December 21, 2020

Prospective students who received their legal education outside of the United States must apply by the above deadlines. The application for Fall 2021 entry will become available by August 2020.

In order to be considered for admission, the Committee requires that applicants who take the TOEFL iBT achieve a minimum total score of at least 100, a minimum score of 26 on the reading and listening subsections, and a minimum score of 22 on the writing and speaking subsections. For applicants who take the IELTS, the Committee requires a minimum overall band score of at least a 7, a minimum score of 7.5 on the reading and listening subsections, and a minimum score of 7 on the writing and speaking subsections. For both exams, JSD applicants must present scores substantially higher than the minimum.

★今シーズンより、入学審査でIELTS Scoreを用いられることになりました。TOEFLスコアが90点半ばで伸び悩んでいる受験生の方々は、一度これまでのテスト対策プロセスと現状スコアを精査し、必要に応じてIELTS受験を検討されてはいかがでしょうか。

Applicants should request that the Educational Testing Service issue an official score report of their results from the TOEFL iBT directly to LSAC (institution code: 8395). For IELTS, applicants must contact the test center directly and request that their test scores be sent to LSAC electronically (an institution code is not required).

Under no circumstances may an applicant submit a score report directly to LSAC or to NYU Law; only official reports issued by the testing agencies are acceptable. Photocopies or examinee copies are not permitted, and will not expedite the review of an application.

〇 Personal Statement / Resume

All applicants must electronically attach to the online application a brief personal statement of no more than 500 words. Applicants may describe their professional interests and goals, or they may use the statement to describe aspects of themselves and/or their work that are not apparent from their other application materials. Applicants should include their reasons and qualifications for applying to a particular program or specialization.

★字数は1wordでも超過してはいけませんので、コンテンツは500 wordsで纏めます。多くの伝えたいことを限られた字数でまとめるライティング力も審査の対象となります。

All applicants must also electronically attach a résumé or curriculum vitae to their application. This document may be one to two pages in length, and should account for all education and work experience, as well as any period of more than three months not spent in school or employed. Publications, presentations, or other career-related information may also be included.

Given the large number of applications that we receive each year, the Committee on Graduate Admissions is unable to read or consider writing samples, articles, or research papers that are not required by the program. Instead, publications, academic presentations and the like may be noted on an applicant’s résumé or curriculum vitae for consideration by the Committee. 

★原則としてResumeはEDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONの3項目に分類して構成いたします。その一方で出版や講義実績を豊富にお持ちの場合、別途項目を追加することで自らの資質や能力を多角的にアピールいたします

Any additional information an applicant would like to share with the Committee on Graduate Admissions that is not already present in the other application materials may be electronically attached as an addendum to the online application.

★上述の”the online application”はLSACの画面からNew York Universityの辿り着くことができるため、まだ対応されていない方はLSACのアカウントを取得してください。


【2021 LL.M. Application Deadline】Harvard Law School

Harvard Law Schoolが2021年入学用の出願情報を発表しました。https://hls.harvard.edu/dept/graduate-program/llm-application-deadlines-and-materials/

The application for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2021 will open in September 2020. The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2021 is December 1, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

Application Materials

  • Online application form
  • CV/Résumé
  • Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
  • Transcript(s) (including diplomas for all degrees that have been received)
  • Recommendations (at least two)
  • Official TOEFL report (if applicable; please note that we do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports)*
  • Financial Aid application (if applicable)
  • Application fee of US$85**

注):MyBestスコアの取り扱いは各ロースクールによって異なります。出願要綱に関するサイトで確認できない場合は、Admissions Officeにお問い合わせください。

The LL.M. Class of 2019-20のProfileは以下のリンクよりご確認いただけます。

  • 182 students, 98% of them are international
  • 82% have 2 or more years of practice or teaching/advanced studies experience
  • 20% hold advanced degrees
  • 61 countries / jurisdictions represented from Argentina to Zimbabwe
  • 22 Fulbright Scholars
  • 16 Supreme or Constitutional Court clerks
  • 18 full or part-time law teachers
  • 8 judges and 7 current or former prosecutors

English Proficiency Examination

  1. For the internet-based test (iBT), we require a total score of at least 100, with at least 25 in each of the four subsections.
  2. We do not accept IELTS scores in place of TOEFL scores.
  3. We do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports.


MyBestスコアに加え、IELTS Scoreを受け付けるLL.M.プログラムはMinimum Scoreが関連サイトに掲載されますのでその都度ご確認ください。

Personal Statement
The Personal Statement is an essential component of your application. It provides an opportunity for you to present your ideas and demonstrate your writing ability to the Committee on Graduate Studies. Please limit your statement to no more than 1,500 words —anything exceeding this limit will be disregarded. Please note that footnotes do not count towards the overall word limit as long as they are limited to providing sources and citations


Your Personal Statement should address both of the following questions specifically, with Part (A) constituting at least half of the total length:

(A) Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.

(B) Please tell us something about yourself — in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future.Please follow the instructions on the Personal Statement page of the online application to upload your Personal Statement. Note that your Personal Statement must be uploaded and submitted with the rest of your application. We will not accept any Personal Statement sent to us separately from the online application.

