月別アーカイブ: 2019年6月

【2020年入学用エッセイ課題】:University of Virginia (Darden)

Darden Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

1. Darden strives to identify and cultivate responsible leaders who follow their purpose. Please provide an example of a situation in which you have made a meaningful impact. (200 words)

2. Diversity and inclusion are critical to our mission, and they work best when they are an integral and celebrated part of our community. Read University of Virginia’s Diversity & Inclusion Vision Statement. Share a time in which you engaged with a perspective, identity, community or experience that was different from your own and how it impacted your worldview. (200 words)

3. The Batten Foundation Worldwide Scholarship provides all Darden students in our full-time MBA program with an opportunity to participate in a Darden Worldwide Course. If you could choose any location in the world, where would you want to travel, and why? (50 words)

4. Tell us what you would want your learning team to know about you – personally, professionally, or both? (100 words)

5. What is your short-term, post-MBA goal and why? (150 words)

【2020年入学用エッセイ課題】University of Texas (McCombs)

McCombs Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Essays are a critical means of assessing an applicant’s motivation for attending the McCombs School of Business, their background and goals, and their communication and presentation skills. Strong applications convey careful research on Texas McCombs and enthusiasm for the program.

Essay One

We will learn a lot about your professional background through your resume and letter of recommendation. We want to get to know you further. Please introduce yourself using an essays of 250 words, OR a video introduction of one minute.

Essay Two

Picture yourself at graduation. Describe how you spent your time as a Texas McCombs MBA to achieve your personal and professional goals.  (500 words)

Optional Statement

Please provide any additional information you believe is important and/or address any areas of concern that will be beneficial to the Admissions Committee in considering your application (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance, or extenuating personal circumstances). (250 words)

【2020年入学用出願締め切り日】          University of Texas (McCombs)

McCombs Schoolの締め切り日が発表されました。

Round 1
Application Due: October 8, 2019 ​
Decision Delivered: December 17, 2019

Round 2
Application Due: January 7, 2020 ​
Decision Delivered: March 26, 2020

Round 3
Application Due: March 31, 2020
Decision Delivered: May 7, 2020

Applications are due no later than 11:59 p.m. CST the day of the deadline.

【2020年入学用出願締め切り日】          University of Virginia (Darden)

Darden Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

All applications for the full-time MBA are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on the deadline day.

Early Action Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Deadline 03 Sept. 2019 04 Oct. 2019 06 Jan. 2020 06 Apr. 2020
Interviews Schedule Your Own By Invitation By Invitation By Invitation
Decisions 09 Oct. 2019 11 Dec. 2019 18 Mar. 2020 06 May 2020

【告知協力】IESE:2019年7月 アドミッション関連イベント

IESE Business Schoolでは、7月、下記の通り、東京及び関西方面にて、アプリカントの皆様向けに各種イベントを実施します。ふるってご参加ください。

MBA Case Presentation + Alumni Panel

第一部として、来日するMiguel Antón教授(Financial Management担当)が、実際の授業で用いられるケース(Fintech関連)を基に、模擬授業を開催します。IESEのケースメソッド中心の授業を体感できるまたとない機会です。第二部として、卒業生3名によるパネルディスカッションを実施します。第三部として、懇親会を実施します。 

日時: 7/9(火)19:00-21:30

19:00 受付

19:15 ケースプレゼンテーション

20:30 卒業生パネルディスカッション

20:50 懇親会

21:30 閉会

場所: フクラシア東京ステーション 会議室C(6F)


注記: 当日使用するケースは、参加登録された方に順次回付されますので、お早めの登録をお勧めします。パネルディスカッションには以下の3名が登壇予定です(変更可能性有)。

  1. 女性、Class of 2014、化粧品業界、私費
  2. 男性、Class of 2015、金融業界、社費
  3. 女性、Class of 2019、IT業界、私費

MBA Coffee Chat with Student

アプリカント複数名、サマーインターンのため一時帰国中の在校生1名、IESE Class of 2016の卒業生でもある日本人Admissions Officerの間での60分のグループチャットです(神戸開催)。冒頭、IESE MBAの特徴について前述のAdmissions Officerが簡単に説明したのち、現在進行形の生の体験を在校生が語ります。

