月別アーカイブ: 2018年7月

【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用出願締め切り日】: Georgetown University

Georgetown LL.M. Programの締切日が発表されました。

例年通り、11月の初旬にEarly Application Roundを設定しています。

  1. 志望度
  2. ランキング
  3. 難易度
  4. エッセイの課題内容と字数
  5. 現状のテストスコア
  6. 推薦状の準備状況


以下、Gerogetown LL.M.サイトからの抜粋です。

Because of the large number of applications we receive and our rolling admissions system, it is to your advantage to complete your application as early as possible in the application cycle. Please note that applications will not be reviewed until all required documentation has been received.

If you are applying for a Certificate alongside a full LL.M. degree program, please refer to the LL.M. dates and deadlines.

Note: the application deadlines listed below are for the Fall 2019 admission cycle. However, we are still accepting applications for Fall 2018 at this time.

Friday, November 9, 2018 (Early Action)**

Early Action Deadline for Foreign-Trained Attorneys
*Applications completed by this deadline will receive a decision by Monday, December 17, 2018.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Regular Action Deadline for Foreign-Trained Attorneys
*Decisions are typically rendered within 6-10 weeks after your application is completed.

What is Early Action**?

Early Action applications are reviewed first in our rolling admissions process and receive early notification.

If you are admitted to an LL.M. program under Early Action, this is not binding. You will have the same deadline as Regular Action admitted students to decide whether or not you will attend Georgetown.

【告知協力】8/12 (日)MBA Admissions One-to-One (IESE)

IESE Business Schoolでは、8月、下記の通り東京にてアプリカントの皆様向けに各種イベントを実施します。下記ページより詳細をご確認の上、ふるってご参加ください(予告なく参加在校生・卒業生に変更の可能性があります)。

MBA Admissions One-to-One

IESE Class of 2016の卒業生でもあるAdmissions Officerが、プログラム、学校生活、キャリア機会、アドミッションプロセス等、幅広く個別の疑問にお応えします(30分、日本語可。参加登録直後、自動返信されるメールよりスロット予約)。 遠方よりオンライン形式希望の方は登録時、その旨記載ください。

日時: 8/12 (日) 10:30-17:30、8/18 (土) 10:30-17:30

場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ IESE東京オフィス



明日からは8月を迎えますが、2nd Round出願へ向け、GMAT/GREを初めて受験する方々も多いのではないでしょうか。この時期は、出願校の選択、出願時期、キャンパス訪問、エッセイや推薦状を中心とする書類作成の手順などに関する相談を承らせていただいております。










1) 学生時代の活動と実績

2) 課外活動(趣味等の経験も含む)

3) 職業実績



【告知協力】8/5 (日)MBA Coffee Chat with Students (IESE)

IESE Business Schoolでは、8月、下記の通り東京にてアプリカントの皆様向けに各種イベントを実施します。下記ページより詳細をご確認の上、ふるってご参加ください(予告なく参加在校生・卒業生に変更の可能性があります)。

MBA Coffee Chat with Students


日時: 8/5 (日) 16:00-17:30


注記: 夏季休暇で一時帰国中の在校生(Class of 2019)5名により開催されます(性別、名前、前職(社費生は現職)、社費/私費)。

  1. 女性、君島 梨央、Google Japan、私費
  2. 女性、植草 梨花、Ernst&Young ShinNihon LLC、私費
  3. 男性、渡辺 悠人、ISID Business Consulting, Ltd、私費
  4. 男性、高橋 貴哲、KPMG FAS Co.,Ltd.、私費
  5. 男性、原澤 雅宏、Suntoryfoods Ltd.、社費

【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government

Harvard Kennedy Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

The application deadline for fall 2019 admission is Monday, December 3, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Please visit this page in September 2018 to access our application.

There is one application deadline each year for fall enrollment only—we do not offer spring admission.



【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Columbia University, School of International Public Affairs (SIPA)

Columbia University, SIPAの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Masters of International Affair
Masters of Public Administration
Masters of Public Administration-Development Practice

FALL 2019
Early Action Deadline: November 1, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. EST
Fellowship Consideration Deadline: January 5, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. EST
Final Application Deadline: February 5, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. EST


もちろん、Early Action Deadlineで出願することは理想ですが、たとえ間に合わなかったとしても、2019年1月5日に出願書類を提出できるよう準備計画を進めていきましょう。

The 2019 application cycle will open in August. All applicants are required to submit a completed application through our online Application Portal. While there is no separate deadline for international applicants, each degree program has its own application deadlines and requirements so review the information below carefully prior to applying.

