カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Schools of International Relations

Dual Degree Programs② : Major MBA Programs+Masters Degree Programs

4月20日分の投稿に続き、今回も主要なDual Degree Programを紹介したいと思います。

Duke University
MBA+Master of Environment Management

MBA+Maser of Public Policy

University of California, Berkeley
MBA+Master of Public Health

MBA+Maser of Engineering

Harvard University
MBA+Master of Public Policy
MBA+Master of Public Administration-International Development

MBA+Maser of Science in Engineering & Applied Sciences

Dual Degree Programの紹介は次回以降も続きます。

【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Columbia University, School of International Public Affairs (SIPA)

Columbia University, SIPAの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Masters of International Affair
Masters of Public Administration
Masters of Public Administration-Development Practice

FALL 2019
Early Action Deadline: November 1, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. EST
Fellowship Consideration Deadline: January 5, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. EST
Final Application Deadline: February 5, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. EST


もちろん、Early Action Deadlineで出願することは理想ですが、たとえ間に合わなかったとしても、2019年1月5日に出願書類を提出できるよう準備計画を進めていきましょう。

The 2019 application cycle will open in August. All applicants are required to submit a completed application through our online Application Portal. While there is no separate deadline for international applicants, each degree program has its own application deadlines and requirements so review the information below carefully prior to applying.

と述べらているように、来月にもSIPAのapplication formがオープンとなります。

APSIA: Graduate School Fair, Tokyo (2017年11月7日)

Association of Professional School of International Affairs (通称APSIA)主催のリクルーティングイベントが11月7日(火)に都内で開催されます。毎年(都内で)実施されているイベントではなく、不定期に開催されています。2018年留学希望者はもちろんのこと、今後留学を考えている方々も足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか。

APSIA fairs can help you take the next step in your career!

  • Meet admissions officers from APSIA member schools
  • Discuss admissions requirements, curricula, financial aid packages, joint degree programs, and career opportunities
  • Collect application information


  • Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
  • George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs
  • Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
  • Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government
  • IE University School of International Relations
  • Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
  • National University of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
  • Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of International Relations
  • Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs
  • Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm School of Econ
  • Syracuse University The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
  • Tufts University The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
  • University of California, San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy
  • University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Studies
  • University of Southern California Master of Public Diplomacy
  • University of St. Gallen Master of Arts in International Affairs and Governance

Tips for Success:

  • Bring business cards if you have them. You can provide these instead of filling out information request cards.
  • Make sure you have a bag to carry the materials you collect from the exhibitors.



【2018年入学用出願締め切り日】Syracuse University : Public Administration & International Affairs

Syracuse University, Maxwell School (Public Administration & International Affairs)の出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Completed applications are reviewed from early January through March 1 with an application deadline of February 1. Early application is encouraged and applications received after February 1 will be reviewed only as remaining class vacancies allow.

Financial aid decisions are made separately from admissions decisions. All financial awards will be made on or around March 15. All students will receive an email notification regarding financial awards (even if no award is made) no later than April 1.

Personal Statement
This is the most critical component of the application. The personal statement should:
入学審査においてPersonal Statementの比重まではわかりませんが、重要度が高いことは認識しておきましょう。他校で使用した同書類をそのまま転用することなく、以下の内容に回答していることを必ず確認した上で提出していきましょう。

  • Address the applicant’s understanding of and interest in his or her chosen field
  • Explain the motivation behind the applicant’s desire to enter graduate study in public administration and/or international relations
    →International RelationsやPublic Administration分野でキャリアをディベロップさせていきたいと思った理由。大学院留学を考える上ではいくつかの選択肢があったかと思いますが、そうした過程をえて上記分野を選んだ理由を述べます。「学生時代からその道へ進むことを検討していた」といった抽象的な考えを述べることは回避してください。自分の意図や目的をAdmissions側と共有するためにも、Personal Statementにて用いるエピソードを選定しておきましょう。
  • Outline the applicant’s academic and professional career goals
    →Career Goals = 学位取得後の短期目標+長期目標

A professional resume is required. It should outline the applicant’s employment history, volunteerism and community service, academic honors and scholastic recognition, publications, leadership roles, professional associations joined, and other activities related to his or her career goals.  Applicants for the MA IR should highlight their international experiences and language proficiency on their resume.

