【Application Deadlines for Fall 2014】: Claremont University (Drucker & Ito School of Management)

Drucker & Ito Graduate Schoolの出願締切日が発表されております。詳細は下記URLからご確認ください。

・Early Action : November 1, 2013
・Round 1: December 1. 2013
・Round 2: February 1, 2014
・Round 3: April 1, 2014

Applications received after April 1st will be reviewed for admission on space-available basis.  Applicants who apply after Round 3 will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Incomplete applications (i.e. missing documents) will be moved to the following round.

*International applicants are encouraged to submit their applications by November 1st for the opportunity to be invited for an in-person interview with a Drucker recruiter who may be traveling in your area.