【告知協力】Cornell 2-Year MBA & Tech MBA 日本人在校生Webinar 9/21(月・祝)

Affinity英語学院の佐取です。本日はCornell University, John School在校生の皆様より学校説明会のご案内をいただきました。奮ってご参加ください。


Cornell 2-Year MBA & Tech MBA 日本人在校生Webinar」のお知らせ




なお、今回のウェビナーは2-Year MBATech MBA、それぞれのプログラムに特化した二部構成となっております。

●      日時:921(月・祝)

第一部:Cornell Tech MBA・・・午前10時~午前11(日本時間)
第二部:Cornell 2-Year MBA ・・・午前11時~午前12(日本時間)

●      申込用URLhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScguzkB4zkd4-ZWrRsrolWkggJWd5H45yLRMXc9xm7KuXx_yg/viewform?usp=sf_link

●      申込締切:9/14() 

●      形式:お申し込み時にご記載頂いた質問について、ウェビナーの中で回答させて頂きます。ウェビナーはZoomにて開催予定です。アクセス方法は申込頂いた方にメールでご案内致します。

●     問い合せ先:

==============================================================================以上がCornell Johnson Schoolのイベント案内です。


Impact Essay: This essay is designed to explore the intersection of engagement and community culture. Our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. To help you explore your potential for impact, we encourage you to engage with our students, alumni, faculty, and professional staff before submitting your application. You may choose to connect with them via email or phone or in person during one of our on-campus or off-campus events. As you seek their input and insight, please be respectful of their time and prepare a few discussion points or questions in advance.

At Cornell, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. How do you intend to make an impact during the next several years of your education/career? (350 words maximum)