月別アーカイブ: 2019年5月

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Duke University (Fuqua School)

Duke, Fuqua Schoolの締め切り日が発表されました。

Round Application Deadline Interview Decision Sent Final Decision Release 
Early Action Sep. 19, 2019 Oct. 2, 2019 Oct. 28, 2019
Round 1 Oct. 14, 2019 Nov. 1, 2019 Dec. 18, 2019
Round 2 Jan. 6, 2020 Jan. 31, 2020 Mar. 18, 2020
Round 3 Mar. 11, 2020 Mar. 25, 2020 Apr. 20, 2020

【2020年入学用 Essay課題】:Columbia Business School

Columbia Business Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question:
What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (Maximum 50 Characters)

Examples of possible responses:
“Work in business development for a media company.”
“Join a strategy consulting firm.”
“Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay #1:
Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay #2:
Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you? (250 Words)

Essay #3:
Who is a leader you admire, and why? (250 Words)

Optional Essay:
Is there any further information that you wish to provide the Admissions Committee? If so, use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Columbia Business School

Columbia Business Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。


Early Decision/January
October 4, 2019

Merit Based Fellowship deadline
January 3, 2020

Final Regular Decision
April 10, 2020

All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline.

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】University of Chicago (Booth School)

University of Chicago, Booth Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表になりました。

1st Round:September 27, 2018
発表日:December 6, 2018

2nd Round:January 3, 2019
発表日:March 21, 2019

3rd Round:April 4, 2019
発表日:May 16, 2019



【2020年入学用 推薦状課題】:Harvard Business School


You will need to have two recommendations submitted online by the application deadlines.

Recommenders will be asked to fill out a personal qualities and skills grid and answer our two additional questions (see below).

How do the candidate’s performance, potential, background, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples. (300 words)

Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (250 words)


Use your best judgment on who you decide to ask – there is no set formula for who should be your recommenders. We know it is not always possible to have a direct supervisor write your recommendation – we would not want you to jeopardize your current position for the application process. Look at the questions we are asking recommenders to complete. Find people who know you well enough to answer them. This can be a former supervisor, a colleague, someone you collaborate on an activity outside of work. How well a person knows you should take priority over level of seniority or HBS alumni status.

【2020年入学用 Essay課題】:Harvard Business School


Our one required essay will remain the same for the upcoming year: “As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA Program?” (no word limit)


“Habit of Leadership, Analytical Aptitude and Appetite, and Engaged Community Citizenship”

■ Habit of Leadership
Leadership may be expressed in many forms, from college extracurricular activities to academic or business achievements, from personal accomplishments to community commitments. We appreciate leadership on any scale, from organizing a classroom to directing a combat squad, from running an independent business to spearheading initiatives at work. In essence, we are looking for evidence of your potential.

■ Analytical Aptitude and Appetite
Harvard Business School is a demanding, fast-paced, and highly-verbal environment. We look for individuals who enjoy lively discussion and debate. Our case and field-based methods of learning depend upon the active participation of prepared students who can assess, analyze, and act upon complex information within often-ambiguous contexts. The MBA Admissions Board will review your prior academic performance, the results of the GMAT or GRE, and, if applicable, TOEFL iBT and/or IELTS, and the nature of your work experience. There is no particular previous course of study required to apply; you must, however, demonstrate the ability to master analytical and quantitative concepts.

■ Engaged Community Citizenship
So much of our MBA experience – including the case method, section life, and student-organized events – requires the active collaboration of the entire HBS community. That’s why we look for students who exhibit the highest ethical standards and respect for others, and can make positive contributions to the MBA Program. The right candidates must be eager to share their experiences, support their colleagues, and teach as well as learn from their peers.

We want applicants who have these traits (Habit of Leadership, Analytical Aptitude & Appetite, & Engaged Community Citizenship), as well as bring a variety of skills, accomplishments and aspirations. In each class, we create a dynamic environment that mirrors the breadth and depth of our world economy. Our promise to our faculty and to every student here is to create a class of 900 students who come from as many different backgrounds and perspectives as possible.


・願書(Application Form内の記述内容)を通して伝わる自分像


Post MBAのキャリア後における”managerial potential”を備えている事実を読み取らせたいと思います。さらには、ビジネスの成功を通じてもたらす社会的なインパクトについていも考えてみましょう。

同校は過去のエッセイ課題でAccomplishmentを3つ(当時は200 words×3題)書かせた経緯もあります。英文レジュメを作る上で過去のaccomplishmentを具に分析するところから始めていきましょう。

HBS Information Session in Tokyo (2019年6月15日)

6月15日(土)にHarvard Business Schoolの説明会が都内で開催されます。

日程:Saturday, June 15, 2019
時間:10:00 AM until 01:00 PM

場所:Fukuracia Tokyo Station
Asahi Seimei Otemachi Building
Conference Room D
6th Floor
Otemachi 2-6-1, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program

Harvard Law School (HLS) LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2020 is December 1, 2019, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

数多くのアメリカLL.M.プログラムがLaw School Admissions Council (LSAC)の出願代行サービスの理由を義務づける中、同校は独自の出願方式(HLS専用の願書フォームの使用)を実施してきました(LSAC経由で出願できるものの、推薦状はLSAC経由で提出できない**といった多少手間暇がかかります)。自分の手や周囲の推薦者の手を煩わせないためにも、HLSへ出願する際は同校の願書フォーマット(推薦状フォームも含む)を使用して出願することをお勧めします。

**Please note that we do not accept letters of recommendation submitted through LSAC.

We strongly recommend that you have your transcripts/diplomas and TOEFL score to LSAC no later than the beginning of October to ensure we receive your LSAC report by the December 1 deadline.

また、上記では12/1と締め切り日を設定していますが、昨年用のApplication Form内では以下の記述が見られました。
Your application and all supporting documents must be received by the Harvard Law School Graduate Program office no later than 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern time on December 1 (and preferably by November 15).
11/15と12/1ではわずか2週間程度の違いですが、”preferably”という表現を用いてるだけに実質上のEarly Admissions Deadlineの役割を果たしていました。現時点では2020年入学用の締め切りは12/1で11月に関する記述内容は見当たりませんが、9月の時点で2020年出願用の願書を改めて一読する際はDecember 1 (and preferably November 15)の記述があるか否かを確認しましょう。


【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Harvard Business School

Harvard Business Schoolの2020年入学用( Class of 2022)の締め切り日が発表されました。
現時点ではEssay課題等についての発表はありませんが、同校は今シーズンも「2 Round制」を用います。

Round 1:2019年9月4日

Round 2:2020年1月6日

注意)Application submitted online by 12 noon Boston time:
