【開催迫る】MBA Interview Workshop held in Tokyo on January 14, 2019

Affinity英語学院は2019年1月14日(祝・月)にAdam Markus氏、John Couke氏と共にMBA Interview Workshopを開催いたします。


MBA Interview Workshopの詳細につきましては、下記をご一読ください。
Interview preparation is a very, very important part of the MBA application process. We’re happy to announce that we will be co-hosting an interactive MBA Interview Workshop with our colleague Adam Markus and John Couke during the month of January.

Proactive Interview Preparation:
In the first part of the workshop, we will describe and practice (in groups and with instructors) a method of interview preparation that many applicants have used to gain admission to the world’s top MBA programs.

Our objective is that you become better at preparing for MBA interviews, by focusing on your own stories and key points and practicing those, rather than working from a script. At its core, proactive interview preparation is based on thinking about your message, no matter what the question. You don’t know what you will be asked, but you do know your message. Being ready for the unexpected is thus incorporated into the very method itself because you don’t focus on preparing for answering specific questions, but rather for knowing things you want to discuss about yourself.
For more about proactive interview preparation, see http://www.adammarkus.com/mba-application-interview-strategy-4/

Active Listening:
We will then focus on enhancing your ability to listen and engage with others during an interview. While it is important to know what you want to say, it is equally important to focus on having a conversation during an interview. Based on our experience, interviewees don’t always actively listen enough. Sometimes they just focus on speaking and speaking too much at once. By focusing as much as on what the other person is saying as on what you want to say, you can better connect with an interviewer, which is critical for making a positive impression. For some kinds of interviews, such as Wharton’s Group Interview, active listening is critical because you have to engage with other members of your interview group.

1. General Introduction: what is being assessed
2. Active Listening Group Exercises
3. Strategies – Small Talk: looking comfortable, connecting
4. Strategies – self-introduction
5. Non-verbal communication
6. Practice
7. Why MBA now
8. Strengths and weaknesses
9. Story-telling
10. Wrap-up (key messages and Q&A)

Recording: We encourage you to audio record the workshop. To protect your personal information please do not reveal anything about yourself that you would be uncomfortable having recorded by others. Therefore, changing the name of your company, clients, etc. is highly advised during participatory parts of the workshop.


Adam Markus(Graduate Admissions Guru)
John Couke(MBA Admissions Consultant)
Tetsuya Iijima(CEO of Affinity English Academy)



会場:エッサム神田2号館 (東京都千代田区神田鍛冶町 3-2-2)
