カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Columbia (LL.M.)

【LL.M. Application Process】Columbia Law School

前回(4/21)の投稿に続き、Columbia Law Schoolの出願サイトを確認していきたいと思います。https://www.law.columbia.edu/admissions/llm/apply-llm-program

Holistic review. No one factor on your application is more important than another; we approach each application individually and holistically, and carefully review each component.

  • Holisticは「全体の」という意味を表します。各書類やテストスコアは入学審査においてそれぞれの役割を持ちます。たとえば、TOEFLスコアは英語力/やコミュニケーション力を入学審査官へ伝えるための効果的なツールとなるものの学力は指し示しません。そのため、テスト以外の各書類(Application Form, CV/Resume, Essay, Letter of Recommendation, Transcript)の役割を把握してください。

We do not have quotas by country or area of practice. Our process seeks candidates with the strongest credentials representing diverse backgrounds, areas of the world, and legal practice.

  • ここで述べている”the strongest credentials”を証明するため、テストスコア、各出願書類のクオリティーを高めることが求められます。

Academic strength is essential. Columbia is first and foremost an academic institution. We look for factors in your application that indicate that you will be able to keep up with the academic discourse at Columbia, including your prior academic transcripts and letters of recommendation. (This does not mean you should worry about a mistake you made during your first law degree; in fact, what you have learned from your mistakes is helpful to our process.)

  • 学力を表す書類として成績表と推薦状について言及しています。特に推薦状の内容は「構成」、「表現」、「具体性」といったチェックポイントを設けてはいかがでしょうか?さらにはLL.M.課程で活躍するに際して必要なアカデミックスキル(例:分析力や問題解決力)なども把握しておきましょう。

Work experience matters. Most LL.M. students have several years of work experience when they enroll, and we strongly encourage applicants to obtain at least one year of full-time, post-law school work experience prior to applying. Experience gives you a better sense of what you want from your LL.M. experience and enhances your ability to participate in classroom and extracurricular activities.

  • Essayでは上述箇所にあるWhat you want form your LL.M. experienceに対する自分の回答を述べます。さらにはLL.M.をColumbiaで取得したい理由も同時に考えていきましょう。

Candidates in the final year of their first law degree will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances. If you are in this category, your personal statement must demonstrate that admission to the program would enable you to realize an immediate and specific career objective you otherwise could not obtain if you waited at least one additional year.

上述箇所のimmediate and specific career objectiveを考える際には、Columbia卒業後に就く仕事、職位、役割、責務、そしてその仕事を通じて達成したいことも併せて考えましょう。

English language skills are essential. As lawyers, you are advocates first and foremost. Columbia Law School has the highest Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) minimum for a reason: We want you to engage and perform at a level commensurate with your native English speaking peers both in and out of the classroom.


【LL.M. Application Deadline】Columbia Law School

先日当ブログにて紹介しましたHarvard LL.M. Programに続き、Columbia Law Schoolでも2020-21年シーズンの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

〇 Early Review Program(早期出願用締め切り日)

Applicants for admission to our 2021-2022 LL.M. Program, except those who are in the final year of their first law degree and reapplicants who were not originally granted admission, have the option of applying through the Early Review Program. The advantage of applying early is that you will have a decision by late December. We encourage early applications from those who feel they have compiled their strongest possible application by November 1, 2020. To be considered under the Early Review Program, you must:

  1. Submit your online application by November 1, 2020;
  2. Submit your transcripts, TOEFL scores, and letters of recommendation to LSAC at least one week in advance of the November 1 deadline so that they have time to process your full Credential Assembly Service (CAS) report and forward it to us during the Early Review period; and
  3. Specify that you wish to be considered for early review by answering “yes” to the Early Review question in the “Application Deadlines” section of this application.


If you do not meet the above criteria, we will automatically defer your application for consideration as part of the regular admission cycle. If you have not taken the TOEFL by November 1, 2020, you will automatically be considered in the regular admission cycle; no exceptions will be made.


