Duke (Fuqua)の出願締め切り日が発表されました。
Early Action
Application due: September 12, 2018
Decision released: October 19, 2018
Round 1
Application due: October 10, 2018
Decision released: December 13, 2018
Round 2
Application due: January 3, 2019
Decision released: March 18, 2019
Round 3
Application due: March 20, 2019
Decision released: April 29, 2019
All deadlines are at 11:59 pm ET. The Early Action option is ideal for applicants who have completed their MBA research and have decided that this is the best program for them.
If your ability to enroll is dependent upon receiving merit-based scholarship assistance, you should apply during Early Action, Round 1, or Round 2.
International Applicants: you must apply during Early Action, Round 1, or Round 2 for visa processing.
同校はEarly Action プロセスを採用しておりますので、注意事項をご確認ください。
以下、Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)からの抜粋です。
What should I know about Early Action?
If you are interested in joining Fuqua and are ready for a decision, Early Action might be right for you. Before you decide, consider the following:
- The Early Action option is ideal if you have completed your MBA research and have decided that this is the best program for you.
- If you are admitted in Early Action, you need to submit a tuition deposit along with official transcript(s) by December 2018.
- If you’re admitted, you commit to a binding agreement to attend Fuqua.
- You must withdraw any applications submitted to other schools once you are offered admission from Fuqua.
- Scholarships are awarded according to the same guidelines in the Early Action round as they are offered in Rounds 1 and 2; however, due to the binding nature of the Early Action round, you are required to attend with or without a scholarship award.
- Regardless of citizenship, all Early Action applicants residing in the U.S. (except on the West Coast) are required to travel to Durham to interview during the Open Interview Period.
そして、スコアの差し替え(UPDATING YOUR TEST SCORE)に関しては以下のように説明されています。
We encourage you to submit your application with the scores you wish to use. If you would like to update your test scores, please send an email to application-processing@fuqua.duke.edu to ask to have the score updated in your application.
If your updated scores are received after your application has been reviewed, we cannot guarantee that the admissions committee will be able to review your updated score.
Q. Do I need to submit an English as a Second Language Test score?
English as a Second Language test scores are not required, but we encourage you to include valid scores that you may have available. If you are applying for the joint degree with the Nicholas School of the Environment (MBA/MEM), please note that ESL test scores are required to complete the joint application.
出願準備に関する相談を承る中で「知りませんでした」という声が意外にも多く聞こえることが、以下のTOEFL等のスコア提出が義務付けられていない点です。2018-19シーズンにおいては、Columbia UniversityもTOEFLやIELTSスコア抜きで出願可能です。出願リストににTOEFLやIELTSスコアが不要となるスクールが並び、志望度が高い場合、その時の状況によってはGRE/GMATのスコアメイキングを優先させるという戦略にて準備を進めるオプションも要検討になるかもしれません。