カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Columbia

【Adam Markus & Affinity英語学院共催: 8/11 (土)】MBA ESSAY QUESTION ANALYSIS: ANALYZE, ANSWER, GET IN!


そうした状況も踏まえ、来月8月11日 (土)にAdam Markus氏とMBA出願対策セミナー(MBA Essay Question Analysis) を共催することになりました。Adamとは、ザ・プリンストン・レビュー・オブ・ジャパン(現:アゴス・ジャパン)でGraduate Admissions Consultingの仕事を共に開始して以来の付き合いとなります。2007年の独立後も、Adamは数多くのアプリカントをトップビジネススクール合格へと導いてきました。そして近年においては、日本人のみならず世界各国のアプリカントに対して卓越した指導力と経験を発揮しております。




The objective of this presentation is to help you better understand MBA Admission Essay Questions in order to write effective essays and gain admission.   While examples will be drawn from the M7+INSEAD+LBS, the objective of this presentation is that you learn how to effectively analyze the essay questions for any school.

Part 1: What is an Essay Question?  Isn’t an essay question just one the school defines as an essay?  Well, actually no. This might seem like a strange conclusion but given that some applications include video essays and very extensive application form content, the answer is less obvious.  For our purposes an essay will be considered any application component except the resume, which is prepared by the applicant, and requires an interpretive and not just fact-based answer. Such an inclusive definition is useful when things like video essays and extended application form content are used instead of and/or in addition to essays.

Part 2: Primary Types of Essay Questions. In this section we will look at the types of essay questions using actual examples. Types covered will include goals, accomplishment, failure, leadership, personality, and contribution. The objective will be for you to understand how to identify and address a range of questions.

Part 3: The Essay Set. In this section we will see how an entire set of questions connects together to understand that that an essay component never is isolated but always part of a bigger whole.  We will compare two different essay sets. The objective will be for you to understand how to build a complete portrait of yourself that is focused on what each school is looking for.

Part 4: Trends in Essay Questions for 2018-2019. In this section we will look at the current trends. In particular we will look at video essays and shorter essay sets. The objective will be for you to know how to handle these trends effectively.

Part 5: Questions. I want to leave plenty of time for questions, so please be ready to ask questions related to the above, your individual concerns, or essay questions that I will not have covered.

受講料 16,000円(税込、教材費込)  :入学金は不要です。

担当 Adam Markus (Graduate Admissions Consultant)

日程 2018年8月11日(土・祝)16:00-18:00


会場 Affinity英語学院




MBA出願対策セミナー6/3(日):Affinity英語学院・John Couke 共同開催

10年以上に渡り、共にMBA出願指導を行ってきましたJohn Couke氏と、今年も出願対策セミナーを開催することが決まりました。2019年留学に向け、これから出願書類(レジュメ、エッセイ)の準備に取りかかる受験生の方々は奮ってご参加ください。

対 象 :2019年秋に海外ビジネススクールへの入学を目指す方々

概 要


  • 7月以降の出願戦略と目標スコア
  • 入学審査プロセスにおける推薦状の意味合い
  • エッセイ・推薦状用コンテンツのネタ出し
  • 推薦状対策:人選基準、主な設問内容、準備プロセス

◆John Couke’s Presentation:

After a brief introduction, I will discuss how to choose contents and write compelling essays across one entire essay set. I’ll use the Columbia MBA essays as my example as they’re fairly comprehensive, but may substitute in any set that is newly released before the session. Hope you are able to join us!




John Couke (MBA Admissions Counselor)

佐取 永基(Affinity英語学院副学院長:出願指導担当)





【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日 、エッセイ、推薦状課題】Columbia Business School

Columbia Business Schoolの出願関連(締切日・エッセイ・推薦状)情報が発表されました。https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/programs/mba/admissions/application-requirements

■ Early Round
Application due: October 3, 2018

■Merit Fellowship
Application due: January 4, 2019

Application due: April 10, 2019

All deadlines are at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question:
What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:
“Work in business development for a media company.”
“Join a strategy consulting firm.”
“Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1:
Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2:
How will you take advantage of being “at the very center of business”? Click photo to view video. (250 words)

Essay 3:
Please provide an example of a team failure of which you have been a part. If given a second chance, what would you do differently? (250 words)

Optional Essay:
Is there any further information that you wish to provide the Admissions Committee? If so, use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)


All first-time applications require two recommendations. Reapplicants are required to submit one new recommendation. If you have been working full-time for at least six months, one recommendation should be from your current supervisor. If you are unable to secure a recommendation from your direct supervisor, please submit a statement of explanation in the Employment section of your application.The second recommendation should be from either a former direct supervisor or from another professional associate, senior to you, who can share their insights on your candidacy.

If you are a college senior or have worked full-time for fewer than six months, at least one, but preferably both, of your recommendations should be from a person who can comment on your managerial abilities. You may ask a summer employer or another person whom you feel can objectively assess your professional promise. The second recommendation may be from a college professor.

Please note that Columbia Business School and several of our peer institutions use similar, if not identical, recommendation questions. This is an effort on our part to make the process easier for your recommenders. We expect that you, the applicant, will not participate in the drafting of these recommendations. Applications are not considered complete until all required information is submitted. This includes recommendations.

