Financial TimesのサイトでWomen in Businessという記事を見つけました。University of Toronto, Rotman School of Managementの在校生に関する記事が掲載されています。この中では下記1~8の質問事項に対する自らの意見が紹介されています。
1. How do competitive sports compare to studying for an MBA?
2. Why did you choose to apply to business school?
3. Why did you choose Rotman?
4. How would you describe the gender dynamics in your cohort?
5. What are you finding the most difficult?
6. Who is your ideal professor?
7. What is the best piece of advice given to you by a teacher?
8. What is your favourite business book?
9. Which websites / apps would you recommend for businesswomen?
10. What are your top tips for networking?
私の眼に止まったのは、以下”transferrable skills”に対する学生の見解が述べられているポイントです。スポーツに限らず、長年続けてきた活動等がある際には、そうした経験から得たこと、現在の仕事に生かされていることなどを考えてみましょう。
Most importantly though, hockey taught me how to work in a team and achieve results together as a group. There is no way you can win a hockey game on your own; equally, there are times in the MBA when you need the help of others. On the other hand, through sports you become dependable because your teammates need to be able to rely on you. This is crucial in an MBA and a high degree of reliability makes you a valuable member of any MBA study team; and of course, later in your professional life.