2020-21年シーズンに入り、Dual Degreeの取得に関する相談が昨年よりも多く見られます。主要なBusiness Schoolで提供されている代表的なdual degree programsを紹介していきます。
University of Chicago
- MBA and Master of Public Policy
- MBA and Masters Program in Computer Science
- MBA and Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy
- MBA and Master of Arts in International Relations
- MBA and Master of Arts in Eastern European Russian Eurasian Studies
- MBA and Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies
- MBA and Masters of Arts in South Asian Studies
Columbia University
- MBA and MS in Urban Planning
- MBA and MS in Industrial Engineering
- MBA and MIA (Public Affairs)
- MBA and MPH (Public Health)
- MBA and MA in Private School Leadership
- https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/programs/mba/academics/dual-degrees