カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Harvard (LL.M.)

【LL.M. Application Deadline】: Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School (HLS)が2023年入学希望者向けに出願締め切り日を発表しました。

The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2023 is December 1, 2022, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.


同校の2023年入学用Application Form (願書)は今年8月頃より作業用入力ができるようになりますが、上記Formのサンプル版が下記サイトよりご確認いただけます。テスト対策が終了し、本格的な出願書類の作成準備に取り掛かりたいと考えている方々は、早めに目を通しておくことをお勧めいたします。

Application Materials: 

  • Online application form
  • CV/Résumé
  • Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
  • Transcript(s) (including diplomas for all degrees that have been received)
  • Recommendations (at least two)
  • Official TOEFL report (if applicable; please note that we do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports)*
  • Financial Aid application (if applicable)
  • Application fee of US$85**




【2021 LL.M. Application Deadline】Harvard Law School

Harvard Law Schoolが2021年入学用の出願情報を発表しました。https://hls.harvard.edu/dept/graduate-program/llm-application-deadlines-and-materials/

The application for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2021 will open in September 2020. The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2021 is December 1, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

Application Materials

  • Online application form
  • CV/Résumé
  • Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
  • Transcript(s) (including diplomas for all degrees that have been received)
  • Recommendations (at least two)
  • Official TOEFL report (if applicable; please note that we do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports)*
  • Financial Aid application (if applicable)
  • Application fee of US$85**

注):MyBestスコアの取り扱いは各ロースクールによって異なります。出願要綱に関するサイトで確認できない場合は、Admissions Officeにお問い合わせください。

The LL.M. Class of 2019-20のProfileは以下のリンクよりご確認いただけます。

  • 182 students, 98% of them are international
  • 82% have 2 or more years of practice or teaching/advanced studies experience
  • 20% hold advanced degrees
  • 61 countries / jurisdictions represented from Argentina to Zimbabwe
  • 22 Fulbright Scholars
  • 16 Supreme or Constitutional Court clerks
  • 18 full or part-time law teachers
  • 8 judges and 7 current or former prosecutors

English Proficiency Examination

  1. For the internet-based test (iBT), we require a total score of at least 100, with at least 25 in each of the four subsections.
  2. We do not accept IELTS scores in place of TOEFL scores.
  3. We do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports.


MyBestスコアに加え、IELTS Scoreを受け付けるLL.M.プログラムはMinimum Scoreが関連サイトに掲載されますのでその都度ご確認ください。

Personal Statement
The Personal Statement is an essential component of your application. It provides an opportunity for you to present your ideas and demonstrate your writing ability to the Committee on Graduate Studies. Please limit your statement to no more than 1,500 words —anything exceeding this limit will be disregarded. Please note that footnotes do not count towards the overall word limit as long as they are limited to providing sources and citations


Your Personal Statement should address both of the following questions specifically, with Part (A) constituting at least half of the total length:

(A) Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.

(B) Please tell us something about yourself — in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future.Please follow the instructions on the Personal Statement page of the online application to upload your Personal Statement. Note that your Personal Statement must be uploaded and submitted with the rest of your application. We will not accept any Personal Statement sent to us separately from the online application.

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program

Harvard Law School (HLS) LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2020 is December 1, 2019, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

数多くのアメリカLL.M.プログラムがLaw School Admissions Council (LSAC)の出願代行サービスの理由を義務づける中、同校は独自の出願方式(HLS専用の願書フォームの使用)を実施してきました(LSAC経由で出願できるものの、推薦状はLSAC経由で提出できない**といった多少手間暇がかかります)。自分の手や周囲の推薦者の手を煩わせないためにも、HLSへ出願する際は同校の願書フォーマット(推薦状フォームも含む)を使用して出願することをお勧めします。

**Please note that we do not accept letters of recommendation submitted through LSAC.

We strongly recommend that you have your transcripts/diplomas and TOEFL score to LSAC no later than the beginning of October to ensure we receive your LSAC report by the December 1 deadline.

また、上記では12/1と締め切り日を設定していますが、昨年用のApplication Form内では以下の記述が見られました。
Your application and all supporting documents must be received by the Harvard Law School Graduate Program office no later than 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern time on December 1 (and preferably by November 15).
11/15と12/1ではわずか2週間程度の違いですが、”preferably”という表現を用いてるだけに実質上のEarly Admissions Deadlineの役割を果たしていました。現時点では2020年入学用の締め切りは12/1で11月に関する記述内容は見当たりませんが、9月の時点で2020年出願用の願書を改めて一読する際はDecember 1 (and preferably November 15)の記述があるか否かを確認しましょう。


【2018-19 LL.M.出願情報】: Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School (HLS)の出願締め切り日が発表されました。

■Class Profile (Class of 2017-18)

  • 184 students, 99% of them are international
  • 76% have 2 or more years of practice or teaching/advanced studies experience
  • 26% hold advanced degrees, including 6 doctorates
  • 65 countries / jurisdictions represented from Afghanistan to Yemen
  • 16 Fulbright Scholars
  • 11 Supreme Court clerks
  • 27 full or part-time law teachers
  • 4 current or former judges


  • Online application form
  • CV/Résumé
  • Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
  • Transcript(s) (including diplomas for all degrees that have been received)
  • Recommendations (at least two)
  • Official TOEFL report (if applicable)
  • Financial Aid application (if applicable)
  • Application fee of US$85

★同校へ出願する際は、他校で使用するLSACのサイト経由で出願する必要はありません。毎年、学校オリジナルのアプリケーションフォーム(上記”出願書類”欄の”Online application form”の入力が必要となります。

For the internet-based test (iBT), we require a total score of at least 100, with at least 25 in each of the four subsections.

