
今月初めにTop Master’s Programs for Policy Career in International Relationsに関するランキングが発表されました。そして下記URLにアクセスいただきますと、修士課程のみならず、学士、さらには博士課程のランキングも確認することができます。

The results of the 2014 Ivory Tower survey—a collaboration between Foreign Policy and the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project at the College of William & Mary—provide an insider’s guide. Responses from 1,615 IR scholars drawn from 1,375 U.S. colleges and universities determined rankings for the leading Ph.D., terminal master’s, and undergraduate programs in IR. (The scholars were asked to list the top five institutions in each category.) The survey also quizzed respondents about recent historical events and future policy challenges: Just how plausible is a U.S. war with China, for example, and who was the most effective secretary of state over the past 50 years? (Hint: Neither Condoleezza Rice nor John Kerry.)

All told, the Ivory Tower survey offers a window into how America’s top IR scholars see the world today—and which institutions are effectively nurturing future generations of thinkers and policymakers.


Top Master’s Programs for Policy Career in International Relations
1.Georgetown University
2.Johns Hopkins University
3.Harvard University
4.Princeton University
5.Columbia University
6.Tufts University
7.George Washington University
8.American University
9.London School of Economics (LSE)
10.Stanford University
11.University of Denver
12.University of Chicago
13.University of California—San Diego
14.University of Oxford
15.Yale University
16.Syracuse University
17.University of California—Berkeley
18.University of Cambridge
19.University of Pittsburgh
20.Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21.Monterey Institute of Int’l Studies
21.Sciences Po—Paris
21.University of Michigan
24.Graduate Inst. of Int’l and Dev. Studies
24.New York University
24.Texas A&M University