2021年出願の際に使用可能なテストとしてあらたにLaw School Admission Test (通称LSAT)とMedical School Admission Test (通称MCAT)が選択肢に加わります。日本人受験生の方々がLSATとMCATを使用して出願することは可能性としても極めて低いことかと思いますが、同校Admmission Directorのメッセージを引用いたします。
From Director Kwon:
“We want to be supportive of prospective students around the world at this time and we recognize that the pandemic has placed limitations on your ability to take the GMAT and GRE. Therefore, we will also accept the MCAT and LSAT in place of the GMAT or GRE this year.
We have accepted those tests for current dual-degree students at the University of Michigan and have found that their performance in the MBA program is comparable to students who took the GMAT or GRE.”