カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Michigan (Ross)

【MBA 2017年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Michigan (Ross)

Michigan, Ross Schoolの出願締め切り日がリリースされました。

◆Round 1
・Deadline: October 3, 2016
・Notification: December 16, 2016

◆Round 2
・Deadline: January 2 2017
・Notification: March 17, 2017

◆Round 3
・Deadline: March 20 2017
・Notification: May 12 2017

【MBA 2017年入学用エッセイ課題】 Univ. of Michigan (Ross)

Michigan, Ross Schoolのエッセイ課題がリリースされました。

Complete both required essays:

  1. What are you most proud of outside of your professional life? How does it shape who you are today? (up to 400 words)
  2. What is your desired career path and why? (up to 250 words)

Optional Statement:

This section should only be used to convey information not addressed elsewhere in your application, for example, completion of supplemental coursework, employment gaps, academic issues, etc. Feel free to use bullet points where appropriate.

【告知協力】Michigan Ross 在校生・卒業生による学校説明会


Michigan Ross 在校生・卒業生による学校説明会(Full-time MBA)




Application Tips from Michigan (Ross School)

10月に入り2nd Rdに向けた出願準備も本格化してきていますが、Application TipsがMichigan Ross SchoolのAdmissions Blogでも紹介されています。下記Q&Aのやり取りでは、Admissions側が「もっと時間を割いてブラッシュアップして欲しい出願書類」にレジュメを挙げています。自らのプロフィール(職業と教育)の業績内容をハイライト化した書類ですので、アドミッション側に対しても好印象(第一印象)を与える意識を持ちながら作成、見直しを行っていきましょう。そしてResumeコンテンツのActionsについて考えることは大切ですが、それ以上にResultsを的確に伝えるよう工夫していきましょう。

Q: My app is almost ready to go but my GMAT is just below the class average. Should I retake it and apply in Round 2 or submit in Round 1 and take my chances?

A: The best choice is to apply in the round when your application is the best it can be, including the GMAT score. Your application will be reviewed based on the information submitted in that round. A new score may not reach us in time for us to consider it in the round in which you submitted.

Q: For Essay 1 (“What are you most proud of?”), are you looking for a professional or personal story?

A: Either. The story itself isn’t the important part. What we’re “looking for” is why you’re proud of the thing you share with us. We hope that it’s authentic. By that, I mean it should be the answer you’d share with a close friend, not with an “admissions committee.” It should sound like you.

Q: Ross asks for only one rec letter. Other schools ask for two. Can I submit another one (since I have it anyway and the other letter makes me sound really good)?

A: No. We only want one letter. If you have two great ones, good for you! But we still only want one, preferably from your current direct supervisor. If you can’t ask your current supervisor, ask the one just prior to the current one, and be sure to briefly explain why you didn’t ask your current supervisor.

Q: If I’m invited to interview, should I do the Team Exercise?

A: Yes, if possible, because in addition to having a chance to demonstrate your communication and interpersonal skills (which we, and our recruiters, highly value), it will be a great way for you to evaluate our fit with you. If you come to campus for your interview, the experience will be more than just a one-on-one interview and the Team Exercise. You’ll meet potential classmates (even potential roommates), attend a class or conference with current MBAs, meet folks affiliated with our Centers and Institutes, and engage in an optional post-interview Q&A session with the AdComm and students.

Q: What is the one thing that you wish applicants would spend more time on?

A: The resume! Applicants think the essay is the part they have the most control over and can best distinguish themselves through. But the resume is a key differentiator too. It’s the first thing we look at when we open an app, so it’s the “first-impression-maker.” It’s your opportunity to tell us where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, how you’ve made an impact and what you’re interested in (yes, we like the “Additional” or “Interests” section at the bottom). We look at it through the lens of, “How clearly and effectively does this candidate present him/herself?

【MBA 2016年秋入学用 エッセイ課題】: Michigan


  1. What are you most proud of and why? How does it shape who you are today? (up to 400 words)
  2. What is your desired career path and why? (up to 400 words)


こちらのブログでは、上記課題内容に対するアプローチ方法もシェアされています。近年ではこうしてアドミッション側のブログを通して積極的な情報発信が目立ちますの で、出願要綱欄のみならず、アドミッションブログにもアクセスを通じて適切な情報を入手してください。

The first question is intentionally broad. We want to give you the option to pick something from either your personal or professional life. The context (personal or professional) is less important than your reason for being proud of something. We want to understand what makes something important to you. It gives us a glimpse into how you think about and process things, and what your priorities and values are.

This is how we assess fit – through alignment of your values with the values of our community – not whether you pick a personal or professional example.

The main purpose of the career path question is so we can evaluate whether business school makes sense.  A “good” answer isn’t about saying you want to go into a traditional business field. In fact, many of our students pursue a wide range of careers outside of traditional business fields (e.g., education, nonprofit, emerging markets). A good answer will describe your rationale for being interested in a particular path.