Q. よく受験生からは、「学校側が要求するスコア(minimum score)に達していない場合でも出願して大丈夫ですか?」という問い合わせを受けます。

A. その問い合わせに対して学校側が回答をHPに掲載しています。

A. Yes, your application will still be reviewed. However, you will be at a significant disadvantage compared to the other applicants whose TOEFL scores do meet Harvard Law School’s required minimum. Please note that you may retake the TOEFL and send updated scores after the application deadline has passed.

上記のretake the TOEFL and send update scores after the application deadline has passedの行為を受験生間では「スコアの差し替え」と呼びますが、ではこれがいつまで受け付けてもらえるか、こうした明確な回答がウェブ上に掲載されていない時には、出願者の個々の判断に拠ります。


【LL.M. 2018年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Harvard

Harvard Law School, LL.M. Degree Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。
Deadline: December 1, 2017, preferably by November 15, 2017 (for the LL.M. class beginning in Fall 2018)

The LL.M. online application is now closed and will open in early September.

◆Application Materials
1.Online application form
2. Personal Statement (Essay)
3. CV/Résumé
5.Diploma(s) (for degrees that have been granted)
6. LSAC Report (if applicable)
7.Recommendations (at least two)
8.Official TOEFL report (if applicable)
9. Financial aid application (if applicable)
10. Application fee of US$85

◆ Personal Statement (Essay)
Your Personal Statement should address both of the following questions specifically, with Part (A) constituting at least half of the total length:

(A) Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.

(B) Please tell us something about yourself — in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future.

Please follow the instructions on the Personal Statement page of the online application to upload your Personal Statement.

A high level of English language proficiency is a requirement for admission. All applicants from non-English-speaking countries who did not do their basic legal education entirely in the English language must take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) within two years prior to submitting their applications. The Harvard Law School Graduate Program requires a score of at least 100 on the Internet-based test (IBT), with at least 25 in each of the four subsections.
→ 出願の際にIELTSスコアは使用できません。
No, we do not accept IELTS scores in place of TOEFL scores.

まだこの時期はPersonal Statement (Essay)の準備どころではない。。。という出願者も多いことかと察します。LL.M.出願にあたってはGREやLSATといったテスト受験は不要ですので、まずは出願時に使用するTOEFLスコアを揃えることに注力していきましょう。

◆Programs of Study:専攻分野として捉えてみましょう。

Law and Businessに関するカリキュラム情報を確認するだけでも、上級コース、セミナー、MIT Sloan (経営学大学院)、Kennedy School of Government, HBS (Harvard Business School)とのCross-registration systemなど、盛りだくさんの内容となっています。

Law Schoolのカリキュラムのみを調べるのではなく、必要に応じてその他の専門大学院から取得できる科目の一覧等も確認してはいかがでしょうか。

【LL.M. 2017年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Harvard

Harvard Law School よりLL.M. programに関する出願締め切り日が発表されました。http://hls.harvard.edu/dept/graduate-program/llm-application-deadlines-and-materials/

The application for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2017 will open in September 2016.  The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2017 will be December 1, 2016, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.


【FAQサイトの活用】:Harvard Law School編

Statment of Purpose(Essay)やTOEFL,推薦状といった必要な出願書類の有無は確認するものの、意外にもFrequently Asked Question(FAQ)の内容を確認し忘れ、こちらからリマインドした後に(その存在を)気付かれるケースもあります。FAQはその名の通り、受験生がふと思った疑問等を解決してくれる情報が含まれておりますので、出願予定校のサイトを確認しましょう。


A. Yes, your application will still be reviewed. However, you will be at a significant disadvantage compared to the other applicants whose TOEFL scores do meet Harvard Law School’s required minimum.

Q.What happens if my TOEFL score is not available by the deadline?

A. You may submit your application without your TOEFL score, but you must state in your application when you took the exam (or when you will be taking it) so that we know when to expect your TOEFL score report. Note that you may be at a disadvantage compared to other applicants who have had their TOEFL reports sent to us on time.

Q.Can I send Harvard my most recent TOEFL score even after the deadline?

A.Yes, we will accept new TOEFL scores throughout the admissions process. You may retake the TOEFL and arrange for ETS to have your new score report sent to us as soon as it is available.

Q.Am I required to use the LL.M. Credential Assembly Service provided by LSAC?

A.No, the LL.M. Credential Assembly Service is recommended but is not required. If you use this service, you do not need to submit your transcripts, Transcript Request Form, or TOEFL scores to the Harvard Law School Graduate Program. You are still required to submit the rest of the online application to us by the application deadline.

→LLM. Credential Assemly Service (CAS)を使用する必要はありません。学校によっては、使用を義務付けているところもありますので注意してください。

Please note that we do not accept letters of recommendation submitted through LSAC.
→LSAC経由にて同校へ推薦状を提出することはできませんので、その提出方法につきましては、同校のOn-line application form上の注意事項等を把握してください。

We strongly recommend that you have your transcripts and TOEFL score to LSAC no later than the beginning of October to ensure we receive your LSAC report by the December 1 deadline.
→LSACを利用する際の注意事項が述べられています。LSACレポートに含まれるTranscript(s)の評価や、TOEFL Scoreなど必要書類を早めに準備する必要性に言及しています。皆さんもご存じの通り、11月から12月にかけては、US LL.M. Programの締め切りが毎年集中する傾向にありますので、LSACレポートに発行にも時間がかかることが予想されます。こうした内容を読み込んでいきますと、TOEFL Scoreの受験時期もおのずと決まってきますね。

Q.What are the personal statement questions?

a. Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.

b. Please tell us something about yourself—in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future.

Q.How long should the personal statement be? Do footnotes count towards the word limit?

A. Your statement must be no more than 1,500 words – anything exceeding this limit will be disallowed. Part (A), the legal essay, should constitute at least half of the total length. Footnotes do not count towards the overall word limit as long as they are limited to providing sources and citations.

Q.Who should write my recommendation letters?

A. Recommendations that are the most helpful are written by law school faculty members who know you well or by persons for whom you have worked in a professional capacity. The content of each recommendation is much more important than submitting a large number of recommendations. Recommendations from personal or family friends, no matter how eminent, are generally not helpful.

Q.Should recommendations be submitted online or on paper?

A.Recommendations may be submitted either online or on paper. You should consult with each recommender to determine which submission process he or she prefers. You do not have to use the same process for all recommendations, but please do not have the same recommender submit both an online and a paper recommendation.

Please note that we do not accept letters of recommendation submitted through LSAC

【LL.M. Application Deadlines for Fall 2016】: Harvard

2015年秋入学を目指すLL.M.出願準備も最終地点へと差し掛かってきておりますが、Harvard University, Law Schoolでは、早くも2016年秋入学(Fall 2016)年入学用の出願締め切り日を含む【出願)要綱が発表されました。

The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2016 is December 1, 2015. (We strongly encourage applicants to make sure that all application materials are submitted by November 15, 2015.)

上記にも”Strongly encourage”とあるように、11月15日の締め切り日迄に出願準備を整えるよう、常に逆算した状態にて出願準備を進めていきましょう。特に推薦状の準備は推薦者の協力を必要としますので、依頼するタイミングや(推薦者を通して)伝えたいポイント、さらには適したコンテンツの準備も早めに揃えていきましょう。各々の状況によってその時期は異なるかと思いますが、まずはTOEFLの受験時期も含め、今後の出願スケジュールを設定していきましょう。

Online application form 
→現時点ではLSAC経由の出願ではなく、同校専用のapplication formからの出願が求められています。
・Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
・Recommendations (at least two)
・Official TOEFL report (if applicable)
・Financial Aid application (if applicable)
・Application fee of US$85

◆TOEFL Score
In addition, all applicants from non-English speaking countries or who did not receive their full-time legal education entirely in the English language must take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) examination within two years prior to submitting their applications. The Graduate Program requires a minimum score of 100 on the internet-based test (with a minimum score of 25 on each subsection), or a minimum score of 600 on the paper-based test (with a minimum score of 60 on each of the three subsections and a score of at least 5.0 on the TWE). To ensure that your TOEFL score reaches the Harvard Law School Graduate Program Admissions Office, please use the following reporting code: Institution code: 3457, Department code: Graduate Law.

【2015年入学用出願締切日】 Harvard Law School (LL.M.)

Harvard LL.M. Programの出願締切日が発表されました。例年通りで12月1日となります。あとに続く()内の文章には11月15日までに出願書類の提出を勧めています。

The application for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2015 will be available in September 2014 and the application deadline will be December 1, 2014. (We strongly encourage all application materials be submitted by November 15, 2014.)



【LL.M. Program Application Deadlines for Fall 2014】: Harvard Law School (HLS)

この「海外留学への路」ブログをスタートさせて以来、主にビジネススクールの情報が中心となってきましたが、ここではようやくHarvard Law Schoolでは、2014年秋入学希望者の出願要綱を共有することができました。


同校のサイトでは、下記Application Materialsの提出を義務付けています。

  • Online application form
  • CV/Résumé
  • Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
  • Transcript(s)
  • Recommendations (at least two)
  • Official TOEFL report (if applicable)
  • Financial Aid application (if applicable)
  • Application fee of US$85

