Harvard Business Schoolの2023-24年出願要項が発表になりました。
Application Process – MBA – Harvard Business School (hbs.edu)
〇 Round 1:2023年9月6日
〇 Round 2 :2024年1月3日
Applications received after September 6, 2023 will be considered in Round 2. Applications received after January 3, 2024 will not be considered. Please note that each “round” represents a distinct period in which you may apply, not a succession of steps for your application. You may apply in one round only, one time in an application year.
〇 GMAT/GRE Information
- When submitting your application, you may report the unofficial GMAT or GRE score given on the day of the test for tests taken at GMAT or GRE testing centers, or your official score if you have received it. Every applicant must request that Pearson (for the GMAT) or ETS (for the GRE) send an official score report directly to HBS.
- For the 2023-2024 application cycle, we will not accept the GMAT Focus exam for Round 1 and Round 2; we will accept the GMAT Focus for 2+2 applications.
- We require you to complete the AWA portion of the exam; however, you do not need the results in order to submit your application. Note: If you took the online version of the GMAT prior to the addition of the AWA section (i.e. before May 20, 2021), we will accept those test scores without the AWA as long as they have not expired.
- We accept online versions of the GMAT or GRE. Please plan accordingly as scores from online tests may take time to be received.
★今秋以降に導入が予定されているGMAT Focus Editionのスコアは審査用に提出することはできませんのでご注意ください。
〇 Essay課題(昨シーズンと同様の内容です)
As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?
We think you know what guidance we’re going to give here. Don’t overthink, overcraft and overwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that those of us who don’t know your world can understand.
Recommendations must be completed online. The recommendation form includes the following questions, along with other types of questions:
*How do the candidate’s performance, potential, background, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples. (300 words)
*Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (250 words)