カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Essay Counselor

【2023年入学用】University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School Essay Questions

Wharton Schoolのエッセイ課題も発表されました。


The Admissions Committee wants to get to know you on both a professional and personal level. We encourage you to be introspective, candid and succinct. Most importantly, we suggest you be yourself. For additional essay writing resources, see the essay tips article!

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Essay 2: Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

Required Essay for all Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (500 words)

Please note:

  • First-time MBA applicants and re-applicants are required to complete essays 1 and 2.

3 Tips for Writing Your MBA Admissions Essay – MBA Program (upenn.edu)

1. Write Out Everything Before You Worry About Word Count

“What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the Wharton MBA?” is a lofty question. The Admission Committee is asking you to bridge the last 4-10 years of your life to the goals of your next 30 years, on paper, in under 500 words.

You’re probably thinking, “How can I possibly convey everything important about me and my career choices in only 500 words?!” The answer is, you can’t. But, you can edit it down to show the highlights.

2. Connect the “Three Career Dots”

What have you done to date, what unique things do you already know, and what do you have still to learn? How can Wharton help you and how can you help the Wharton community? How does that all connect to your goals post-MBA?

I was an engineer who discovered a passion for connecting with consumers and meeting their needs. I’m Hispanic and have a passion for bringing the importance and potential impact of minority groups to the forefront. Although I had good analytical skills, I didn’t know anything about marketing or strategy, and it just so happens that Wharton has the best marketing faculty in the world.

For me, the Marketing and Operations major played to my strengths and developed my weaknesses. And since I feel strongly that good communication makes for great leaders, I wanted a program that taught me how to be a better speaker and developed my soft skills as much as my quantitative ones. Wharton would not only help me learn how to connect with consumers, it would develop me into a strong brand manager who could lead multi-national businesses.

Keep in mind that you are writing your essay for Wharton, not just any MBA program. It is pretty easy to tell if you spent a little time looking into why the school is the right fit, how you can leverage its resources, and how it will transform you as a business leader. Wharton is unique and your essay should reflect that.

3. Be Yourself

The Admissions Committee is looking to understand more about you and your unique personality and how that can ultimately contribute to the Wharton community. We are a student-driven campus and need each and every MBA to bring something to the table. Tell them how you, specifically, will make an impact.

This tip is important for editing as well. Incorporate feedback up until the point that you feel like it diminishes your voice. Don’t let revisions scrub your personality out of your writing. This isn’t an admissions essay, it’s your admissions essay.

Now you’re officially out of excuses. And almost out of time. We can’t wait to hear from you!

MBA Interview Workshop in Tokyo on January 19, 2020

Interview preparation is a very, very important part of the MBA application process. Please join Adam Markus and John Couke for a highly interactive 3-hour workshop that will kick off your interview preparation.

Proactive Interview Preparation:

In the first part of the workshop, we will describe and practice (in groups and with instructors) a method of interview preparation that many applicants have used to gain admission to the world’s top MBA programs.

Our objective is that you become better at preparing for MBA interviews, by focusing on your own stories and key points and practicing those, rather than working from a script. At its core, proactive interview preparation is based on thinking about your message, no matter what the question. You don’t know what you will be asked, but you do know your message. Being ready for the unexpected is thus incorporated into the very method itself because you don’t focus on preparing for answering specific questions, but rather for knowing things you want to discuss about yourself.

For more about proactive interview preparation, see http://www.adammarkus.com/mba-application-interview-strategy-4/. 

Active Listening:

We will then focus on enhancing your ability to listen and engage with others during an interview. While it is important to know what you want to say, it is equally important to focus on having a conversation during an interview. Based on our experience, interviewees don’t always actively listen enough. Sometimes they just focus on speaking and speaking too much at once. By focusing as much as on what the other person is saying as on what you want to say, you can better connect with an interviewer, which is critical for making a positive impression. For some kinds of interviews, such as Wharton’s Group Interview, active listening is critical because you have to engage with other members of your interview group.


  1. General Introduction: what is being assessed
  2. Active Listening Group Exercises
  3. Strengths and weaknesses
  4. Story-telling
  5. Why MBA and why now
  6. Wrap-up (key messages and Q&A)
  • Instructors: Adam Markus, Graduate Admissions Guru and John Couke, MBA Admissions Consultant
  • Date & Time: Sunday, January 19th, 2020 from 13:30-16:30
  • Location:  C-Work Hanzomon (details: https://cwork-cck.jp/access/)
  • Cost: 27,500 yen (including tax) paid in advance by bank transfer
  • Payment:Prepayment is due by January 16th, 2019, after this cash (29,900 yen including tax) will be accepted at the door
  • Seating Capacity: 30 people

To make a reservation and arrange for payment, please email biz.adammarkus@gmail.com

Recording: We encourage you to audio record the workshop. To protect your personal information please do not reveal anything about yourself that you would be uncomfortable having recorded by others. Therefore, changing the name of your company, clients, etc. is highly advised during participatory parts of the workshop.

MBA Interview Workshop held in Tokyo during January 2019

Affinity英語学院は2019年1月14日(祝・月)にAdam Markus氏、John Couke氏と共にMBA Interview Workshopを開催いたします。


MBA Interview Workshopの詳細につきましては、下記をご一読ください。
Interview preparation is a very, very important part of the MBA application process. We’re happy to announce that we will be co-hosting an interactive MBA Interview Workshop with our colleague Adam Markus and John Couke during the month of January.

