月別アーカイブ: 2019年1月

1+1 Lecture Tokyo CEIBS教員による特別講演 (2月13日)




今回講演に来るCEIBS教授であるXu Bin氏は経済学と財務のエキスパートで、CEIBSで最も人気のある教授の一人です。今回はまさに今世界経済にも影響が出始めている米中貿易摩擦に関する講演です。世界の2大経済大国は、これ以上の摩擦を回避できるのでしょうか?また日本経済に与える影響は?IMF、世界銀行でのアドバイザー経験もあるXu Bin教授がこれらの問題について講義します。

日時: 2019年2月13日18時30分(開始時刻)


18:30-19:00 レジストレーション
19:00-19:30  Ding Yuan副学長と卒業生によるCEIBSの説明
19:30-21:00 1 + 1講演「米中貿易摩擦と日本への影響」
21 :00-22:00 ネットワーキング

1 + 1とは?


XU BIN シュービン





【CEIBS 日本オフィス】担当: 樋口

所在地: 〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3 第7秋山ビルディング6F

     (フォースバレー・コンシェルジュ株式会社 内)

TEL  : 03-3263-6898

URL  : http://en.ceibs.edu/

【2020年度 MBA 入学用出願締め切り日】: IMD

IMD MBAプログラムへの出願の際に必要なテストスコアはGMAT もしくはGREスコアのみでしたが新たにTOEFL or IELTSスコアの提出が求められることになりました。

TOEFL/IELTS: the entire program is taught in English. If English is not your native language and you have not previously studied in English, then you will need to submit a TOEFL or IELTs score. There is no minimum requirement. Ideally, we recommend 108+ on the TOEFL (IBT) or an IELTS score of 7.5 or above. Our TOEFL IBT Code is – DI (C301).


2019 Application Deadline Interview Decision Final Decision
February 1
February 15
March 29
May 1
May 15
June 26
August 1
August 15
September 26


Should You Take the GMAT or the GRE for Business School?

Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Managementサイトより”Should You Take the GMAT or the GRE for Business School”と題した記事をご紹介いたします。



MBA受験界においては長年に渡り、TOEFL & GMATの組み合わせを主流とする考えが定着していましたが、今ではIELTSやGREスコアの提出を許可するビジネススクールが増えました。よって、ここAffinity英語学院ではIELTSやGREスコアを使って出願するアプリカントの方々も増えており、志望校合格を果たしているケースも決して少なくはありません。


“Should You Take the GMAT or the GRE for Business School?”

Everything you need to know about the entrance exams for business school

Years ago, there was only one answer to what exam you should take when applying to business school: the Graduate Management Admissions Test, commonly known as the GMAT. Over the past few years, the Graduate Record Examination, or GRE, has become accepted at more business schools as well.

Preferences for the GMAT vs. the GRE vary from school to school, and even program to program. After all, MBA, Master of Science in Finance, Master of Marketing, and Master of Accountancy are looking for slightly different applicants, so it stands to reason that they have slight different guidelines for test scores as well.

No matter what business schools or program you’re applying to, here’s what to keep in mind as you choose a test and prepare to take it.

You don’t have to take both tests.

The GMAT is pretty much accepted universally at all business schools. However, admissions committees have come to realize that applicants may also be applying to other non-business graduate schools that require the GRE and do not accept the GMAT. For this reason, more than 1,200 business schools now accept the GRE to help applicants avoid taking both tests.

“If you have a GRE score because you’re applying to other graduate programs, we don’t want you to have to take both the GRE and the GMAT,” said Consuela Knox, Director of Admissions Operations & Diversity Recruiting.

Your GRE score will probably be converted.

Educational Testing Service (ETS), the company behind the GRE, offers a conversion tool to translate GRE scores into equivalent GMAT scores. This conversion allows admissions committees to accurately compare scores from applicants who took different tests using the same scale. If you’re submitting a GRE score, know that there’s a good chance it will be converted during the admissions committee process.

Not every business program prefers the GMAT.

More quantitative programs, such as MBA and Master of Science in Finance (MSF), usually do prefer the more quant-heavy GMAT exam. However, other programs, such as Master of Marketing, actually like the way the GRE emphasizes verbal reasoning and creativity. Others, such as Master of Accountancy, don’t necessarily have a preference between the two exams.

“There’s more quantitative work on the GMAT, so given that the MSF program involves more quantitative courses, that makes a difference,” said Cherrie Wilkerson, Assistant Dean for Young Professional Programs. “(However,) for the Master of Marketing, they favor the GRE because it’s more qualitative and verbal-based and it makes more sense for students who are choosing the marketing function…a quant score doesn’t measure (creativity).”

All the sections are important.

High scores on one section don’t compensate for low scores in another. Some programs — such as MBA or Master of Science in Finance — will place more emphasis on the quantitative scores, while other programs like Master of Marketing will look more closely at your writing and reasoning sections. However, a really high score in one section will not offset a really low score in another, no matter what program you’re applying to — and admissions committees for business schools normally don’t superscore (which involves taking the highest scores from multiple tests), so keep that in mind.

