月別アーカイブ: 2020年6月

【告知協力】:学校説明会(7/9) : Wharton School

Affinity英語学院の佐取です。本日はWharton School在校生で元Affinity受講生の方より学校説明会のご案内を頂戴しましたので共有いたします。


7月9日(木)日本時間午後9時よりWharton SchoolのAdmissions OfficeとWharton Japan Clubで共同して日本からMBA受験を考えている方々向けにZoomでInfo Sessionを開催します





Essay 1: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words)

Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

これらの課題に対して的確に回答するためにも、同校が提供する教育リソースや機会等をしっかりと把握しておきましょう。Admissions Office (入学審査事務局)との共同開催とのことから、同校への理解を深める絶好のチャンスです。ぜひ、ご参加ください!

【2021年入学用エッセイ課題】Columbia MBA


Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question:
What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:
“Work in business development for a media company.”
“Join a strategy consulting firm.”
“Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1:
Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2:
Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you? (250 words)

Essay 3:
Tell us about your favorite book, movie or song and why it resonates with you.  (250 words)

Optional Essay:
Is there any further information that you wish to provide the Admissions Committee? If so, use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)

【2021年入学用締め切り日】Columbia MBA

Columbia Business Schoolの出願用締め切り日が発表されました。

〇2021 January Entry
◆Application due: October 2, 2020

〇 2021 August Entry
◆Application due: October 2, 2020
◆Merit-based fellowship deadline: January 6, 2021
◆Final regular decision: April 9, 2021

All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline.

【2021年入学用エッセイ課題】:Stanford MSx Program

Stanford MSx Programのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Your essays help us understand what character traits have propelled you in your career and tell us how the MSx Program is integral to maximizing your impact in the world.


We require you to write two essays that answer the following prompts:

  1. What matters most to you and why?
  2. Why Stanford and why now? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them.

The admission committee can better engage with your essays if you format them appropriately. We encourage you to:

  • Submit one document with both essays
  • Include the prompt with its respective essay
  • Write concisely (total word count must not exceed 1,200 words)

Career Aspirations Short Answer Question

Please tell us about what you aspire to do in your career. How will the Stanford MSx Program, combined with your experience, education or background, help you achieve your career goals?

Qualities of Exceptional Essays

Exceptional essays are authentic: Write about what you are compelled to tell us, not what you believe the admission committee wants to hear. In addition, they:

  • Indicate self-awareness and acknowledge areas for growth opportunities
  • Express an understanding of your effect on others
  • Demonstrate how you want to maximize your impact on the world
  • Showcase your unique worldview and goals by being personal, specific, and honest
  • Detail how you see the MSx Program helping you achieve your goals and how you will leverage your year at Stanford

Additional Information Essay (Optional)

The application provides an additional opportunity for you to share any other pertinent information not otherwise captured in your application. You might use this opportunity to:

  • Describe the circumstances affecting academic or work performance
  • Explain why you are not using a current supervisor as a reference
  • Address an academic suspension or expulsion

【2021年入学用: 出願締め切り日&Test Options】Stanford MSx Program

Stanford MSx Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

〇 Round 1
Application due: October 15, 2021 (MSx Only)*
Stanford Two-Year MBA Programの締め切り日はSeptember 15のため”MSx Only”とウェブ上に記載されております。

〇 Round 2
Application due: January 6, 2021

〇 Round 3
Application due: March 12, 2021


2021年度入学用からExecutive Assessmentスコアを受け付けます。

Test Score Requirement

The MSx Program is now accepting the Executive Assessment (EA) exam as well as the GMAT and GRE.  The EA is administered by GMAC, so the test is similar to the GMAT exam, but it is shorter and does not have a writing component.  A current GMAT, GRE or EA test score is required for admission to the MSx Program, and we do not offer test waivers. We do not have a preferred standardized test nor do we require a minimum score.  The MBA Program does not accept the EA, so if you are submitting a joint application for the MBA and MSx Programs in Round 1 or Round 2, you will need to have a valid GMAT or GRE score.

Although similar proficiencies are evaluated, generally, the GMAT focuses more heavily on quantitative abilities, while the GRE has more emphasis on verbal skills assessment.