1. Employment History
2. Volunteerism(学生以降)
3. Community Service (学生以降)
4. Scholastic Recognition (奨学生としての経験など)
5. Publication (学士、修士論文等も含む)
6. Leadership Roles(役職や肩書きではなく、自らが主導権を発揮して取り組んだこと)
7. Professional Association Joined(所属する学会、スターディーグループなど)

Though students should do as well on these exams as possible, an exceptionally high or low test score will never be the sole reason behind an admission decision.  While there are no cut-offs, here are the median scores for admitted students averaged over a three year period: GRE:  580/158 – V, 700/155 – Q, and 4.5 – AW; TOEFL: 105.

The Best International Relations Schools

毎年4月に発表されるUS News Rankingが世間では著名な大学院ランキングとして認知されていますが、なかなか、国際関係学分野に焦点を絞ったランキングはお目にかかったことがありません。左記の分野で数少ないランキングの代表格として、以下Foreign Policy サイトに掲載されているランキングを紹介します。

The results of the 2014 Ivory Tower survey—a collaboration between Foreign Policy and the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project at the College of William & Mary—provide an insider’s guide. Responses from 1,615 IR scholars drawn from 1,375 U.S. colleges and universities determined rankings for the leading Ph.D., terminal master’s, and undergraduate programs in IR. (The scholars were asked to list the top five institutions in each category.) The survey also quizzed respondents about recent historical events and future policy challenges: Just how plausible is a U.S. war with China, for example, and who was the most effective secretary of state over the past 50 years? (Hint: Neither Condoleezza Rice nor John Kerry.)

All told, the Ivory Tower survey offers a window into how America’s top IR scholars see the world today—and which institutions are effectively nurturing future generations of thinkers and policymakers.


Top Master’s Programs for Policy Career in International Relations
1. Georgetown University
2. Johns Hopkins University
3. Harvard University
4. Princeton University
5. Columbia University
6. Tufts University
7. George Washington University
8. American University
9. London school of Economics (LSE)
10. Stanford University
11. University of Denver
12. University of Chicago
13. University of California, San Diego
14. University of Oxford
15. Yale University
16. Syracuse University
17. University of California, Berkeley
18. University of Cambridge
19. University of Pittsburgh
20. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21. Middleburry Institute of International Studies at Monterey
21. Sciences Po-Paris
21. University of Michigan
24. Graduate Institute of International and Dev. Studies
24. New York University
24. Texas A&M University





New Dual Degree Program (Int’l law) with Fletcher School & U of St. Gallen in Switzerland

Tufts University (Fletcher School) より新デューアル―・ディグリープログラムが発表されました。

以下はFletcher Schoolのホームページより抜粋です。

International Law

The new dual-degree program with the University of St. Gallen will allow students to earn both a master of laws degree in international law (LL.M) from Fletcher and a master’s degree in international law (MIL) from St. Gallen after 18 months to two years of study, depending on course selection. The program started accepting students this fall.

St. Gallen specializes in law, business and international affairs. The executive director of Fletcher’s LL.M Program, John Burgess, has taught at both schools and helped create the new program, in which students will study at both institutions.




【2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】: Kennedy School (Harvard University)

Harvard University, Kennedy School of Governmentにて出願締め切り日が発表されました。http://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/admissions/apply


To start a Master’s degree admission application for 2016-2017 academic year consideration please click here. The application deadline is Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. EST. HKS does not offer spring admission.

A complete application includes:
•a submitted online application
•payment of the $100 application fee
essays, which vary by degree program
•a résumé or CV
•an additional analytic/quantitative résumé (depending on the degree program)
•three letters of recommendation
•official academic transcripts
•standardized test scores (GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, and/or IELTS)


2016 US News Best Graduate Schools Ranking <Public Affairs編>

US News RankingのPublic Affairs版が発表されました。学校調査を行い、各校の知名度等を把握する上でお役立てください。

Earning your M.P.A. can lead to a career in public service, both domestically and abroad. Curricula often incorporate courses in policy, economics, analysis and management. These are the top public affairs schools. Each school’s score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions.     http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-public-affairs-schools/public-affairs-rankings