と述べらているように、来月にもSIPAのapplication formがオープンとなります。

【2019年9月入学用エッセイ課題】Dartmouth (Tuck)

Tuck Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Required Essays

1.Tuck students are aware of how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are and what you will contribute. (500 words)

同校に対するリサーチ活動を通じて、自分が同校が提供する教育環境へフィットする理由を考えいきましょう。現地の学生と自分がどう関わるかというイメージを作りのためにも、在校生やここ数年間に卒業した方々を中心に、色々と体験談や当時の経験が現在の仕事にどう役立っているか等伺っていきましょう。各卒業生の体験談を伺う中で、自分の考えや価値観と合致していると思われる点などを書き纏め、その理由を分析してはいかがでしょうか。またその一方で、今エッセイ課題への回答としては、過去の体験談も使用することで、Tuck Communityへ貢献する自らの将来像を伝えていきましょう。

2. Tuck students are nice, and invest generously in one another’s success.  Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (500 words)

こうした課題を出題する背景には、同校がチームワークを重視する校風を尊重する姿勢が伺われます。そうした個々の姿勢は、互いがそれぞれの違いを尊重し、支援しあう中で育まれていくことが想像できます。他校のエッセイ課題と異なるタイプですが、 それゆえ、出願者と学校とのフィット感を見極めるためにも(この課題は)重要な役割を担うと思います。




Short-Answer Questions

  1. Share your short-term goals. (50 words)
  2. Share your long-term goals. (50 words)
  3. How did you arrive at these goals? (75 words)
  4. How will Tuck help you achieve these goals? (75 words)


このキャリアゴール型エッセイは主に、1) 職業実績(スキルや専門知識)、2) 海外のビジネススクールでMBAを取得しようと思ったのか、)短期目標 4) 長期目標  5) Tuck Schoolへの進学理由の項目から構成されます。

【2019年9月入学用エッセイ課題】North Carolina (Kenan Flagler)

Kenan Flagler Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Question 1:  Required  (500 words)
Please respond to the questions below that will assist us in learning more about you:.

  • Tell us what your immediate career goals are and how you will benefit personally and professionally from earning an MBA at Kenan-Flagler Business School.
  • As the business world continues to evolve, circumstances can change and guide you in a different direction. Should your goals that you provided above not transpire, what other opportunities would you explore?

Question 2:  Required (250 words)
The UNC Kenan-Flagler community lives by its core values: excellence, leadership, integrity, community and teamwork.

  • Pick a core value that resonates most deeply with you.
  • Identify the most challenging situation that you have encountered and how you responded while upholding that core value.

Question 3:  Optional (300 words)
Is there any additional information not presented elsewhere in your application that you would like the admissions committee to consider? Optional areas to address include:

  • If you have not had coursework in the core business subjects (calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting), how will you prepare yourself?
  • Inconsistent academics, gaps in work, or low standardized test scores
  • Choice of recommenders

【2019年9月入学用エッセイ課題】Emory (Goizueta)

Emory, Goizueta Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Essay One

Define your short-term post-MBA career goals. How are your professional strengths, past experience and personal attributes aligned with these goals? (300 word limit)

Essay Two

The business school is named for Roberto C. Goizueta, former Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, who led the organization for 16 years, extending its global reach, quadrupling consumption, building brand responsibility, and creating unprecedented shareholder wealth. Mr. Goizueta’s core values guide us in educating Principled Leaders for Global Enterprise.

Provide an example of your leadership – professional or personal – and explain what you learned about yourself through the experience. (300 word limit)

Essay Three

Complete one of the following statements. (250 word limit)

  • I am passionate about…
  • The best piece of advice I’ve received is…
  • The best day of my life was…
  • A personal goal I want to accomplish is…

Essay Four

Share with the committee and your future classmates a fun or noteworthy fact about you. (25 word limit)

Optional Essay

If you have additional information or feel there are extenuating circumstances which you would like to share with the MBA Admissions Committee (i.e. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance issues or areas of weakness in application). Please limit your response to 250 words.

【2019年9月入学用エッセイ課題】Texas (McCombs)

McCombs Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Essay One

We will learn a lot about your professional background through your resume and letter of recommendation. We want to get to know you further. Please introduce yourself using an essays of 250 words, OR a video introduction of one minute.

Essay Two

Picture yourself at graduation. Describe how you spent your two years as a Texas MBA student, and how that experience helped to prepare you for the post-MBA world. (500 words)

Optional Statement

Please provide any additional information you believe is important and/or address any areas of concern that will be beneficial to the Admissions Committee in considering your application (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance, or extenuating personal circumstances). (250 words)

上記エッセイ課題に対するTipsは同校のAdmissions Blogに掲載されています。

We will learn a lot about your professional background through your resume and letter ofrecommendation. We want to get to know you further. Please introduce yourself.
An essay of 250 words, OR  a video introduction of one minute

Our Advice:

You may be wondering, “How do I introduce myself in only 250 words or through a one minute clip?” Don’t worry– you’re not alone. Many applicants struggle with how to package their entire experience into a short essay.

First, this prompt is purposely open-ended. It grants you the freedom to introduce yourself in a way that is authentically you. When you first meet someone, what’s your elevator pitch? Give us a well-rounded mix of information, so that we better understand who you are in a more complete sense, and not only in one facet of your life. Think about what makes you tick.

But don’t forget about the first sentence of the prompt: “We will learn a lot about your professional background through your resume and letter of recommendation.” This is meant to remind you that the admissions committee will already know a lot about your background through other parts of the application. While your professional life is important, this essay is your opportunity to share who you are outside of the bullet points on your resume.

Finally, the choice is yours: written essay or video. We have seen significant success on both platforms and do not prefer one over the other. Therefore, play to your strengths! If your skill is in writing, focus on the essay. If you want to create a video and rely on your voice and video editing skills, then we are excited to see it. However, if you do submit a video, keep in mind that sending us a photo slideshow isn’t advisable. These clips do not grant the admissions committee the chance to actually see or hear you, and that is really what we are looking for, and what makes these videos so great. Have fun with either submission, and do not take this essay for granted— it can go a long way in setting the stage for your MBA application.

Picture yourself at graduation. Describe how you spent your two years as a Texas McCombs MBA, and how that experience helped to prepare you for the post-MBA world.
500 words

Our Advice:

This prompt allows you to explain to the admissions committee why you’re applying to Texas McCombs. By describing how you plan to spend your two years as an MBA, we will understand your career plan, learn what you’re passionate about, and find out how you want to develop yourself both in and out of the classroom.

Once again, keep in mind that by the time we read your essays, we have already seen your resume, scores and other basic elements of your MBA application. We have also already reviewed your short and long term goals. Essay two is meant to explain to us how you believe McCombs will help get you there. What classes, organizations, and experiential opportunities specifically relate to your career plan?  Connect the dots for us. Personally, how do you envision yourself becoming an active contributor in our community? Texas MBA students are dynamic and engaged, and we are looking for applicants who are not only driven to succeed, but to make a positive impact on society.

Pause to think about how you would want to reflect on your two years while walking across the stage at graduation. Give us specifics. If you’ve read our website, attended events, and/or spoken to our admissions team, you know there is a lot to look forward to: challenging classes, concentrations, organizations, student/alumni networking, award-winning professors, unique career-oriented opportunities, a vibrant city, new graduate business school, and the list goes on. Illustrate what attributes of the program you plan to take full advantage of, and how that fits into your post-MBA self. In addition, how do you plan to give back while you are a student?  What will be your lasting legacy? Convince us that you are indispensable to our community.

Please provide any additional information you believe is important and/or address any areas of concern that will be beneficial to the Admissions Committee in considering your application (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance, or extenuating personal circumstances).
250 words

Our Advice:

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Honestly, the most important piece of advice we can give you regarding this final prompt is to remember that the optional statement is just that– optional. Only applicants who feel that some piece of their profile deserves more explanation should submit an optional statement. This section of the application is not to be used to tell us more about your extracurricular activities, or to expand upon your personal introduction. While we love to see how excited you are to share more info with us, there are other ways to let the admissions committee know about additional projects or passions. The bottom of your resume or your interview are likely better forums for this. Optional statements should focus on filling gaps or answering questions we are likely to have about you.