We will provide a decision for early applicants by the end of December. Applicants will be admitted, rejected, or deferred to the regular admission cycle. If you are admitted through the Early Review Program, you will not be required to withdraw your applications to other LL.M. programs. Admitted candidates will be given a deadline upon admission to confirm their intention to matriculate.

Regular Application Deadline

The Columbia online application, available through LSAC, must be submitted by December 18, 2020. All application materials for the CAS report, including supporting documents, transcripts, and letters of recommendation, must be postmarked to LSAC by December 18, 2020. Applicants who are required to submit a TOEFL score (see our Application Components page for more information) must take the test no later than December 18, 2020 in order to be considered for admission for the 2021-2022 LL.M. Program.

must take the test no later than December 18と書かれていることから、締め切り日以降にテストを受験してスコアを差し替える戦略は適用することはできません。

Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis, in most cases no later than late April. Rolling admissions means that we evaluate applications randomly; the date you submitted your application often has no bearing on when you will receive a decision. Some candidates will have a decision in early January, others in late April. (If you submit your application well before the December 18 deadline, for example, you will not necessarily have an earlier decision.) If you have not yet received a decision, it most likely means that the Committee simply has not yet reviewed your application (so you should not worry!). We strive to give every candidate a decision by the end of April.


【2020年入学用締め切り日】: Columbia University LL.M. Program

Columbia LL.M. Programの締め切り日が発表されました。

LL.M. Application Deadlines 
Early Review:
November 1, 2019

Regular Review:
December 18, 2019 

ロースクール側が求めるTOEFLの要求スコアと自身のスコアとの伸び具合等も考慮しながら出願準備を決めてください。「とりあえずEarly Review Roundに出しておく」という対方法はお勧め致しません。


1) Personal Statement:内容に加え、枚数、文字の大きさもご確認ください。
2) Resume / CV
3) Transcripts and Diplomas
4) Statement of Rank:出身大学(院)等で発行されない場合の対応方法をご確認ください。
5) Letter or Recommendation:推薦者のメールアドレスに関して注意事項欄をご確認ください。
6) TOEFL Score

Once submitted, all application materials become the property of LSAC and/or the Office of Graduate Legal Studies and as such will not be returned to you under any circumstances.

【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Columbia Law School (LL.M.)

Columbia University, LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日ならびに、要綱が発表されました。http://www.law.columbia.edu/admissions/graduate-legal-studies/llm-program/application-instructions/application-deadlines

Early Application DeadlineRegular Application Deadlineの2種類ありますので、どちらのオプションを選択するかは、現状のTOEFLスコアならびに今後の伸びシロも踏まえた上で出願戦略を考えていきましょう。


Columbia LL.M.も含め、11月に締切日設定する学校も少なからず出てくると思います。各校の締切日や出願要綱の確認作業も定期的に実施してください。

■ Early Application Deadline:
Applicants for admission to our 2019-2020 LL.M. Program, except those who are in the final year of their first law degree and reapplicants who were not granted admission, have the option of applying through the Early Review Program. The advantage of applying early is that you will most likely have a decision by late December. We encourage early applications from those who feel they have compiled their strongest possible application by November 1, 2018. To be considered under the Early Review Program, you must:

  1. Submit your online application by the early review deadline;
  2. Submit your transcripts, TOEFL scores, and letters of recommendation to LSAC one week in advance of the November 1 deadline so that they have time to process your full CAS report and forward it to us during the Early Review period; and
  3. Specify that you wish to be considered for early review by answering “yes” to the Early Review question in the “Application Deadlines” section of this application.

If you do not meet the above criteria, including taking the TOEFL test by November 1, 2018, we will automatically defer your application for consideration as part of the regular admission cycle.

We will provide a decision for early applicants by the end of December. Applicants will be admitted, rejected, or deferred to the regular admission cycle. If you are admitted through the Early Review Program, you will not be required to withdraw your applications to other LL.M. programs. Admitted candidates will be required to notify us by April 2, 2019 of their intention to matriculate.