#1 Syracuse University (Maxwell)
#2 Indiana University—Bloomington
#3 Harvard University (Kennedy)
#4 University of Georgia
#5 Princeton University (Wilson)
#6 New York University (Wagner)
#6 University of California—Berkeley (Goldman)
#6 University of Southern California (Price)
#9 Carnegie Mellon University (Heinz)
#9 University of Kansas
#9 University of Washington (Evans)
#12 American University
#12 George Washington University (Trachtenberg)
#12 University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ford)
#12University of Wisconsin—Madison (La Follette)
#16Arizona State University
#16 Duke University (Sanford)
#16Florida State University (Askew)
#16University at Albany—SUNY (Rockefeller)
#16University of Kentucky (Martin)
#16University of Minnesota—Twin Cities (Humphrey)
#16 University of Texas—Austin (LBJ)
#23 Georgetown University
#23 Georgia State University (Young)
#23 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—Newark
#23 University of California—Los Angeles (Luskin)
#23 University of Chicago (Harris)
#23 University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill


今月初めにTop Master’s Programs for Policy Career in International Relationsに関するランキングが発表されました。そして下記URLにアクセスいただきますと、修士課程のみならず、学士、さらには博士課程のランキングも確認することができます。

The results of the 2014 Ivory Tower survey—a collaboration between Foreign Policy and the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project at the College of William & Mary—provide an insider’s guide. Responses from 1,615 IR scholars drawn from 1,375 U.S. colleges and universities determined rankings for the leading Ph.D., terminal master’s, and undergraduate programs in IR. (The scholars were asked to list the top five institutions in each category.) The survey also quizzed respondents about recent historical events and future policy challenges: Just how plausible is a U.S. war with China, for example, and who was the most effective secretary of state over the past 50 years? (Hint: Neither Condoleezza Rice nor John Kerry.)

All told, the Ivory Tower survey offers a window into how America’s top IR scholars see the world today—and which institutions are effectively nurturing future generations of thinkers and policymakers.


Top Master’s Programs for Policy Career in International Relations
1.Georgetown University
2.Johns Hopkins University
3.Harvard University
4.Princeton University
5.Columbia University
6.Tufts University
7.George Washington University
8.American University
9.London School of Economics (LSE)
10.Stanford University
11.University of Denver
12.University of Chicago
13.University of California—San Diego
14.University of Oxford
15.Yale University
16.Syracuse University
17.University of California—Berkeley
18.University of Cambridge
19.University of Pittsburgh
20.Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21.Monterey Institute of Int’l Studies
21.Sciences Po—Paris
21.University of Michigan
24.Graduate Inst. of Int’l and Dev. Studies
24.New York University
24.Texas A&M University

Top International Affairs Graduate Programs <北米&欧州>

The Foreign Policy Associationが2年前に発表した「世界のベスト50国際関係学大学院プログラム」から、北米とヨーロッパ(英語圏)のプログラムを抜粋してみました。TOEFLが揃い、そしてGREも受験を重ね、少しずつスコアが整い、出願書類への移行にも差し掛かってくる時期ですが、肝心の出願先の選定が遅れている方々も目立ち始めるこの頃です。単なる順位が羅列されているランキングではなく、今回ご紹介させていただいたランキングのように各プログラムの概要や特徴が分かり易くまとめられているサイトは、出願校を絞り込む上で参考にしてはいかがでしょうか。

・American University School of International Service
・Boston University, Department of International Relations
・Carleton University, The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
・Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
・Cornell University, Department of Government
・Duke University, Sanford School of Public Policy
・George Washington University, The Elliot School of International Affairs
・Georgetown University,Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
・Georgia Institute of Technology, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
・Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government
・John Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies
・Kings College London, School of Social Science & Public Policy
・London School of Economics and Political Science
・Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Political Science
・McGill University, Institute for the Study of International Development
・Middlebury College,Monterey Institute of International Studies
・New York University, The Center for Global Affairs
・Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
・Stanford University, The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
・Syracuse University, The Maxwell School
・Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
・University College of London School of Public Policy
・University of California, Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy
・University of California, San Diego; School of International and Pacific Studies
・University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Relations
・University of Chicago, The Committee on International Relations
・University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Political Science
・University of Denver, Josef Korbel School of International Studies
・University of Maryland, School of Public Policy
・University of Michigan, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
・University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
・University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations
・University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
・University of Southern California, Master of Diplomacy
・University of St. Andrews, School of International Relations
・University of Texas at Austin, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
・University of Toronto, Munk School of Global Affairs
・University of Washington, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
・Yale University, The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center