Proactive Interview Preparation:
In the first part of the workshop, we will describe and practice (in groups and with instructors) a method of interview preparation that many applicants have used to gain admission to the world’s top MBA programs.

Our objective is that you become better at preparing for MBA interviews, by focusing on your own stories and key points and practicing those, rather than working from a script. At its core, proactive interview preparation is based on thinking about your message, no matter what the question. You don’t know what you will be asked, but you do know your message. Being ready for the unexpected is thus incorporated into the very method itself because you don’t focus on preparing for answering specific questions, but rather for knowing things you want to discuss about yourself.
For more about proactive interview preparation, see http://www.adammarkus.com/mba-application-interview-strategy-4/

Active Listening:
We will then focus on enhancing your ability to listen and engage with others during an interview. While it is important to know what you want to say, it is equally important to focus on having a conversation during an interview. Based on our experience, interviewees don’t always actively listen enough. Sometimes they just focus on speaking and speaking too much at once. By focusing as much as on what the other person is saying as on what you want to say, you can better connect with an interviewer, which is critical for making a positive impression. For some kinds of interviews, such as Wharton’s Group Interview, active listening is critical because you have to engage with other members of your interview group.

1. General Introduction: what is being assessed
2. Active Listening Group Exercises
3. Strategies – Small Talk: looking comfortable, connecting
4. Strategies – self-introduction
5. Non-verbal communication
6. Practice
7. Why MBA now
8. Strengths and weaknesses
9. Story-telling
10. Wrap-up (key messages and Q&A)

Recording: We encourage you to audio record the workshop. To protect your personal information please do not reveal anything about yourself that you would be uncomfortable having recorded by others. Therefore, changing the name of your company, clients, etc. is highly advised during participatory parts of the workshop.


Adam Markus(Graduate Admissions Guru)
John Couke(MBA Admissions Consultant)
Tetsuya Iijima(CEO of Affinity English Academy)



会場:エッサム神田2号館 (東京都千代田区神田鍛冶町 3-2-2)

お申込み:Email: info@affinity-english.com

【Adam Markus & Affinity英語学院共催: 8/11 (土)】MBA ESSAY QUESTION ANALYSIS: ANALYZE, ANSWER, GET IN!


そうした状況も踏まえ、来月8月11日 (土)にAdam Markus氏とMBA出願対策セミナー(MBA Essay Question Analysis) を共催することになりました。Adamとは、ザ・プリンストン・レビュー・オブ・ジャパン(現:アゴス・ジャパン)でGraduate Admissions Consultingの仕事を共に開始して以来の付き合いとなります。2007年の独立後も、Adamは数多くのアプリカントをトップビジネススクール合格へと導いてきました。そして近年においては、日本人のみならず世界各国のアプリカントに対して卓越した指導力と経験を発揮しております。




The objective of this presentation is to help you better understand MBA Admission Essay Questions in order to write effective essays and gain admission.   While examples will be drawn from the M7+INSEAD+LBS, the objective of this presentation is that you learn how to effectively analyze the essay questions for any school.

Part 1: What is an Essay Question?  Isn’t an essay question just one the school defines as an essay?  Well, actually no. This might seem like a strange conclusion but given that some applications include video essays and very extensive application form content, the answer is less obvious.  For our purposes an essay will be considered any application component except the resume, which is prepared by the applicant, and requires an interpretive and not just fact-based answer. Such an inclusive definition is useful when things like video essays and extended application form content are used instead of and/or in addition to essays.

Part 2: Primary Types of Essay Questions. In this section we will look at the types of essay questions using actual examples. Types covered will include goals, accomplishment, failure, leadership, personality, and contribution. The objective will be for you to understand how to identify and address a range of questions.

Part 3: The Essay Set. In this section we will see how an entire set of questions connects together to understand that that an essay component never is isolated but always part of a bigger whole.  We will compare two different essay sets. The objective will be for you to understand how to build a complete portrait of yourself that is focused on what each school is looking for.

Part 4: Trends in Essay Questions for 2018-2019. In this section we will look at the current trends. In particular we will look at video essays and shorter essay sets. The objective will be for you to know how to handle these trends effectively.

Part 5: Questions. I want to leave plenty of time for questions, so please be ready to ask questions related to the above, your individual concerns, or essay questions that I will not have covered.

受講料 16,000円(税込、教材費込)  :入学金は不要です。

担当 Adam Markus (Graduate Admissions Consultant)

日程 2018年8月11日(土・祝)16:00-18:00


会場 Affinity英語学院




【告知協力】江戸義塾 Kickoff Seminar開催 2/25 (日)

Ed Lee氏(Ed義塾代表)が主催するKick-off Sminarが以下の日時にて開催されます。
Edogijuku Kickoff Seminar

・Day: Sunday, Feb 25th
・Time: 1400-1600
・Place: Edogijuku Office
東京都港区南青山一丁目2番6号 ラティス青山スクエア2F#15
From Aoyama 1 Chome Station Exit 3 about 2 minutes
From Nogizaka Station it is about 10 minutes +/-
Tully’s Coffee is on the 1st floor of the building


1400-1500 *Edogijuku Introduction *Keys to the MBA application process

1500-1600 Guest Speakers (Stanford, LBS, CBS, Chicago, etc.)
*Highlights about their MBA application experiences
