カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 大学院留学出願戦略

ETS Japan & Affinity英語学院共催 2/7 (火):はじめてのGREⓇテスト








Affinity英語学院 学院長 飯島哲也先生
Affinity(アフィニティー)英語学院創業者&学院長、テスト対策講師、学習コンサルタント 「テスト対策講師」としてGMAT®, GRE®, TOEFL®, IELTSの指導に携わる傍ら、「学習コンサルタント」として勉強法に関するコンサルテーション、目標達成までのコーチング、メンタルトレーニング、等を実践している。

GMAT®, GRE®, TOEFL®, IELTSの試験対策指導の他、英語指導(英会話、発音、文法、読解、等)、英語学習に関するコンサルティング、MBA(ビジネススクール)出願支援、キャリアコンサルティング、などを行っている。




はじめてのGREテスト (toefl-ibt.jp)

JASSO主催 : 2022年度JASSO海外留学オンライン説明会 留学経験者セミナー第1回








13:00-13:03 JASSOからのあいさつ
13:05-14:15 3名の留学経験者によるセミナー(各20分を予定)
14:20-14:50 質疑応答
14:55-15:00 まとめ



Dual Degree Programs② : Major MBA Programs+Masters Degree Programs

4月20日分の投稿に続き、今回も主要なDual Degree Programを紹介したいと思います。

Duke University
MBA+Master of Environment Management

MBA+Maser of Public Policy

University of California, Berkeley
MBA+Master of Public Health

MBA+Maser of Engineering

Harvard University
MBA+Master of Public Policy
MBA+Master of Public Administration-International Development

MBA+Maser of Science in Engineering & Applied Sciences

Dual Degree Programの紹介は次回以降も続きます。

Dual Degree Programs① : Major MBA Programs+Masters Degree Programs

2020-21年シーズンに入り、Dual Degreeの取得に関する相談が昨年よりも多く見られます。主要なBusiness Schoolで提供されている代表的なdual degree programsを紹介していきます。

University of Chicago

  • MBA and Master of Public Policy
  • MBA and Masters Program in Computer Science
  • MBA and Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy
  • MBA and Master of Arts in International Relations
  • MBA and Master of Arts in Eastern European Russian Eurasian Studies
  • MBA and Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies
  • MBA and Masters of Arts in South Asian Studies

Columbia University

  • MBA and MS in Urban Planning
  • MBA and MS in Industrial Engineering
  • MBA and MIA (Public Affairs)
  • MBA and MPH (Public Health)
  • MBA and MA in Private School Leadership
  • https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/programs/mba/academics/dual-degrees

APSIA: Graduate School Fair, Tokyo (2017年11月7日)

Association of Professional School of International Affairs (通称APSIA)主催のリクルーティングイベントが11月7日(火)に都内で開催されます。毎年(都内で)実施されているイベントではなく、不定期に開催されています。2018年留学希望者はもちろんのこと、今後留学を考えている方々も足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか。

APSIA fairs can help you take the next step in your career!

  • Meet admissions officers from APSIA member schools
  • Discuss admissions requirements, curricula, financial aid packages, joint degree programs, and career opportunities
  • Collect application information


  • Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
  • George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs
  • Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
  • Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government
  • IE University School of International Relations
  • Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
  • National University of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
  • Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of International Relations
  • Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs
  • Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm School of Econ
  • Syracuse University The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
  • Tufts University The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
  • University of California, San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy
  • University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Studies
  • University of Southern California Master of Public Diplomacy
  • University of St. Gallen Master of Arts in International Affairs and Governance

Tips for Success:

  • Bring business cards if you have them. You can provide these instead of filling out information request cards.
  • Make sure you have a bag to carry the materials you collect from the exhibitors.



The Best International Relations Schools

毎年4月に発表されるUS News Rankingが世間では著名な大学院ランキングとして認知されていますが、なかなか、国際関係学分野に焦点を絞ったランキングはお目にかかったことがありません。左記の分野で数少ないランキングの代表格として、以下Foreign Policy サイトに掲載されているランキングを紹介します。

The results of the 2014 Ivory Tower survey—a collaboration between Foreign Policy and the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project at the College of William & Mary—provide an insider’s guide. Responses from 1,615 IR scholars drawn from 1,375 U.S. colleges and universities determined rankings for the leading Ph.D., terminal master’s, and undergraduate programs in IR. (The scholars were asked to list the top five institutions in each category.) The survey also quizzed respondents about recent historical events and future policy challenges: Just how plausible is a U.S. war with China, for example, and who was the most effective secretary of state over the past 50 years? (Hint: Neither Condoleezza Rice nor John Kerry.)

All told, the Ivory Tower survey offers a window into how America’s top IR scholars see the world today—and which institutions are effectively nurturing future generations of thinkers and policymakers.


