月別アーカイブ: 2017年10月

【告知協力】:IESE Coffee Chat & MBA Counseling Day

IESE Business Schoolでは、11月、下記の通り東京にてアプリカントの皆様向けに各種イベントを実施しますので、ふるってご参加ください。詳細は下記ページをご確認ください。

  1. MBA Coffee Chat
    IESE Class of 2016の卒業生でもあるAdmissions Officerとアプリカント最大5名の間で各60分のカジュアルチャットです。Admissions Officerによる10分超程度の学校紹介の後、プログラム、学校生活、キャリア機会、アドミッションプロセス等、幅広くディスカッションします(60分、日本語可、参加登録後自動返信されるメールより2つのうちいずれかのスロット予約、増席不可)。

    日時: 11/2 (木) 18:30-19:30, 20:00-21:00
    場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ IESE東京オフィス
    注記: 1st round出願済の方は対象外です。

  1. MBA Counseling Day
    前述のAdmissions Officerが、プログラム、学校生活、キャリア機会、アドミッションプロセス等、幅広く個別の疑問にお応えします(30分、日本語可、参加登録後自動返信されるメールよりスロット予約)。
    日時: 11/5 (日) 10:30-18:30, 11/12 (日) 10:30-18:30
    場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ IESE東京オフィス
    注記: 1st round出願済の方は対象外です。


【告知協力】Chicago Booth 在校生主催Live Chat 開催のご案内 (11/14開催)

Booth School在校生の皆様よりご案内いただきましたLive Chatイベントです。

Chicago Booth 在校生主催Live Chat 開催のご案内 (11/14開催)

MBA 受験生の皆様へ

日時: 2017 年 11月 14 日(火)23時~24時(日本時間)

場所: シカゴから オンラインで開催いたします。

申込: 下記 URL よりお申し込み下さい。


こんにちは。 University of Chicago, Booth School of Business の日本人在校生一同です。お忙しい日々をお過ごしのことと思います。

このたび、 2017年 11 月 14 日 (火曜)の午後 11 時 (日本時間)から、 Live Chat 形式にてInfo sessionを開催致します。日本人在校生(6名)が参加予定です。日本国外で出願準備中の皆さんもご参加いただけます(時差にご注意ください)。

Boothでの学び、学校生活の様子、シカゴでの暮らしなどなど、在校生ならではの最新情報をざっくばらんにお伝えします。出願を考えられている方向けに、エッセー・インタビューなど出願関連の Tips をお届けできればと考えております。

リラックスした雰囲気で Chicago Boothの魅力をお伝えしつつ、 「出願に役立つ」Web セミナーにしたいと思っておりますので、どうぞお気軽にお申込み下さい。


※当日在校生から学校についてのプレゼンをし、その後にChat Boxで質問を受付し時間の許す限りその場で回答、を予定しております。皆様側のマイクはミュートとなる点ご了承ください。


Booth 日本語ブログ(https://www.chicago-booth.jp/student/blog/)

Chicago Booth Web Site (https://www.chicagobooth.edu/programs/full-time)


【告知協力】学校説明会&留学体験談 10/29 (日):UC Irvine The Paul Merage School of Business

UC Irving MBAプログラムの学校説明会(10/29 午後6時開始予定)をご案内します。
ご予約手続きは、以下のAGOS Japan様のリンクよりお願い致します。

毎年多くの日本人アプリカントが出願するUC Irvine MBAの学校説明会を開催します。入学審査官が直接、当校の魅力についてお話するとともに、Class of 2017を含む卒業生が何でも相談に応じます。

Merage SchoolのフルタイムMBAは、急速に変化するデジタル社会におけるビジネス・リーダーの育成を目的としています。具体的には、1学年約100名の少人数制、教授による一人一人へのきめ細かい指導、最新設備を備えた新築の校舎、近隣の様々な企業との協業、IT分野を中心とした特徴的な選択科目の設定を特色としています。また、大学が運営するThe Coveというインキュベーション施設には、大学発スタートアップや地域のVC、アクセラレーター等が集積し、セミナーや交流会、ビジネスコンペ等が頻繁に開催されています。

【Irvine / Orange Countyについて】
Irvineはロサンゼルスとサンディエゴのほぼ中間に位置し、両都市とも車で1時間程の便利な新興住宅都市です。全米で最も治安が良く、毎年住みたい地域上位に選出されています。また、Orange County内にはディズニーランド、超高級住宅地のニューポートビーチ、全米最大級の屋内ショッピングセンター等があり、住環境は抜群です。こうした利便性から、IT、ヘルスケア、バイオ、製造業、エネルギー、アパレル、飲食、食品等の多数の企業がUC Irvine周辺に集積しています。

The Paul Merage School of Business 公式HP  https://merage.uci.edu/index.html
UCI MBA日本人在校生HP https://sites.google.com/site/ucipaulmerage/home

【告知協力】London Business School学校説明会 10/23 (月)

London Business School学校説明会が今月23日(月)に開催されます。

日程:Monday 23 Oct 2017
場所:Hilton Tokyo / 6 Chome-6-2 Nishishinjuku / Shinjuku / Tokyo / 160-0023


Join us to find out more about our masters programmes and the London Business School experience. The event will start with a presentation on the programmes and a Q&A session with alumni, followed by a networking reception for a further opportunity to ask questions.


Peter Johnson (Senior Admissions Manager, MIF),
Mary Ferreira (Recruitment and Admissions Manager, MBA)

APSIA: Graduate School Fair, Tokyo (2017年11月7日)

Association of Professional School of International Affairs (通称APSIA)主催のリクルーティングイベントが11月7日(火)に都内で開催されます。毎年(都内で)実施されているイベントではなく、不定期に開催されています。2018年留学希望者はもちろんのこと、今後留学を考えている方々も足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか。

APSIA fairs can help you take the next step in your career!

  • Meet admissions officers from APSIA member schools
  • Discuss admissions requirements, curricula, financial aid packages, joint degree programs, and career opportunities
  • Collect application information


  • Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
  • George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs
  • Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
  • Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government
  • IE University School of International Relations
  • Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
  • National University of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
  • Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of International Relations
  • Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs
  • Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm School of Econ
  • Syracuse University The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
  • Tufts University The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
  • University of California, San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy
  • University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Studies
  • University of Southern California Master of Public Diplomacy
  • University of St. Gallen Master of Arts in International Affairs and Governance

Tips for Success:

  • Bring business cards if you have them. You can provide these instead of filling out information request cards.
  • Make sure you have a bag to carry the materials you collect from the exhibitors.



LL.M. Application Process:U of Chicagoの出願要綱サイトより

9月からレジュメの作成へ着手する出願者も目立ち始め、今月からはEssay (Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose)を書き始める方々も増えてくるものと思われます。

そうした中、下記U of Chicago LL.M Programの出願要綱サイトには出願プロセスが丁寧に述べられています。同校への出願者でなくとも、LSAC経由で出願する方々は目を通しておかれてはいかがでしょうか?


Please supply the information requested in the Basic Information Form for LLM Students and submit it electronically before you submit your application materials. Although all of the information requested is also supplied by you on the Application for Admission, submitting this information to us electronically before you apply will enable the Admissions Office to expedite the processing of your application materials once they are available.

When you submit the Basic Information Form for LLM Students you will receive an acknowledgement statement which will contain a BIF code. This BIF code must be entered in response to one of the questions on the Application for Admission.


Candidates applying for admission to the LLM Program must use the LSAC LLM Credential Assembly Service. Chicago requires both the Document Assembly Service (DAS) and the International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service (ITAES). Applicants must submit all the required materials through LSAC: application for admission with the supporting documents described below, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation (at least two and no more than four), TOEFL or IELTS scores, and the $85 application fee. We do not waive the application fee. If your answers to any of the questions on the Application for Admission require further explanation, or if there is other information not called for that you think may assist the Graduate Studies Committee in considering your application, you are encouraged to add this additional information to your personal statement.

Please submit with the Application for Admission the following supporting documents:

  • A description – in the form of a resume, curriculum vitae, or similar document – of your academic and professional background. In this document, please describe as fully as necessary the significance of any honors or distinctions so that the Graduate Studies Committee may compare your academic performance with others. It may be helpful to look at the sample resume PDF posted on our Web page before preparing this document.
  • A brief personal statement (one to three pages) describing the academic interests you wish to pursue at Chicago and your career plans following completion of our program. There is no particular format (font, word size, margin) for the personal statement. You should use your own judgment in selecting a format that you would find comfortable to read yourself.


Financial aid application. Admitted applicants who wish to be considered for financial assistance from the Law School will be asked at the time of admission to supply information about their own and their family’s financial circumstances. Funds to support students in the LLM program are exceedingly limited. Grants are available only in a small portion of the total cost. Therefore, applicants requiring financial aid should make every effort to obtain assistance from their governments, families, employers, or other outside sources.


  1. Name Inconsistency. Sometimes applicants with several family names or nicknames use one name on the application and a different name on their LSAC registration. Applicants should always use the same formulation of their names on the Basic Information Form, the Application for Admission and the registration for LSAC services.  When applicants use different names it is difficult for those who process the applications to match materials and email messages submitted on behalf of one applicant. For the purposes of the application process, we ask all applicants to follow the name order convention used in most countries: first (given) name followed by last (family) name.
  2. TOEFL/IELTS test date changes. Applicants are asked on our application to indicate the date they took or plan to take the TOEFL/IELTS examination. Our policy is to make an application complete, assuming all other required documents have been submitted, when we have received the scores for the language test listed on the application. Therefore, applicants who 1) decide not to take that test,  2) decide not to have that score submitted to us, or 3) decide to take the test at a later date, should notify us so that their applications can be made complete with the appropriate language test scores. Once an application has been made complete, it is submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee for review and subsequent scores will not be added to the application after that. Applicants who wish to take subsequent TOEFL or IELTS exams after their applications have been made complete may do so, but they should wait to request reconsideration of their applications with new scores until after they have received an initial decision on the application AND have actual new scores that can be submitted to us.
  3. Online application status checker assumption. The LLM Program does not use an online application status checker, although some candidates assume we do because other schools and programs have such a system. When an application becomes available to us through LSAC, it will be acknowledged with an email message. The same thing will happen when an application becomes complete. These email messages are sent as soon as possible but applicants should understand that when application volume is particularly heavy, it may take several days or a week to acknowledge receipt of applications or completion status. Once an application is complete, there will be no further status messages until the decision email is sent in February.