新年を迎え、2nd Roundでの出願準備を終えられた(終えられる)方々も多いかと思います。その一方で、「3rd Roundでの出願に向けた準備を進めるか、それとも来年 (2023年入学)に向けた準備に切り替えるべきか?」で考えを巡らせているアプリカントの方々もいらっしゃると思います。そこで本日は、3rd Round出願に関して入学審査官が発信しているメッセージを取り上げて一緒に考えてみたいと思います。
まずは、Michigan Ross School Admissions DirectorのSoojin Kwon氏のメッセージを見ていきましょう。
Being Successful in Round 3 — Don’t Psych Yourself Out | Michigan Ross (umich.edu)
- We reserve space in the class for Round 3.
- We like Round 3 applicants. Last year, some of our best students – academically and leadership-wise – were admitted in Round 3.
- There’s no chance of being admitted if you don’t apply.
そして、Yale School of ManagementのAdmissions Director Bruce DelMonico氏は、以下のメッセージを発信しています。
From the Assistant Dean for Admissions: Should I Apply in Round 3? | Yale School of Management
We still have room in the class.
Contrary to popular belief, we do have space in Round 3. Every year we develop a model that allows room to admit applicants in Round 3. The specific number can vary based on how many admitted applicants enroll from Rounds 1 and 2, but there is always still space in the class.
Yes, even for students from outside the U.S.
Some applicants have heard that Round 3 is only for applicants who are U.S. citizens—and this may be true for some schools. But we have never felt constrained to consider only U.S. citizens in Round 3 and have never had any hesitation about admitting non-U.S. citizens in this round. It is completely open to all applicants from across the globe.
“have never had any hesitation about admitting non-U.S. citizens in this round.” このメッセージは留学生にとって心強い限りですね。
But what if I don’t get in?
If you want to start your MBA this coming fall, the only option is to apply in this application season. But even if you’re open to beginning your MBA either this fall or in fall 2019, applying now can have its benefits. First of all, there is no disadvantage to re-applying; we view re-applicants in exactly the same way we do first-time applicants. Round 3 can be a “test run” for your next application, without any negative consequences. For applicants who aren’t admitted this year, we provide feedback upon request over the summer on how you might be able to improve your candidacy, so there can even be a benefit to applying now.
“There is not disadvantage to reapplying”というメッセージを再度ご確認ください。再出願の折には、スコアアップと出願関連書類のクオリティーを向上させることに全力投球してください。