カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Michigan (Ross)

【2021年入学用締め切り日】Michigan Ross MBA

Michigan Ross Schoolの2021年入学用締め切り日が発表されました。今シーズンの1st Rdは9月、そして新たにRound 4を設定した新たなアドミッションサイクルです。


〇 Round 1
Application due: September 14, 2020
Decision released: December 2, 2020

〇 Round 2
Application due: January 4, 2021
Decision released March 7, 2021

〇 Round 3
Application due: March 29, 2021
Decision released : May 5, 2021

〇 Round 4
Application due: June 1, 2021
Decision released: June 25, 2021

【告知協力】:Michigan Ross School 学校説明会

University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business Informal Information Session 2018 年12 月1 日(土)18:00~20:00 @AGOS(渋谷)

University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business 日本人在校生・卒業生によるFull-time MBA 説明会を12月1日(土)に開催いたします。

2nd Round 出願に向け、「Ross の魅力」はもちろん、エッセイやインタビューのTips、渡米後の生活上の不安などについて、米国Ann Arbor 在住の在校生(Skype)と卒業生が率直にお答えいたします!当日は、現日本人在校生をはじめとした約20 名の在校生が参加するため、あらゆる観点からの疑問・不安をぶつけることができます。アプリケーションの追い込みに必要な情報収集や、ネットワーキングのための絶好の機会です!

Ross は、最新のU.S. News Ranking 2019 において総合7 位にランクインしたトップスクールです。Accounting, Management, Entrepreneurship,Marketing, Nonprofit, Finance, Operation, Supply Chain, International において全てTop10 入りを果たしており、多くの分野で全米トップレベルの学びの場を提供し続けています。さらに、これらの質の高いカリキュラムを通じて学んだ知識やスキルを、MAP (Multidisciplinary Action Project)をはじめとしたAction-based learning のプログラムを通じ、徹底的に実践レベルまで高めていきます。

また、Ross が所在するAnn Arbor は、大学街として教育・文化水準が高いだけでなく、極めて治安が良いため、ご家族連れの方も安心です(Wallethub, Most Educated City in the US, 1位)。この機会を通じ、Ross の魅力についてより知っていただければ幸いです。


坂野裕之(First year student): hsakano@umich.edu
Ross Official Website: http://www.bus.umich.edu
Ross Japanese Association Website: https://japanmichiganross.wordpress.com/

【告知協力】8/16 (木) Michigan Ross 入学審査官による学校説明会 

来る8月16日(木)、University of Michigan Ross School of BusinessはAdmissions OfficeによるFull-time MBAの公式説明会を開催いたします。


#7 in US News and World Report
#3 for Management,
#3 for Productions/Operations,
#4 for Marketing,
#4 for Accounting,
#5 for International Business, etc.,
ranked in the top 10 for 9 of the 10 specializations in US News MBA Rankings

#9 in Ranking of Best Graduate Programs for Entrepreneurship by Princeton Review
#12 in Full-time MBA Ranking by Business Week
#1 public university in USA from QS
また、Ann Arborは米国の都市の中でも、教育レベルや住みやすさで常に上位の評価を得ております。

#1 Most Educated City in America by Wallet Hub

在校生は優秀かつ協力的であり、Globalなネットワークを広げられる素晴らしい環境です。また、Ann Arborは非常に治安のよい街で、パートナーズクラブや教育施設も充実しており、ご家族でいらっしゃる方々も安心して生活することができます。今回の説明会ではAdmission Officerに加え卒業生・在校生も多数参加予定ですので、是非この機会を活用してネットワーキングしながら、Rossの魅力を感じて頂ければと思います。

説明会終了後に、Admission Officerと卒業生も参加する懇親会も予定しておりますので、奮ってご参加下さい。

Ross School of Business Tokyo Information Session
場所:六本木アカデミーヒルズ スカイスタジオ
東京都港区六本木6丁目101 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49


【2019年9月入学用エッセイ課題】U of Michigan (Ross)


One of the things we heard from this year’s applicants was that they loved having the option to choose which essay prompt to respond to. So we’re keeping that feature but providing two options per short answer group rather than three. We kept the ones that seemed to provide the best platform for sharing something meaningful and unique about yourselves. We also made a minor tweak to the career goal essay to make it more straightforward, because that’s what we’re looking for — straightforward.

Here are the essay questions for next year:

Part 1: Short Answer Questions

Select one prompt from each group of the three groups below. Respond to your selected prompt in 100 words or fewer (<100 words each; 300 words total).

