月別アーカイブ: 2015年1月



2) キャンパス訪問
3) テストスコアの更新対策
4) 2月以降の出願準備
5) 出願結果待ち


・テスト(TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE)の目標レンジの把握


・出願書類(Application, Essay, Resume, Letter of Recommendation)の中でPRできる自己の強み(Strength)や魅力の整理



そして、LL.M.出願者にはLSAC, Public Health出願者にはSOPHASといった専用の出願フォーム(Application Form)が存在します。それ以外に各プログラム独自の出願フォームなど、記載内容に関する相談も増えることから、年間を通じてそうしたご相談にも対応しております。




各出願先のApplicatoion Web PageにてGRE®スコアでの出願可否は確認できますが、以下ETSのURLにて確認することも可能です。



【LL.M. Application Deadlines after Feb. 2015】

今回は来月以降に出願締め切り日を設定する主なLL.M. Programを確認します。

・1日:Cornell University, University of virginia, University of Washington
・10日:Georgetown University

・1日:Fordham University, UCLA, University of Southern California
・15日:George Washington University

・15日:Boston University (American Law, IP Law, Taxation, Banking & Finance), Emory University
・30日:Vanderbilt University

出願締め切り日については、各自が出願校のApplication HP上の記載情報をご確認ください。

Vanderbilt LL.M. Information Sessisions in Japan

Vanderbilt UniversityのLL.M.プログラム説明会が東京と大阪にて実施されます。ご予約は下記案内をご一読ください。

◆Tokyo, Japan Information Session and Reception
January 29, 2015, 7:00-9:30 pm
Peninsula Hotel
1-8-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
To sign up for this event, please email: llm.program@law.vanderbilt.edu.

◆Osaka, Japan Information Session and Reception
January 30, 2015, 6:00-8:00 pm
The Ritz Carleton Hotel
2-5-25 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka
To sign up for this event, please email: llm.program@law.vanderbilt.edu



起業教育、女子学生の比率、”You can do it”に代表される校風、スクールを取り囲む周辺のビジネス環境といった同校の特徴がブレンドされた科目になっている印象がうかがえます。続きは下記のURLにてご覧ください:

About ten years ago, when a male Stanford Graduate School of Business professor first created a two-week seminar on female entrepreneurship, his goal was simple: “We thought it was really important for students to see a multitude of entrepreneurship examples,” recalls Garth Saloner, the professor.

Today, a prominent female VC teaches the course, and “Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Women” is so popular that it has a waiting list, and Stanford Business School decided to turn it into a full, quarter course, beginning in 2015, according to Saloner, now the business school’s dean.

Fern Mandelbaum, managing partner at Vista Venture Partners, became the class instructor last year after having been a guest speaker in the course for five years. She dubs the course “You Can Do It” because “that’s really what the class is all about,” she says.

Unlike many MBA classes, which focus on developing ideas, raising money, and corporate strategy, Mandelbaum’s course examines creating a diverse culture, managing emotions and expectations, building balance in your life, and handling risks.

“Many women come up with reasons why they shouldn’t do something,” she says. “Many women have self-doubt. They lack confidence, and they’re afraid to take risks and don’t believe they can create companies.”

The course includes guest lectures by CEOs and investors, most of them women. Recent speakers have included Julia Hartz, president and co-founder of Eventbrite, the event ticketing company, and Amy Pressman, president and co-founder of Medallia, a customer experience management tracking software company. Mandelbaum assigns a student the responsibility of introducing a speaker, which usually requires some research and discussion with the speaker.