ウェイトリスト用ガイドライン : UCLA Anderson School

Anderson Schoolへの1st Roundアプリカントに対するWaillist guidelineが発表されました。2nd Rdアプリカントは、Invitation letterを受信し始めた頃ではありますが、今後は自分の身にも(そうした通知内容が)降りかかる可能性も考慮した上で下記の文面を一読しておきましょう。

  • If your application status indicates you have been placed on our waitlist, your name will remain on the waitlist until a final decision is made on your application or until you request your application be withdrawn.
  • Waitlisted candidates (excluding those who withdraw) will be reconsidered for admission in subsequent rounds.
  • Round 1 applicants will receive an update on their application status by the Round 2 decision deadline of March 29, 2017. Some candidates may be offered the option of remaining on the waitlist for consideration in Round 3.
  • Remaining Round 1 and Round 2 waitlist candidates will receive an update on their application status by the Round 3 decision deadline of May 24, 2017.
  • We cannot give individual feedback to waitlisted applicants.
  • Chances of being admitted off the waitlist are difficult to predict since the number of students admitted from the waitlist varies from year to year depending on the size/strength of the admit pool, number of admits who enroll, and other factors.
  • Waitlisted candidates may send in updates to their application to wlmgr@anderson.ucla.edu. This is completely optional and only for currently waitlisted applicants.
    • We ask that you use your personal judgment and discretion in submitting additional information that is relevant to your application. Some examples include (but are not limited to): updated GMAT/GRE/TOEFL scores, promotions at work, and recent extracurricular accomplishments.
    • Before submitting additional information to the waitlist manager, remember.
    • Every interaction we have with you moving forward can be a data point on your file, so make sure they are meaningful and value-added.
    • Quality of information and communication is more important than quantity.

If you are on the waitlist and have any additional questions, please e-mail wlmgr@anderson.ucla.edu.  For all others, send questions to mba.admissions@anderson.ucla.edu.