【2020年入学用 LL.M.出願締め切り日】University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge, LL.M. Programの締め切り日が発表されました。

The deadline for receipt of LLM applications for the 2020 entry course is 4 December 2019 at 12:00pm (midday) UK time. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. All applications must be submitted to the University’s Graduate Admissions Office, not to the Faculty of Law. GAO is the central University office handling graduate applications for all Cambridge Faculties and Departments. Please refer to the GAO’s website for details of how to apply: http://www.graduate.study.cam.ac.uk/applying

Please be aware that all LLM applicants who are required to take an IELTS or TOEFL language test must submit their test results at the time of application, for the LLM programme. The deadline for applying for the 2020-2021 programme is 4 December 2019. Please see the section of this website about language requirements under the ‘Admissions Criteria‘ heading for full details of the specific language requirement for the LLM.

Required ability level

Where a compliant IELTS or TOEFL language test certificate is required before an application will be considered, the minimum levels of ability which must be demonstrated are as follows:

1. IELTS: At least 7.5 overall with at least 7.0 in each of the individual sections of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

2. TOEFL: At least 110 overall with at least 25 in each of the individual sections of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Please note that candidates must meet the minimum requirements in all elements of the language test in the same sitting; it is not possible to combine results from multiple tests in order to meet the language requirement.

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program

Harvard Law School (HLS) LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2020 is December 1, 2019, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

数多くのアメリカLL.M.プログラムがLaw School Admissions Council (LSAC)の出願代行サービスの理由を義務づける中、同校は独自の出願方式(HLS専用の願書フォームの使用)を実施してきました(LSAC経由で出願できるものの、推薦状はLSAC経由で提出できない**といった多少手間暇がかかります)。自分の手や周囲の推薦者の手を煩わせないためにも、HLSへ出願する際は同校の願書フォーマット(推薦状フォームも含む)を使用して出願することをお勧めします。

**Please note that we do not accept letters of recommendation submitted through LSAC.

We strongly recommend that you have your transcripts/diplomas and TOEFL score to LSAC no later than the beginning of October to ensure we receive your LSAC report by the December 1 deadline.

また、上記では12/1と締め切り日を設定していますが、昨年用のApplication Form内では以下の記述が見られました。
Your application and all supporting documents must be received by the Harvard Law School Graduate Program office no later than 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern time on December 1 (and preferably by November 15).
11/15と12/1ではわずか2週間程度の違いですが、”preferably”という表現を用いてるだけに実質上のEarly Admissions Deadlineの役割を果たしていました。現時点では2020年入学用の締め切りは12/1で11月に関する記述内容は見当たりませんが、9月の時点で2020年出願用の願書を改めて一読する際はDecember 1 (and preferably November 15)の記述があるか否かを確認しましょう。


【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用エッセイ課題】: Duke University

Duke, LL.M.の出願書類関連情報を確認していきたいと思います。


Please submit a resume with your application. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment.

Personal Statement

You are required to submit a 2-5 page personal statement. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment. The personal statement should include your professional and educational experience, special areas of interest, previous overseas experience, and any other information that supports your application. Please let us know if there is a special reason for applying to Duke Law School such as family members who are alumni or who are living in North Carolina, or a spouse or significant other with admission to a nearby school or who is also applying to the LLM program.

>>>最長5ページと記されていますが、2から3ページの長さで書き纏めることができる内容を無理やり長くする必要はありません。Duke LL.M.用のPersonal Statementにどういったコンテンツを使うのか?、そしてそのためにも早めに自己分析作業等に着手していきましょう。

Recommendation Letters

A minimum of two letters of recommendation should be submitted on behalf of the LLM applicant. Such letters should not be from relatives or close family friends. The letters should explain the relationship of the writer to the applicant. At least one letter should be from a faculty member well acquainted with the applicant’s academic ability.

If applying electronically, LSAC offers an LOR service for letters of recommendations.  Please follow the instructions on the LSAC site.

If application materials are being submitted in hard copy format directly to the International Studies office, recommendation letter forms must be included and are available for download at our site. Your signature on the recommendation form indicates you have waived your right to the material contained in the recommendation letter and should be included with all letters submitted on your behalf.  Referees may also submit recommendation letters directly to the International Studies office. We prefer recommendation letters in hard copy format but will accept electronic letters if a referee is unable to submit the letters prior to the application deadline.

ご存知のように推薦状の提出方法は、①LSAC経由、もしくは②各スクール独自のフォーマット(各校のHPよりダウンロードします)となります。しかしながら、②の提出方法は一部のスクール(例:Harvard, Michiganなど)に限られますのでご注意ください。

【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用出願締め切り日】: Duke University

Duke University, LL.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Applicants to Duke Law’s LLM, SJD and exchange programs may begin submitting applications for the 2019-2020 academic year on September 1, 2018. The application deadline for the LLM program is January 20, 2019.

Although the application deadline is January 20 for the LLM program and March 20 for the SJD program, candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis beginning in January. A rolling basis means that applications are considered until the class is full. Admission to the LLM and SJD program is for fall semester only.

他校のアドミッション方式でも、Dukeと同様に上記”A rolling basis”が採用されるケースもあります。こうした情報は出願戦略を考えていく上で参考にしてください。

Our preferred method for submitting application materials is electronically via LSAC (Law School Admission Council). Please visit the LSAC website for account access or to create a new account. Complete application instructions are available on the electronic application for the Duke Law LLM program.

You may also submit your application materials directly to our office. The application checklist allows you to investigate the options available for both application types. Please note that you must omit the box number from the address if you plan to send application materials via courier (DHL, FedEx, etc.) to the International Admissions office.  Please note that we do not accept applications materials submitted via e-mail.