Regular Application Deadline:
The Columbia online application, available through LSAC, and all application materials for the CAS Report, including supporting documents, transcripts, and letters of recommendation, must be postmarked to LSAC by December 18, 2018. Applicants who are required to submit a TOEFL score (see our Application Components page for more information) must take the test no later than December 19, 2018 in order to be considered for admission for the 2019-2020 LL.M. Program.

Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis, in most cases no later than late April. Rolling admissions means that we evaluate applications randomly; the date you submitted your application often has no bearing on when you will receive a decision. Some candidates will have a decision in early January, others in late April. (If you submit your application well before the December 19 deadline, for example, you will not necessarily have an earlier decision.) If you have not yet received a decision, it most likely means that the Committee simply has not yet reviewed your application (so you should not worry!). We strive to give every candidate a decision by the end of April.

【LL.M. 2018年入学用出願締め切り日】 Columbia University

Columbia LL.M.プログラムの締切日も発表されました。

Applicants for admission to our 2018-2019 LL.M. Program, except those who are in the final year of their first law degree and reapplicants who were not granted admission, have the option of applying through the Early Review Program. The advantage of applying early is that you will most likely have a decision by late December. We encourage early applications from those who feel they have compiled their strongest possible application by November 1, 2017. To be considered under the Early Review Program, you must:

Submit your online application by the early review deadline;

Submit your transcripts, TOEFL scores, and letters of recommendation to LSAC one week in advance of the November 1 deadline so that they have time to process your full CAS report and forward it to us during the Early Review period; and

Specify that you wish to be considered for early review by answering “yes” to the Early Review question in the “Application Deadlines” section of this application.

If you do not meet the above criteria, including taking the TOEFL test by November 1, 2017, we will automatically defer your application for consideration as part of the regular admission cycle.

We will provide a decision for early applicants by the end of December. Applicants will be admitted, rejected, or deferred to the regular admission cycle. If you are admitted through the Early Review Program, you will not be required to withdraw your applications to other LL.M. programs. Admitted candidates will be required to notify us by April 2, 2018 of their intention to matriculate.

Regular Application Deadline

早期出願締め切り日(11月1日)に間に合わなかったとしても、その後は12月19日までRolling Admissions形式で審査は行われます。11月2日以降でどれだけ早いタイミングで出願できるかをも考えながら、9月以降の出願プランを再確認していきましょう。

The Columbia online application, available through LSAC, and all application materials for the CAS Report, including supporting documents, transcripts, and letters of recommendation, must be postmarked to LSAC by December 19, 2017. Applicants who are required to submit a TOEFL score (see our Application Components page for more information) must take the test no later than December 19, 2017 in order to be considered for admission for the 2018-2019 LL.M. Program.

Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis, in most cases no later than late April. Rolling admissions means that we evaluate applications randomly; the date you submitted your application often has no bearing on when you will receive a decision. Some candidates will have a decision in early January, others in late April. (If you submit your application well before the December 19 deadline, for example, you will not necessarily have an earlier decision.) If you have not yet received a decision, it most likely means that the Committee simply has not yet reviewed your application (so you should not worry!). We strive to give every candidate a decision by the end of April.

【LL.M. 2017年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Columbia

本日はColumbia University Law School (LL.M.)の締切日等を共有させていただきます。

Columbiaに限らず、Early Round vs Regular Roundにて悩むところではあるものと察します。既に出願用スコアが整っている方であれば問題ありませんが、特に現状スコアが100-104のレンジにある方は、その出願タイミングにても悩まれているのではないでしょうか。テストの受験時期(と残りの回数)、出願書類(レジュメ、エッセイ、推薦状)等の準備事情も踏まえた上で、最適なタイミングで出願してください。

◆ Early Review Program

All application materials, including supporting documents and TOEFL scores, must be submitted and fully processed and considered complete by Columbia by November 1, 2016. If your application is not complete by November 1, 2016 (including your full CAS report), we will automatically defer your application for consideration as part of the regular admission cycle.

