月別アーカイブ: 2017年2月

Advice for the Early Career Candidate (from Chicago’s Blog)

今回は、U of Chicago, Booth SchoolのAdmissions Blog (Booth Insider)より下記の投稿記事を紹介させていただきます。


Carving out the pathway to your future career requires significant self-reflection. Sometimes you need to look back in order to go forward. Think about the building blocks of your career thus far. What are your strengths and how do they align with your interests? How can you remain open to new possibilities and opportunities that you may have never even thought about? And what might those logical next steps look like?
Some of you may be thinking about an MBA– maybe next year, or five years from now. Some of you are what we refer to as an early-career candidate; individuals who have three or fewer years of full-time work experience, including students currently pursuing an undergraduate degree. Whether you’re preparing to graduate from college, new to the workforce, or thinking about an MBA in the future, we wanted to offer some insights on how you can explore immediate growth opportunities that will set you up for future success.



時として、テスト結果を分析することなく、ひたすらテストを受け続ける受験生を目にします。受験結果(スコアレポート)を確認するたびに、頭の片隅では「どうしたそういった結果になったのか?」を考えているものの、結果を分析する作業へ十分な時間を注がないケースが目立ちます。ご存知のように、GMATはEnhanced Score Report (ESR)を取得することができますので、スコアのみならず時間配分や各セクションの出来栄えを確認するなど、次回の受験戦略へ生かしていただければと常々思います。


11 new courses of Nothwestern, Kellogg

各校では2017年度に向け、カリキュラム改訂も進んでいます。そした中、Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Managementでは新コースが発表されました。

 Human and Machine Intelligence
 (Adam Pah, Spring 2017)

Human and Machine Intelligence delves into new research findings on artificial intelligence and the applications for modern business leaders. Using sophisticated AI programs like IBM’s Deep Blue and Google’s AlphaGo, this course will develop students’ data science skills and teach them to apply “human+machine thought partnerships” to grow businesses.

“While there are many examples of machines outperforming humans at some tasks, its less clear when machines can augment human decision-making and creativity,” said Adam Pah, Clinical Assistant Professor of Management & Organizations. “We will focus on how students can leverage machine intelligence, while discussing the possibility and limitations of machine-learning to enhance their output and performance beyond a human or machine alone.”

 Launching and Leading Startups
 (Brad Morehead, Winter 2017; Carter Cast, Spring 2017)

Launching and Leading Startups examines some of the most challenging and pervasive problems faced by entrepreneurial CEOs – including evaluating markets, developing products, mitigating risk, and creating effective go-to-market strategies while leading teams and managing boards from the CEO “hot seat”.

“Our Kellogg Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative leadership team realized there was an opportunity to offer a broad survey course for innovative, entrepreneurially-minded students who want to gain exposure to entrepreneurship,” said Carter Cast, Clinical Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. “This will be a good class for students who are curious about entrepreneurship and who think they may pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor in the near future, whether through starting their own business, acquiring a business or joining an early-stage startup.”

Consumers, Culture and Leadership (Greg Carpenter, Fall 2016)

Consumers, Culture and Leadership explores how firms develop a deep understanding of customers, how leaders can create more agile, innovative organizations and how leaders can create new markets, redefine existing ones and deliver value to demanding buyers.

“Much of the thinking behind customer centricity was developed at Kellogg and remains central to our distinctive approach,” said Greg Carpenter, James Farley/Booz Allen Hamilton Professor of Marketing Strategy. “The timing seems right to offer a new course to more formally explore the rising influence of consumers, how organizations are transforming their culture to focus more on consumers, and successful leadership models for customer-centric firms.”

Business of Social Change (Megan Kashner, Winter 2017)

Business of Social Change studies a singular social issue to help students understand the causes, measurement, levers and outcomes inherent to the business of social change work. With this term’s focus on uneducated and unemployed American youths, students will hear from guest speakers including policy experts, large-scale employers of youth, impact measurement experts and experts on labor, detention and workforce development.

“We’ve added this new course to provide students with the foundational tools and approaches to follow a social or sustainability challenge from etiology to measurement to levers for change and impact,” said Megan Kashner, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Kellogg Public-Private Interface. “Students will complete this course with the skills to determine the roots of a problem and the paths to large-scale and market-driven change.”

Other new courses for the 2016-2017 academic year include:




担当受験生の支援を継続していく中で、個々の気持ちの持ちようがテストスコア等の対策準備に影響を及ぼす場面を多々目の当たりにしてきました。「合格するために何が必要ですか?」と問われこともありますが、私は以下の3つの基本要素が必要だと思います:1) 試験に対する自らの準備度合い、2) 実力、3)心理的な要素(モチベーションなど)が合致した時こそ、出願準備プロセスで訪れる決定的な局面(例:絶対にスコアアップが必要な場合)を乗り越えられると思います。まさに、「勝負力」と言っても過言ではないと思います。

【告知協力】Chicago Booth Coffee Chat 開催のご案内 (3/26)

在校生の皆様よりCoffee Chatのご案内をいただきました。

3/26(日) Chicago Booth Coffee Chat 開催のご案内
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Chicago Booth) の在校⽣・卒業⽣によるコーヒー チャットを開催します。
出願に関する経験やアドバイス、授業、課 外活動、就職活動、シカゴでの⽣活などについて、お話させて頂ければと思っております。

⽇時︓3 ⽉26 ⽇(⽇) 10:00AM〜12:00 PM
場所︓Dimensional Fund Advisors Tokyo Office 千代⽥区丸の内3‐1‐1 国際ビル Suite 808

ご参加頂ける⽅は下記リンクより事前申込 をお願いいたします。

また、在校⽣によるブログを公開していま す。情報収集にぜひご活⽤下さい。

Chicago Booth にご関⼼のある⽅は、奮ってご参加下さい!



・日程: Sunday, Mar. 12th

・時間: 1830-2030
・場所: PCM Tokia Building Marunouchi 1F http://www.cardinal-japan.com/restaurant/pcm/
・費用: 2500 yen
