【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 UCLA

UCLA LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Application Deadline: Please submit your application and supporting documents (items 1-5 in the section below) to LSAC no later than February 15, 2016.

出願書類の説明箇所に下記にPersonal Statement要綱が記載されておりますが、フォントのサイズやdouble-spacedで3頁以内に纏めるといった条件は厳守した上で出願してください。限られたスペースで自らが伝えたいことを纏めるライティング技術も審査の対象であることを忘れないでください。

■ Personal Statement:
An important aspect of the application is the personal statement, in which applicants describe their objectives in pursuing graduate legal studies at UCLA School of Law. Discuss any matters relevant to your ability to succeed in law school and the practice of law, and any attributes, experiences, or interests that would enable you to make a distinctive contribution to UCLA and the legal profession. The personal statement should be typed double-spaced in 12-point font, and should not exceed three pages in length. When completing your online application through LSAC, please follow the instructions to attach an electronic copy of your personal statement to your application.