We will provide a decision for early applicants by the end of December. Applicants will be admitted, rejected, or deferred to the regular admission cycle. If you are admitted through the Early Review Program, you will not be required to withdraw your applications to other LL.M. programs.

Regular Application Deadline

The Columbia online application through LSAC must be submitted by December 15, 2016 and all supporting documents for the CAS report must be postmarked to LSAC by December 15.

Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis, in most cases no later than late April. Rolling admissions means that we evaluate applications randomly; the date you submitted your application often has no bearing on when you will receive a decision. Some candidates will have a decision in early January, others in late April. If you have not yet received a decision, it most likely means that the Committee simply has not yet reviewed your application (so you should not worry!). We strive to give every candidate an answer by the end of April.

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Columbia

Columbia Law Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。
11月3日と12月15日のいずれからより選択しますが、「早 く出願する」ことのみに意識を向けることなく、テストスコア、出願書類(Resume, Statement of Purpose, Recommendation)の仕上がり状況をも見据えた上で、自分にとって最適なタイミングにて出願しましょう。

Early Review Program
Applicants for admission to our 2016-2017 LL.M. Program, except those who are in the final year of their first law degree and reapplicants who were not granted admission, have the option of applying through the Early Review Program. The advantage of applying early is that you will most likely have a decision by late December. We encourage early applications from those who feel they have compiled their strongest possible application by November 3. To be considered under the Early Review Program, you must:

  1. Submit your online application by the early review deadline;
  2. Submit your transcripts, TOEFL scores, and letters of recommendation to LSAC a few weeks in advance of the November 3 deadline so that they have time to process your full CAS report and forward it to us by November 3; and
  3. Specify that you wish to be considered for early review by answering “yes” to the Early Review question in the “Application Deadlines” section of this application.

All application materials, including supporting documents and TOEFL scores, must be submitted and fully processed and considered complete by Columbia by November 3, 2015. If your application is not complete by November 3, 2015 (including your full CAS report), we will automatically defer your application for consideration as part of the regular admission cycle.

We will provide a decision for early applicants by the end of December. Applicants will be admitted, rejected, or deferred to the regular admission cycle. If you are admitted through the Early Review Program, you will not be required to withdraw your applications to other LL.M. programs.

Regular Application Deadline

The Columbia online application through LSAC must be submitted by December 15, 2015 and all supporting documents for the CAS report must be postmarked to LSAC by December 15.

Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis, in most cases no later than late April. Rolling admissions means that we evaluate applications randomly; the date you submitted your application often has no bearing on when you will receive a decision. Some candidates will have a decision in early January, others in late April. If you have not yet received a decision, it most likely means that the Committee simply has not yet reviewed your application (so you should not worry!). We strive to give every candidate an answer by the end of April.

学部長のインタビュー(Columbia Univ. Law School)

Columbia University, Law Schoolに着任した新学部長のインタビュー記事が掲載されています。

Among those priorities, she says, are tweaking the curriculum to help students see themselves as “global actors” and as entrepreneurs who can intentionally craft a career that, over time, spans the private and public sectors. Ms. Lester also wants to forge stronger ties between alumni and current students and maintain “people’s pride about this community.”

Students at Columbia Law School are already talented, “so the question is what do we do to make them the best version of themselves,” Ms. Lester says. “I talk to our students about taking full advantage of their three years here, to not just ask what the law is, but what the law ought to be.”