日時: 7/4 (木) 19:00-20:00

場所: ホテルクラウンパレス神戸 ハーバーカフェオールデイダイニング

登録: こちらのページ

注記: 参加在校生のプロフィールは以下の通りです。

男性、Class of 2020、消費財業界(MBA前)、私費

MBA Admissions One-to-One

IESE Class of 2016の卒業生でもある日本人Admissions Officerが、プログラム、学校生活、キャリア機会、アドミッションプロセス等、幅広く個別の疑問にお応えします(30分超、日本語可)。

  1. 大阪

日時: 7/4(木)10:00-12:30

場所: ヒルトン大阪 マイプレイス カフェ&バー

登録: こちらのページ

  1. 東京

日時: 7/14(日)10:30-15:30, 7/16(火)17:00-20:30

場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ IESE東京オフィス

登録: こちらのページ

注記: 東京の日程においては、オンライン(Skype)でも可能です。

*IESE Business Schoolは、スペインのバルセロナを拠点とした2年制プログラムを提供し、ジェネラルマネジメントと人格教育による「真の国際リーダー・経営者の育成」を目的に掲げており、教授法としてはケースメソッドに重きを置いています。EconomistのMBAランキングで、欧州1位、世界6位(2018年)に、Financial TimesのMBAランキングで、欧州3位、世界11位(2018年)にランクインしています。

【2020年9月入学用エッセイ課題】Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford GBSのエッセイ課題および作成過程に関する注意事項が発表されました。

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.


Both essays combined may not exceed 1,150 words. We recommend up to 750 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B. We often find effective essays written in far fewer words.


  • Double-spaced
  • Number all pages
  • Upload one document that includes both essays

Be sure to save a copy of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is preserved.

Optional Short-Answer Question

The two required essays shed light on who you are and how you imagine Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. In this section, we provide an optional opportunity to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully.

Please do not include your short-answer response in your essays upload; use the text boxes provided in the application.

Optional Short-Answer Question:

Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? You are welcome to share up to three examples. (Up to 1500 characters, approximately 250 words, for each example)

Editing Your Essays

Begin work on the essays early to give yourself time to reflect, write, and edit.

Feel free to ask friends or family members for feedback — especially about whether the tone and voice sound like you. Your family and friends know you better than anyone. If they think the essays do not capture who you are, what you believe, and what you aspire to do, then surely we will be unable to recognize what is distinctive about you.

Feedback vs. Coaching

There is a big difference between “feedback” and “coaching.” You cross that line when any part of the application (excluding the letters of reference) ceases to be exclusively yours in either thought or word.

Appropriate feedback occurs when others review your completed application — perhaps once or twice — and apprise you of omissions, errors, or inaccuracies that you later correct or address. After editing is complete, your thoughts, voice, and style remain intact. Inappropriate coaching occurs when you allow others to craft any part of your application for you and, as a result, your application or self-presentation is not authentic.

It is improper and a violation of the terms of this application process to have someone else write your essays. Such behavior will result in denial of your application or revocation of your admission.

【2020年9月入学用締め切り日】Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford GSBの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Round 1
Application due: September 12, 2019
Decision released: December 12, 2019

Round 2
Application due: January 9, 2020
Decision released: April 2, 2020

Round 3
Application due: April 8, 2020
Decision released: May 21, 2020

2:00 pm Pacific Time, including your letters of reference and application fee payment. We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA Admissions Office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.


【2020年9月入学用締め切り日】Yale School of Management

Yale School of Managementの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

       Deadline                              Decision Date
Round 1September 10, 2019          December 4, 2019

Round 2January 7, 2020                 March 24, 2020

Round 3April 14, 2020                   May 19, 2020

【2020年9月入学用エッセイ課題】:Northwestern Univ. (Kellogg School)

Kellogg Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

The essays let you explain, in your own words, why you think Kellogg is right for you. Take some time to think through the experiences that led you here and how they have shaped where you want to go.

The following two essays are required of all applicants:

  1. Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)
  2. Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

【2020年9月入学用エッセイ課題】:Univ. of Chicago (Booth School)

Chicago Boothのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

1. How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 word minimum)

2. Chicago Booth immerses you in a choice-rich environment. How have your interests, leadership experiences, and other passions influenced the choices in your life? (250 word minimum)

Response Guidelines:
Length:There is no maximum length, only a 250 word minimum. We trust that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how to best allocate the space.

Acceptable Formats: Submissions must be entered into the text box provided in the application.

Optional Question:
Is there any unclear information in your application that needs further explanation? (300 word maximum)