Top Master’s Programs for Policy Career in International Relations
1. Georgetown University
2. Johns Hopkins University
3. Harvard University
4. Princeton University
5. Columbia University
6. Tufts University
7. George Washington University
8. American University
9. London school of Economics (LSE)
10. Stanford University
11. University of Denver
12. University of Chicago
13. University of California, San Diego
14. University of Oxford
15. Yale University
16. Syracuse University
17. University of California, Berkeley
18. University of Cambridge
19. University of Pittsburgh
20. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21. Middleburry Institute of International Studies at Monterey
21. Sciences Po-Paris
21. University of Michigan
24. Graduate Institute of International and Dev. Studies
24. New York University
24. Texas A&M University








担当受験生の支援を継続していく中で、個々の気持ちの持ちようがテストスコア等の対策準備に影響を及ぼす場面を多々目の当たりにしてきました。「合格するために何が必要ですか?」と問われこともありますが、私は以下の3つの基本要素が必要だと思います:1) 試験に対する自らの準備度合い、2) 実力、3)心理的な要素(モチベーションなど)が合致した時こそ、出願準備プロセスで訪れる決定的な局面(例:絶対にスコアアップが必要な場合)を乗り越えられると思います。まさに、「勝負力」と言っても過言ではないと思います。

New Dual Degree Program (Int’l law) with Fletcher School & U of St. Gallen in Switzerland

Tufts University (Fletcher School) より新デューアル―・ディグリープログラムが発表されました。

以下はFletcher Schoolのホームページより抜粋です。

International Law

The new dual-degree program with the University of St. Gallen will allow students to earn both a master of laws degree in international law (LL.M) from Fletcher and a master’s degree in international law (MIL) from St. Gallen after 18 months to two years of study, depending on course selection. The program started accepting students this fall.

St. Gallen specializes in law, business and international affairs. The executive director of Fletcher’s LL.M Program, John Burgess, has taught at both schools and helped create the new program, in which students will study at both institutions.




テストの選択:GMAT or GRE?


Carnegie Mellon Univ. 2016年秋入学要綱には両テストについて以下のように記されています。
Official GMAT Score (preferred) or GRE (accepted)

以下の記事はUS Newsのサイトから抜粋します。ご一読ください。

Test perception: Admissions experts are divided about the message an applicant sends when submitting GRE scores instead of GMAT results, or vice versa.

“If you submit a GMAT score you’re not going to be given preference,” says Jacobs. “They’re perceived equally.” This is also the policy at the Jindal school, Fowler says.

An applicant may not win points for submitting a GMAT score, but some schools may give the impression that this score is preferred. Schools often publish the average test scores for recent MBA students, but Murphy has noticed a difference in which test score averages are listed.

“Generally I see more of the GMAT score ranges published,” says Murphy, who worked in the admissions office for Kellogg while he was an MBA student and before the school began accepting GRE scores. If he were working in admissions now ​and saw someone submit a GRE score instead of the GMAT, it would make him wonder about the applicant.

“I would immediately question how focused are they on what they want to do, post graduate school,” he says.

Taking the GMAT confirms that a candidate is focused on getting an MBA,​ says JoAnne Goldberg, who works as a consultant for InGenius Prep. The company helps prospective graduate school candidates get accepted. “The GMAT is the test that shows that they’re serious about going to business school,” she says.

The GMAT is also an exam that business schools are more familiar with, experts say, making it easier for them to use the exam to gauge a candidate’s academic abilities. It’s also difficult to fairly compare a GMAT score – the more widely taken exam – with a GRE score, ​between applicants, Goldberg says.

Some believe – even though there’s no definitive proof – that the GRE is generally an easier exam, says Goldberg​, who is a former assistant director of admissions at the Stanford University business school and an MBA graduate of the school.

Quantitative skills: Both exams test graduate school applicants on how well they do with numbers, as well as their academic strength in other areas such as verbal reasoning. But the GRE may offer a leg up for prospective students who aren’t fans of math.

“The GMAT mathematics section is just more difficult,” says Jacobs. “If someone has a weakness in the quantitative section, then I recommend the GRE.”

She strongly encourages applicants to take the GMAT. But business schools usually require prospective students to also submit letters of recommendation, essays, transcripts and other materials. Goldberg wants applicants to remember that no single test score will solely determine who is admitted to business school.

It’s one factor,” she says. “Not the main factor.” ​




今回は大学院(主にはMasters of ArtsやScience等)の修士課程への出願に関するお話をさせていただきます。新年度を迎え、これまでの対策準備状況を見直す、もしくはこれから出願準備作業を開始される方々も多いと思います。


1. 大学院での専攻分野を選定する

2. 出願校の選定を行う

3. 出身大学(院)の成績表を取り寄せる
→評定平均値(Grade Point Average)を確認

4) ILETS/TOEFLに関する要求スコアを確認

5) 個別の出願スケジュールを作成

6)  合格に必要なGREスコアを把握


8. Curricula Vitae/Resumeの作成開始(7月)

9.  Personal Statement/ Statement of Purposeの作成開始(8月以降)

10. Letters of Recommendation用のコンテンツをまとめる

11. 推薦者へコンタクトし、Letter of Recommendationの執筆依頼

12. Application Formの入力作業開始


14. 推薦状の英訳作業(必要な場合)

中にはGREのSubject Testの受験対策準備や場合によって、ポートフォリオ、ライティングサンプルの提出などの書類提出が求められるプログラムも存在します。出願を予定する個々のプログラムの出願要綱を必ずご確認ください。