【告知協力】Cambridge : MBA information session 8/8 (Tue) in Tokyo

Cambridge, Judge Business Schoolの説明会が8/8(火)に都内で開催されます。

Meet Conrad Chua, Executive Director of the Cambridge MBA on 8 August at our information session in Tokyo.
Meeting Cambridge MBA staff and alumni in person is a great way to discuss the features and value of a Cambridge MBA, and an educational experience at Cambridge more widely.
We host and participate in a range of different event types: individual ‘profile-review’ meetings, larger information sessions with staff or alumni, open days at CJBS and of course, participation in large MBA fairs. We also run regular online events. We encourage you to browse our meet us pages to find an event that suits you.
The Cambridge MBA is a highly regarded and ranked international programme, attracting the most promising professionals from around the world to apply. We hope to meet you at one of our events around the world.

