2017年1月も後半へと突入する中で、2nd Rd出願者の間ではInterview Invitationを受領された方々も多いのではないでしょうか?そして当のInterviewが終わりましたらそれにて”終了”と解釈することなく、以下にご案内するThank-you letterをアドミッション・オフィスへ送ることも忘れないでください。このletterを送信し終えたところで、Interviewは終了です。
下記サイトではThank-you letterの書き方が掲載されていますのでご紹介します。http://www.topmba.com/admissions/mba-interview-thank-you-letter
- Start with reflecting upon what happened during the interview. Go over your notes. Recall anything that made a good impression on you, so you can mention one memorable part of your conversation in your MBA interview thank-you letter. One of the best ways to do this is to go over the questions you asked the reviewer, since the things you asked about are probably the things you are most excited about.
- Begin your letter by thanking the interviewer. Americans in particular prefer this more direct communication style. Avoid starting your thank-you statement with “I” (as in “I would just like to thank you…”), since that could make the letter seem that it’s more about you than the interviewer.
- Mention why you enjoyed your conversation with the interviewer. This is the part where your notes and memories of the interview will come in handy. Do not send the same cookie-cutter thank-you letter to all interviewers.
- Incorporate your accomplishments into the note. This needs to be done in a subtle way, such as through your writing style. Make sure the accomplishments you choose to emphasize are consistent with those you’ve been highlighting throughout the admissions process.
- Close your MBA interview thank-you letter with a statement about how much you excited you are at the prospect of attending that business school.