We ask recommenders to consider the following guidelines when writing their recommendations (recommended limit – 1000 words):

  • How do the candidate’s performance, potential, background, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples.
  • Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response

昨シーズンの段階では、Duke (Fuqua), MIT(Sloan), Yale、そしてIMDといった各校へ出願する際においても、IELTSやTOEFLのスコア提出は要求されていませんでした。5月以降には、2019年入学に向けた各校の出願要綱が発表されます。GMATもしくはGREのみで出願可能なスクールが増えることが、出願戦略上において効果的に働くケースが出てくると思います。締切日やエッセイ課題以外の出願書類(テストを含む)にも注意を払っていきましょう。

【告知協力】江戸義塾 Kickoff Seminar開催 2/25 (日)

Ed Lee氏(Ed義塾代表)が主催するKick-off Sminarが以下の日時にて開催されます。
Edogijuku Kickoff Seminar

・Day: Sunday, Feb 25th
・Time: 1400-1600
・Place: Edogijuku Office
東京都港区南青山一丁目2番6号 ラティス青山スクエア2F#15
From Aoyama 1 Chome Station Exit 3 about 2 minutes
From Nogizaka Station it is about 10 minutes +/-
Tully’s Coffee is on the 1st floor of the building


1400-1500 *Edogijuku Introduction *Keys to the MBA application process

1500-1600 Guest Speakers (Stanford, LBS, CBS, Chicago, etc.)
*Highlights about their MBA application experiences


MBA出願対策セミナー6/4 (土):Affinity英語学院・John Couke 共同開催

10年以上に渡って共にMBA出願指導の仕事を行ってきましたJohn Couke氏と、出願対策セミナーを今年も開催することが決まりました。2018年留学に向け、これから出願書類(レジュメ、エッセイ)の準備に取りかかる受験生の方々は奮ってご参加ください。



◆ 学校調査と出願校の選択

◆John Couke’s Presentation:

I’ll start with a brief introduction of myself. I then plan to discuss how to write compelling essays across one entire essay set. The Columbia MBA essay set has been released for 2017-18 and is fairly comprehensive, so I will use it as my example. Hope you are able to join us!




John Couke (MBA Admissions Counselor)

佐取 永基(Affinity英語学院副学院長:出願準備指導担当)





【2018年9月入学用エッセイ課題】 Columbia Business School

Columbia Business Schoolのエッセイ課題がリリースされました。

Goal: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters)

Essay #1: Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3 – 5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay #2: The full-time MBA experience includes academics, recruiting and networking. What are your personal priorities and how do you anticipate allocating your time at Columbia Business School? (250 words)

Essay #3: Please select and answer one of the following essay questions: (250 words)

a: Please tell us what you feel most passionate about in life.

b: If you were given a free day and could spend it anywhere, in any way you choose, what would you do?

Optional Essay: Is there any further information that you wish to provide the Admissions Committee? If so, please use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 words)



【2018年9月入学用出願締め切り日】 Columbia Business School

Columbia Business Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

2018 August Entry
・Early Decision Deadline : October 4, 2017
・Merit Based Fellowship Deadline: January 5, 2018
・Regular Decision Deadline: April 11, 2018

2018 J-TERM
・Application Deadline: October 4, 2017

Students may enroll in either August or January. The CBS admissions website notes that the paths are identical in terms of competitiveness of admissions, academic rigor, and student resources, but they differ in terms of timing and the opportunity to complete a summer internship.

The August entry has two review periods — early decision and regular decision. Because CBS uses a rolling admissions process, it is always to your advantage to apply well before the deadline.

All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline.


【MBA 2017年1月&8月入学用エッセイ課題】 Columbia

Columbia Business Schoolのエッセイ課題も発表されました。

Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question:
What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (51 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:
“Work in business development for a media company.”
“Join a strategy consulting firm.”
“Launch a data-management start-up.”

Essay 1:
Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals going forward, and how will the Columbia MBA help you achieve them? (100-750 words)

Essay 2:
Columbia Business School’s students participate in industry focused New York immersion seminars; in project based Master Classes; and in school year internships. Most importantly, our students are taught by a combination of distinguished research faculty and accomplished practitioners. How will you take advantage of being “at the very center of business”? (100-500 words)

Essay 3:
CBS Matters, a key element of the School’s culture, allows the people in your Cluster to learn more about you on a personal level. What will your Clustermates be pleasantly surprised to learn about you? (100-250 words)

Optional Essay:
An optional fourth essay will allow you to discuss any issues that do not fall within the purview of the required essays.

All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline.


【MBA 2017年1月 & 8月入学用出願締め切り日】 Columbia

Columbia Business Schoolの出願締め切り日がリリースされました。

◆2017 January Entry
・Application Deadline: October 5, 2016

◆2017 August Entry

・Early Decision Deadline: October 5, 2016

・Merit Fellowship Consideration: January 4, 2017

・Regular Decision : April 12, 2017

Applications will be available in May 2016.
All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline.

【学校説明会】 Columbia MBA Information Session in Tokyo

Columbia Business Schoolの説明会が下記日程で開催されます。

◆Tokyo On the Road MBA Information Session

Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 06:00 PM
Josui Kaikan, Orion Room
Hitotsubashi 2-1-1
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0003

On the Road Information Sessions are an excellent way to learn more about the Columbia MBA program, student experience, and alumni network. At the Tokyo Information Session you will have an opportunity to hear from and speak with Rachael Lubetkin, assistant director of admissions, and local alumni.