It’s about whether or not you will succeed in the program.

In many cases, admissions committees are looking for reasons to admit applicants — but they won’t be helping the school or the student if they admit candidates with low tests scores who will struggle with the academic load, or (even worse) fail out. “Ultimately, you have to be able to handle the academics in the program…we’re looking at all the parameters we have to make sure you will be successful in the program, whether that’s GRE, GMAT, GPA, etc.,” Knox said. 

“You want a student to be successful when they get here. If they’re not over 50 percentile, they’re going to struggle, and we’re taking their money and their time…that’s where we are at the end of the day: Can we help this student in their career? If they can’t do the quant work in most of our programs here, they’re just not going to be successful,” Wilkerson explained.

Remember that the test is just one part of your application.

Admissions committees for every business school program evaluate candidates holistically, so if you didn’t get your ideal score, remember that you still have your essays, rec letters, and the interview ahead of you. As long as you’re within the school’s middle 80% range of test scores, you still have a good shot at getting in. “The test score is one component among many,” Wilkerson emphasizes.

【告知協力】IESE MBA Admissions One-to-One

IESE Business Schoolでは、1月、下記の通り、東京にてアプリカントの皆様向けに各種イベントを実施します。ふるってご参加ください。

MBA Admissions One-to-One

IESE Class of 2016の卒業生でもあるAdmissions Officerが、プログラム、学校生活、キャリア機会、アドミッションプロセス等、幅広く個別の疑問にお応えします(30+分、日本語可)。

日時:1/20 (日) 10:30-16:30, 1/21(月)17:00-20:30
場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ IESE東京オフィス

注記: 2ndラウンドまでに出願済みの方の参加はお控え頂きます。オンライン(Skype)でも可能です。

*IESE Business Schoolは、スペインのバルセロナを拠点とした2年制プログラムを提供し、ジェネラルマネジメントと人格教育による「真の国際リーダー・経営者の育成」を目的に掲げており、教授法としてはケーススタディに重きを置いています。EconomistのMBAランキングで、欧州1位、世界6位(2018年)にランクインしています。


【告知協力】MIT Sloan日本人在校生によるWebinar 1/12(土)開催

MIT Sloan在校生によるMBA Program受験生の皆様を対象にしたWebinarを開催いたします。



Round Application Deadlineが迫っていることから、Essay,Interview対策として参加者の皆様にとって有益な内容にできればと考えておりますので、是非登録フォームに具体的な質問を記入いただけると幸いです。



【開催迫る】MBA Interview Workshop held in Tokyo on January 14, 2019

Affinity英語学院は2019年1月14日(祝・月)にAdam Markus氏、John Couke氏と共にMBA Interview Workshopを開催いたします。


MBA Interview Workshopの詳細につきましては、下記をご一読ください。
Interview preparation is a very, very important part of the MBA application process. We’re happy to announce that we will be co-hosting an interactive MBA Interview Workshop with our colleague Adam Markus and John Couke during the month of January.

Proactive Interview Preparation:
In the first part of the workshop, we will describe and practice (in groups and with instructors) a method of interview preparation that many applicants have used to gain admission to the world’s top MBA programs.

Our objective is that you become better at preparing for MBA interviews, by focusing on your own stories and key points and practicing those, rather than working from a script. At its core, proactive interview preparation is based on thinking about your message, no matter what the question. You don’t know what you will be asked, but you do know your message. Being ready for the unexpected is thus incorporated into the very method itself because you don’t focus on preparing for answering specific questions, but rather for knowing things you want to discuss about yourself.
For more about proactive interview preparation, see http://www.adammarkus.com/mba-application-interview-strategy-4/

Active Listening:
We will then focus on enhancing your ability to listen and engage with others during an interview. While it is important to know what you want to say, it is equally important to focus on having a conversation during an interview. Based on our experience, interviewees don’t always actively listen enough. Sometimes they just focus on speaking and speaking too much at once. By focusing as much as on what the other person is saying as on what you want to say, you can better connect with an interviewer, which is critical for making a positive impression. For some kinds of interviews, such as Wharton’s Group Interview, active listening is critical because you have to engage with other members of your interview group.

1. General Introduction: what is being assessed
2. Active Listening Group Exercises
3. Strategies – Small Talk: looking comfortable, connecting
4. Strategies – self-introduction
5. Non-verbal communication
6. Practice
7. Why MBA now
8. Strengths and weaknesses
9. Story-telling
10. Wrap-up (key messages and Q&A)

Recording: We encourage you to audio record the workshop. To protect your personal information please do not reveal anything about yourself that you would be uncomfortable having recorded by others. Therefore, changing the name of your company, clients, etc. is highly advised during participatory parts of the workshop.


Adam Markus(Graduate Admissions Guru)
John Couke(MBA Admissions Consultant)
Tetsuya Iijima(CEO of Affinity English Academy)



会場:エッサム神田2号館 (東京都千代田区神田鍛冶町 3-2-2)