If you have previously taken either test and wish to use that score for your application, your score must be current as of your application round deadline. (GMAT, GRE and EA test scores are valid for five years.)

【2021年入学用: Test Options】Michigan Ross MBA

2021年出願の際に使用可能なテストとしてあらたにLaw School Admission Test (通称LSAT)とMedical School Admission Test (通称MCAT)が選択肢に加わります。日本人受験生の方々がLSATとMCATを使用して出願することは可能性としても極めて低いことかと思いますが、同校Admmission Directorのメッセージを引用いたします。

From Director Kwon:

“We want to be supportive of prospective students around the world at this time and we recognize that the pandemic has placed limitations on your ability to take the GMAT and GRE. Therefore, we will also accept the MCAT and LSAT in place of the GMAT or GRE this year.

We have accepted those tests for current dual-degree students at the University of Michigan and have found that their performance in the MBA program is comparable to students who took the GMAT or GRE.”

【2021年入学用エッセイ課題】:Michigan Ross MBA

Michigan RossのEssay課題が発表されました。

Short Answers (choose one from each group; 100 words each)

Group 1

  • I want people to know that I:
  • I made a difference when I:
  • I was aware that I was different when:

Group 2

  • I was out of my comfort zone when:
  • I was humbled when:
  • I was challenged when:

Note: The most interesting and insightful responses to these prompts remain when applicants share personal examples that allow us to learn more about who you are as a person, and what unique experiences and insights you would bring to the MBA class.

We’re also reducing the career goal essay from 300 words to 200. We found that the best responses to this essay were clear and succinct. The ones that were less successful tended to be less focused or focused too much on the “what” and not enough on the “why.” For the AdCom, the “why” is the most impactful and differentiating aspect of each essay to me. Here’s that prompt:

Career Goal Essay

Michigan Ross is a place where people from all backgrounds with different career goals can thrive. What is your short-term career goal and why?

【2021年入学用締め切り日】Michigan Ross MBA

Michigan Ross Schoolの2021年入学用締め切り日が発表されました。今シーズンの1st Rdは9月、そして新たにRound 4を設定した新たなアドミッションサイクルです。


〇 Round 1
Application due: September 14, 2020
Decision released: December 2, 2020

〇 Round 2
Application due: January 4, 2021
Decision released March 7, 2021

〇 Round 3
Application due: March 29, 2021
Decision released : May 5, 2021

〇 Round 4
Application due: June 1, 2021
Decision released: June 25, 2021

【2021年入学用締め切り日】Stanford MBA

Stanford Graduate School of Businessの締め切り日が発表されました。https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/programs/mba/admission/deadlines

Round 1
Application due: September 15, 2020
Decision released: December 10, 2021

Round 2
Application due: January 6, 2020
Decision released: April 1, 2021

Round 3
Application due: April 6
Decision released: May 2021

4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, including your letters of reference and application fee payment. We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA Admissions Office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.

【告知協力】IESE: Career Insider Series:Finance (6/16) & Tech (6/30)

IESE Business Schoolでは、6月、下記の通り、オンラインにて、アプリカントの皆様向けにイベントを実施します。ふるってご参加ください。

Career Insider Series:Finance

IESE Class of 2017の卒業生でもある金融業界担当のキャリアサービスメンバーが同業界の特徴、キャリアサポート等について語ります。

日時: 6/16 (火) 12:30-13:00(欧州中央時間)

場所: オンライン

登録: こちらのページ

Career Insider Series:Tech

IESE Class of 2013の卒業生でもあるテクノロジー業界担当のキャリアサービスメンバーが同業界の特徴、キャリアサポート等について語ります。

日時: 6/30 (火) 12:30-13:00(欧州中央時間)

場所: オンライン

登録: こちらのページ

*IESE Business Schoolは、スペインのバルセロナを拠点とした2年制プログラムを提供し、ジェネラルマネジメントと人格教育による「真の国際リーダー・経営者の育成」を目的に掲げており、教授法としてはケースメソッドに重きを置いています。EconomistのMBAランキングで、欧州2位、世界10位(2019年)に、Financial TimesのMBAランキングで、欧州3位、世界12位(2019年)にランクインしています。
