月別アーカイブ: 2015年7月

【MBA2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Carnegie Mellon (Tepper)

Carnegie Mellon(Tepper)の出願締め切り日が発表されました。

・Round 1: October 5, 2015
Decision Posted: December 15, 2015

Round 2: January 4, 2016
  Decision Posted: March 23, 2016

Round 3: March 15, 2016
  Decision Posted: May 16, 2016

Round 4: May 1, 2016
  Decision Posted: June 1, 2016

**International students are encouraged to apply no later than Round 2 to ensure adequate time for the student visa process.

【告知協力】 Duke MBA Information Session in Tokyo

Duke Fuqua Schoolの学校説明会のご案内をさせていただきます。


◆イベント概要 Duke MBA Information Session
(21:00完全撤収) ベルサール八重洲

1.      19:00~19:20 卒業生代表スピーチ
2.      19:20~20:10 Fuqua Admission(Russell Davis)による学校説明
3.      20:10~20:40 卒業生(及び在校生)によるパネルディスカッション
4.      20:40~20:55 ネットワークセッション


【MBA2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 IESE


・Round 1: October 6, 2015
・Decision Release: December 11, 2015

Round 2: January 5, 2016
・Decision Release: March 11, 2016

Round 3: February 23, 2016
・Decision Release: May 6, 2016

Round 4: April 26, 2016
・Decision Release: July 17, 2016

【2016年秋入学用 Essay課題】 Cambridge (Judge)

Cambridge (Judge) Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。


The following are the main essay questions on the Cambridge MBA application:

1.What did you learn from your most spectacular failure? (200 words)

2.What are your short and long term career objectives? What skills/characteristics do you already have that will help you to achieve them? What do you hope to gain from the degree and how do you feel it will help you achieve the career objectives you have? (please do not exceed 500 words)

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 U of Pennsylvania

University of PennsylvaniaのLL.M.出願締め切り日です。

Early Notification 2015/11/15
LLM and LLCM applications must be complete by November 15 for “Early Notification.”  Early Notification Applicants will be accepted, rejected, or deferred for further consideration  by February 1. (We will begin accepting applications on September 1.)

Regular Notification 2015/12/15
LLM and LLCM applications are due by December 15.  Applicants will be accepted, rejected or wait-listed by mid-March.

If you miss the deadline, you can request a deadline extension. Late applications require an additional $25 late fee. このように、Deadline Extensionに関する嘆願フォームを同校へ提出することができます。

以下、Deadline Extensionフォーム上の記載内容をご確認ください。
Applications are reviewed upon completion and applicants are admitted on a rolling basis.  And so, even if your request for an extension is granted, please note the later an application is completed, the greater the disadvantage to the applicant.

Disadvantageな状況を自ら設定しないよう、Regular Deadlineには出願手続きを終了させてください。

【MBA2016年秋入学用出 エッセイ課題】 Oxford (Saïd)

Oxford, Saïd Schoolでエッセイ課題が発表されました。


Mandatory essays:

  1. How do you fit with Oxford Saïd’s mission? (Maximum 500 words)
  2. Is there anything not covered in the application form which you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you? (Maximum 250 words)If you are applying under the 1+1 scheme you also need to submit the following essay:
  1.  Explain why you see this as particularly beneficial for you and how it fits with your careers and personal development aims (Maximum 250 words)

Re-applicants will need to complete the essays mentioned above and another essay on the topic:

  1. What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA? (Maximum 250 words)

When reviewing your essays the Admissions Committee will be looking for evidence of the following: Good communication skills, leadership potential, analytical skills, fit within the Oxford MBA community, among other characteristics.



【2016年入学用出願締め切り日】 MIT (Sloan Fellows Program)

MIT Sloan Fellows Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。
昨シーズンまでは、出願締め切り日が11月と1月の Two-Round制でしたが、今シーズンはThree-Round制となっています。

There are three application deadlines. For planning purposes (interviews, visas) we strongly recommend that international applicants apply by Round 2:

Round 1: September 28, 2015

Round 2: November 9, 2015

Round 3: January 18, 2016

【2016年入学用 Essay課題】 Stanford (MSx Program)


Questions to Answer
Our two essay questions are meant to be straightforward, not trick questions. We hope that thinking about and writing your essays will prompt self-reflection and that your essays will go beyond relating the “what” of your experiences, to the “so what” and the “why.”

・What matters most to you, and why?

・Why this program now? What are your personal and professional objectives, and how will the Stanford MSx Program help you achieve them?

We do not limit you on the length of your essays, as we want you to use as many words as you feel necessary to convey your message. Having said that, these are business school essays, and good business writing is succinct and to the point.

・12-pt. font size
・Recommended font types: Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman
・Indicate the question you are answering at the beginning of each essay
・Number all pages

【2016年入学用出願締め切り日】 Stanford (MSx Program)

Stanford GSB MSx Programの締め切り日が発表されました。

◆Round 1
・Application deadline: September 22, 2015
・Decision released: December 9, 2015

◆Round 2
・Application deadline: January 12, 2016
・Decision released: March 30, 2016

◆Round 3
・Application deadline: Rolling admissions as space is available
・Decision released: No later than May 11, 2016

Due to the time that it can take to process visas for international students, applicants residing outside the U.S. are strongly encouraged to submit an application no later than Round 2.After this date, applications from those without U.S. citizenship or permanent residency will only be accepted in rare circumstances.