Group 1

  • I want people to know that I:
  • I made a difference when I:

​Group 2

  • I was humbled when:
  • I am out of my comfort zone when:

Group 3

  • I was aware that I am different when:
  • I find it challenging when people:

Part 2: Essay

Michigan Ross is a place where people from all backgrounds with different career goals can thrive. Please share your short-term career goal. Why is this the right choice for you? (300 words)

【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日】U of Michigan (Ross)

U of  Michigan, Ross Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

◆Round 1
Application due: October 1, 2018
Decision released: December 21, 2018

◆Round 2
Application due: January 7, 2019
Decision released: March 15, 2019

◆Round 3
Application due: March 18, 2019
Decision released: May 10, 2019

All applications are due by 11:59 EST on the day of the deadline in order to be considered within that round. Michigan Ross also encourages international students apply in Round 1 or Round 2 because of visa requirements and to ensure consideration for scholarships.


【新カリキュラム:Business Data & Analytics】University of Michigan (Ross School)

Ross Schoolから、新たなカリキュラム内容(New Concentration Focused on Business Data and Analytics)が発表されました。

The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business has announced a new concentration for the Full-Time MBA (FTMBA) degree program. The Data and Business Analytics Concentration is designed for MBA students who are looking to hone their analytical skills to develop data-driven business strategies and recommendations.

The new concentration will be offered beginning in fall 2018 and is the first to launch under the leadership of Associate Dean of Full-Time and Global MBA Programs Brad Killaly. The FTMBA program began developing the concentration in 2017 after receiving feedback from students who desired a more specialized concentration focused on big data.

We’ve developed the Data and Business Analytics Concentration to meet the needs of today’s MBA student as well as today’s evolving business world,” said Killaly. “As students continue to seek careers in data-intensive industries, such as consulting and technology, Michigan Ross will offer the necessary business acumen that students can utilize to give themselves a competitive edge.”

Students are required to take courses from a  wide array of options, including big data management, marketing research, marketing engineering, advanced big data analysis, data mining, digital marketing, mobile innovation development, and information econometrics.

In an era in which analytics can make or break company success, employers are increasingly seeking workers who understand and utilize  business analytics. With this concentration, the FTMBA Program Office is partnering closely with the Career Development Office to ensure MBA students are prepared with the necessary skill set to manage one of today’s most important business issues.

We are excited to introduce the new data and business analytics concentration to the Michigan Ross FTMBA Program,” said Heather Byrne, Director of the Michigan Ross Career Development Office. “Companies want individuals who can lead their organizations using data and thinking analytically. Our goal is to prepare students to explore career options in which they can apply these skills, and help companies source exceptionally-qualified talent.”

Michigan Ross also has MBA concentrations in Business and Sustainability and Healthcare Management, a certificate in Real Estate Development, a Fast Track in Finance, and the Tauber Institute program in operations.


【告知協力】Michigan Ross入学審査官による学校説明会 (8/21)

来る8月21日(月)、University of Michigan Ross School of BusinessはAdmissions OfficeによるFull-time MBAの公式説明会を開催いたします。

#1 in Top Leadership Development Programs by Leadership Excellence
#8 in Full-time MBA Ranking by Business Week
#1 in Top Schools for Sustainability by Business Week
#1 in Ranking of Best Graduate Programs for Entrepreneurship by Princeton Review
#4 for Management, #5 for Marketing, #6 for International Business in US News MBA Rankings
#3 for Corporate Strategy, #5 for CSR / Ethics in Financial Times MBA Rankings

在校生は優秀かつ協力的であり、Globalなネットワークを広げられる素晴らしい環境です。また、Ann Arborは非常に治安のよい街で、パートナーズクラブや教育施設も充実しており、ご家族でいらっしゃる方々も安心して生活することができます。今回の説明会ではAdmission Officerに加え卒業生・在校生も多数参加予定ですので、是非ともこの機会にRossの魅力を感じていただき、ネットワーキングしていただければと思います。

説明会終了後に、Admission Officerと卒業生も参加する懇親会も予定しておりますので、奮ってご参加下さい。

Ross School of Business Tokyo Information Session
場所:六本木アカデミーヒルズ スカイスタジオ


【学校説明会】Ross Global MBA Info. Session in Tokyo (7/29)

Michigan Global MBA Programの説明会が下記日程で開催されます。

Saturday, July 29, 2017 – 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Ross Global MBA Tokyo Office
Mitsubishi Building, #172,
2-5-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-Ku

The Michigan Ross School of Business Global MBA Program invites you to join us at our upcoming information session.  The event will include a presentation about the Ross Global MBA and the University of Michigan.  After the presentation, you’ll have a chance to meet our staff and network with Ross alumni from the area.

Contact rossgmba@umich.edu to reserve your space or call 080-8817-7215

【MBA 2017年入学用推薦状課題】 Michigan (Ross)

以下、Michigan, Ross Schoolの推薦状に関する要綱になります。

We require only one recommendation letter. We highly recommend selecting a recommender who can discuss your professional performance and work style. A current or former supervisor is an ideal choice. Other alternatives include a client, project manager, or professional mentor. Your application is not considered complete until we receive your recommendation.

  1. How do the candidate’s performance, potential, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples. (250 words)
  2. Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (250 words).