【告知協力】江戸義塾 Kickoff Seminar開催 2/25 (日)

Ed Lee氏(Ed義塾代表)が主催するKick-off Sminarが以下の日時にて開催されます。
Edogijuku Kickoff Seminar

・Day: Sunday, Feb 25th
・Time: 1400-1600
・Place: Edogijuku Office
東京都港区南青山一丁目2番6号 ラティス青山スクエア2F#15
From Aoyama 1 Chome Station Exit 3 about 2 minutes
From Nogizaka Station it is about 10 minutes +/-
Tully’s Coffee is on the 1st floor of the building


1400-1500 *Edogijuku Introduction *Keys to the MBA application process

1500-1600 Guest Speakers (Stanford, LBS, CBS, Chicago, etc.)
*Highlights about their MBA application experiences
