Adam Markus氏によるMBA出願対策セミナー(4/30)

このたび、Adam Markus氏とMBA出願対策セミナーを共催することになりました。Adamとは、ザ・プリンストン・レビュー・オブ・ジャパン(現:アゴス・ジャパン)でGraduate Admissions Consultingの仕事を共に開始して以来の付き合いとなります。2007年の独立後も、Adamは数多くのアプリカントをトップビジネススクール合格へと導いてきました。そして近年においては、日本人のみならず世界各国のアプリカントに対して卓越した指導力と経験を発揮しております。




TITLE: GETTING ADMITTED: Core Concepts for a Successful MBA Application Strategy

  • 概要The objective of this presentation is to help you gain admission to MBA programs. As a graduate admissions consultant for over 17 years, I have worked with well over 1000 candidates from all over the world. While the vast majority of my clients come from Japan, India and the United States, I have worked with clients coming from every continent and helped them gain admission to the world’s best MBA programs. I advise on the overall application process and its primary components essays, resumes, application forms, school selection, recommendations, and interviews. The concepts introduced in this seminar are critical for succeeding.

■第一部 You must be Smart, a Leader, a Team Player, and a Unique Contributor
Summary: MBA programs have four common core admissions criteria for judging applicants. You need to demonstrate each of these characteristics in one or more different parts of your application.

-The 4 Key Criteria, How to Think About Them and Yourself
1) Intelligence
2) Leadership
3) Community Engagement
4) Diversity

■第二部 FINDING FIT: Who is Doing the Finding? The Admissions Committee is.
Summary: You will read about “fit” and “finding fit.” The idea has to two aspects. First, you must feel like the program is right for you, that is you must feel like you would be happy to attend the program. We will not focus on that aspect of fit here, which is about school selection. Instead, we will focus on the other aspect of fit, which is about an admissions committee concluding that you belong at their school and hence admitting you. The “Who” in this case is the admissions committee. Hence finding fit it is ultimately about the process of convincing those doing the admitting that you belong at their school.

1) The Admissions Committee: The Only Opinion That Actually Matters
2) How to Convince the Admissions Committee
3) The Self-Marketing Fit Campaign
■第三部 Before You Start Writing Application Essays: Key Concepts For Success
Summary: Here I will introduce you to some core concepts that will help you write successful MBA application essays.

1) You Must Understand Your Audience
2) What Your Past Experience Means is a Matter of Interpretation
-Loser Past
-Winner Past
-Reinterpreting your past
3) You MUST Discuss Your Professional Future Goals Effectively
-Plans (Practical Goals)
-Missions/Visions/Dreams (Conceptual Goals)
-Why both types of goals are important
4) Think! Brainstorm! Iterate!

受講料 16,000円(税込、教材費込)  :入学金は不要です。

担当 Adam Markus (Graduate Admissions Consultant)

日程 2018年4月30日(月・祝)16:00-18:00


会場 Affinity英語学院