【FAQサイトの活用】:Columbia Law School編

さて前回のHarvard Law Schoolに続いて、今回はColumbia Law School (LL.M. Program)のFAQサイトを確認してみましょう。

What is the most important component of my application?
The Admissions Committee takes into consideration all components of an application when making a decision on an application, and there is not one individual aspect that is more important than the others.
TOEFLスコアさえ揃えば・・・と思い込む出願者の様子も目にしますが、ここでは入学審査に際してHolistic Approachを適用している旨が述べられています。この内容を理解し合格確率を向上させるためにも、テストも含めた各出願書類の役割内容を把握しておきましょう。

Typically, decisions are based on review of the file as a whole, considering the applicant’s academic and professional credentials, English language skills,letters of recommendation, professional experience and goals, and the personal statement.
ここで問われているEnglish language skillsを的確に書き表すためにも、職場での英語の使用頻度、英語を駆使した契約交渉の場面、関係者とのやり取り、説得したエピソードを Statement of Purposeや推薦状を通じて伝えていきましょう。また適切なエピソードを選定するためにも、自分のqualities, skillsなどアピールしたいものを事前に書きだしおくなど、入念な準備を心掛けてください。

Does applying through the Early Review Program increase my chances of admission?
The advantage of applying early is that you will have a decision by late December.  Your chances of admission are the same whether you apply early or through the regular cycle.  We encourage early applications for those who feel they have compiled their strongest possible application by November 3.
Columbiaに限らず、締め切り日を複数に渡り設定している学校への出願を考える際の参考情報としてご活用 ください。”Your chances of admission are the same whether you apply early or through the regular cycle.であることから、80%での状態で無理にEarly Roundへ出願せずとも、更なる梃入れを加えてstronget possible applicationの状態で出願へと踏み切りましょう。焦りは禁物です。

I plan to visit New York and Columbia. Can I schedule an interview or meeting with the Dean or Director of Graduate Legal Studies, or someone else in your office?
Applicants are welcome to visit the Law School and our office; we will be happy to meet you and informally answer your questions, and will give you a brochure so that you can take a self-guided tour of the Law School. Regrettably, due to the large number of applications we receive every year, we are unable to interview prospective students. For more information, including information on visiting classes, please see Visiting Columbia Law School. All information regarding our programs is also available on our website, so most of your questions should be answered herein.
少数ですがInterview (面接)試験を課すプログラムもある一方で、Columbiaのように課さないスクールが殆どです。「それでもキャンパス訪問することは、自らの書類審査の際に有利となりますか?」 とのご相談を寄せられますが、訪問した事実が自動的に加点評価されることはありませんが、学生と交流することにより知識以外で得ること、向上や伸びを感じ ること、そしてニューヨーク市で学ぶアドバンテージに対する気づきは、やがてColumbiaへの出願理由コンテンツへと形を変えることになっていくと思 います。


【LLM 2015年入学用出願締切日】 :Columbia University

Columbia University, Law SchoolよりLLMプログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

・Early Review Deadline :2014/11/3

・Regular Deadline : 2014/12/16


Personal Statement
Your Personal Statement should describe your background, academic interests, the program of study you wish to follow and your reasons for doing so. You should prepare this statement without assistance from others. The format of the statement should not exceed three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font with standard margins. We will not accept a résumé or curriculum vitae in place of the statement.

同校に限らずPersonal Statementのお題が発表された際には、それを噛み砕いて考えてみましょう。

・Academic background
・Professional background
・Professioal Career Objectives
・Columbia LLM.課程へ進学する理由

そして、Academic bacgroungの内容を考える際にも、常にProfessional backgroundとの「つながり」を結ぶようにコンテンツのまとめかたに注意を払っていきましょう。ここでの「つながり」とは、「世の中に役に立つため、」、「○○という仕事に魅力感じたため」といった具体性が伴わないコンテンツの使用は避けます。まずは大学時代にゼミを通じて学んだこと、思ったこと、感じたことなど諸々の情報をリストアップするところスタートしていきましょう。「大学時代に学んだこと」と「就職先での仕事内容」とが必ずしも一致するとは限りませんが、「繋がらないので・・・」とそのまま放置していては、いつになってもPersonal Statementは作る状態には至りません。その「繋がり」を自分の言葉で語るべく、その当時の自分が何を考え、どう思って、その行動をとったのだろうか?という観点から見つめ直してみましょう。