For both questions, there isn’t an answer that we “want to hear” other than a response that demonstrates that you’ve done some self-reflection and gives us a sense of you as a person.

A note about writing style: we like clear and succinct. “Up to 400 words” means it can be less than 400 words. It’s not a word count test, nor is it a creative writing test. Don’t write two paragraphs of introduction before stating what you’re most proud of. You can even start with, “I am most proud of….” Write as you would speak. To a real person. We, who read the essays, are real people.

【MBA2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Michigan

Michigan Rossの出願締め切り日も発表されました。

Round 1:
Application deadline: October 5, 2015
Decisions released: December 18, 2015

Round 2:
Application deadline: January 4, 2016
Decisions released: March 18, 2016

Round 3:
Application Deadline: March 21, 2016
Decisions released: May 13, 2016



【学校説明会:Ross School of Business, U. of Michigan】

Ross School of Businessの説明会が今月24日(祝・月)に開催されます。

Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Full-time MBA 在校生・卒業生による学校説明会・留学体験談 開催!!


<Ross School of Business Tokyo Information Session>

日時: 11月24日(祝・月)19:00~21:00
形式:米国にいる在校生がSkypeを通じてRossの魅力を語ります。(Q&Aの時間も設けております)その後、会場にいる卒業生とのインタラクションの時間もございます。質問などがございましたら、事前に下記アドレスまでお送り頂ければ幸いです。 →送付先:橋本 一郎(MBA1) ichiroh@umich.edu

会場: アゴス・ジャパン(渋谷) 

【Ross School of Businessのご紹介】
Stephen M. Ross School of Businessの一番の魅力、それは「人」「コミュニティ」「環境」です。優秀で協調性にあふれたクラスメイトとクラス内外で学び合うことにより、グローバルに通用するリーダーシップスタイル/チームワークスキルを形成していくことができます。また、自然豊かで治安の良い生活環境も大きな魅力のひとつです。また、Rossはリーダーシップやマネジメントに関するプログラムを中心に、外部機関からも高い評価を得ております。

#1 for 5 consecutive years in Top Leadership Development Programs by Leadership Excellence
#8 in Full-time MBA Ranking by Business Week
#1 in Top Schools for Sustainability by Business Week
#1 -3 for 3 consecutive years in Ranking of Best Graduate Programs for Entrepreneurship by Princeton Review
#4 for Management, #5 for Marketing, #6 for International Business in US News MBA Rankings
#3 for Corporate Strategy, #5 for CSR / Ethics in Financial Times MBA Rankings

学校公式サイト: http://www.bus.umich.edu href=”http://www.bus.umich.edu “>
日本人サイト: http://rossjba.jimdo.com

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 Michigan (Ross)

Michigan Ross Schoolにおいてもエッセイ課題が発表されております。

今回は同エッセイ課題が掲載されているAdmissions Blogの最終センテンスにも記されているメッセージを考えてみたいと思います。
Your undergraduate school and major may be similar to another applicant’s. Your career path and goals may be similar to another applicant’s. But your experiences and what you take away from them will be unique.



For the coming year, there will be two required essays instead of three, and 800 words instead of 950. Here are the two essay questions (400 words each):

• What are you most proud of professionally and why? What did you learn from that experience?

• What are you most proud of personally and why? How does it shape who you are today?

Our goal with these new questions is that we’ll get a sense of who you are, how you think about yourself and how you process your experiences. The range of responses can be quite wide – from an accomplishment to a challenge or difficult situation that you overcame or a characteristic about yourself. There isn’t a “right” or “preferred” type of response. Applicants often ask how they can differentiate themselves. The essays are the best way to do it. Your undergraduate school and major may be similar to another applicant’s. Your career path and goals may be similar to another applicant’s. But your experiences and what you take away from them will be unique.

【MBA 2015年入学用出願締切日】 Michigan (Ross)

Michigan (Ross School)より出願締切日が発表されました。

◆1st Round
Deadline : October 6, 2014
Notification : December 19, 2014

◆2nd Round
Deadline: January 5, 2015
Notification : March 13, 2015

◆3rd Round
Deadline: March 23, 2015
Notification : May 15, 2015

We also recommend international students apply in Round 1 or Round 2 because of visa requirements and to ensure consideration for scholarships.


【Team Exercise】Michigan (Ross)

今月の初めから開始され、入学審査プロセスにTeam Exerciseを取り入れたMihigan Ross Schoolですが、同Exeriseの効果や準備に関する情報をシェアしています。http://rossblogs.typepad.com/admissions/2013/11/strong-interest-in-team-exercise.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RossAdmissions+%28Ross+Admissions+Director+Blog%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo

更には2nd Roundでの出願者を対象としたTeam Exerciseに関しても、以下のように説明されています。
We’re looking forward to holding off-campus sessions in Round 2 in Brazil, India, China and Korea in late January/early February, and of course, more here in Ann Arbor.