カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Cornell (Johnson)


8月も後半へと差し掛かってきました。2nd Rdへ出願するアプリカントの方々は、学校リサーチやレジュメの作成、卒業生や一時帰国中の在校生との会談に忙しいことかと察します。


短期目標、長期目標、特定校への出願理由、今、このタイミングでMBAを取得したいと思う理由を中心にコンテンツを構成するCareer Goal型エッセイと呼ばれるもの以外に、各校の校風が反映されたエッセイ課題も少なくありません。

たとえば、Cornell, Johnson Schoolのエッセイ課題は以下のようになっています。

At Cornell, we value students who create impact. Please indicate the opportunities for impact that you’ve identified through engagement with our community and describe how what you learned has influenced your decision to apply to Johnson.


This essay is designed to explore the intersection of engagement and community culture. Whether during the program or following graduation, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. To help you explore your potential for impact, we encourage you to engage with our students, alumni, faculty, and professional staff. You may choose to connect with them via email or phone or in person during one of our on campus or off campus events. As you seek their input and insight, please be respectful of their time and prepare a few discussion points or questions in advance (500 words maximum).

そして、Johnson Schoolコミュニティーへの理解力を高めるため、在校生や卒業生からはリーダーシップ用プログラム、クラブ活動、学生間同士の交流も含め、キャンパス内外での生活に関する情報を積極的に入手するよう心掛けてはいかがでしょうか。こうして様々な観点より集めた情報に加え、在校生、卒業生の経験に触れることで、出願者は同Ithacaでの学生生活をより想像しやすくなると思います。。


「自らが所属するコミュニティーに対して何をどう貢献できるのか」という側面が求められますが、同校の校風は、それくらい「学生のコミュニティーへの帰属意識を重視し、giving-back-to communityの精神を尊重していると言えると受け止めています。


【2019年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Cornell Univ. (Johnson)

Cornell, Johnson Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

October Round
Application due: October 10, 2018
Final Decision released: December 20, 2018

November Round
Application due: November 15, 2018
Final Decision released: February 20, 2019

January Round
Application due: January 3, 2019
Final Decision released: April 10, 2019

April Round
Application due: April 10, 2019
Final Decision released: May 30, 2019

Following your interview, final decisions, including invitations to join the waitlist, will be released on a rolling basis and posted no later than the date noted for the round in which you submitted your application.

【2018年入学用 Essay課題】 Cornell University (Johnson)

Cornell Johnson Schoolのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Candidates applying for 2017-18 admission are required to complete a Goals Statement as well as two essays: 1) Impact Essay and 2) Table of Contents Essay.

* A Goals Statement
Use this short answer question to succinctly share your short and long term goals. If invited to interview, you will have the opportunity to elaborate further and should be prepared to connect your prior experience with your future aspirations.

A statement of your goals will begin a conversation that will last throughout admissions process and guide your steps during the MBA program and experience. To the best of your understanding today, please share your short and long term goals by completing the following sentences:

Immediately post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) ____[Role]____ at ___[Company]___within___[Industry]___.

Targeted Job Role:

Target Job Company:


In 5 – 10 years post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) ____[Role]____ at ___[Company]___within___[Industry]___.

Targeted Job Role:

Target Job Company:


1) Impact Essay

This essay is designed to explore the intersection of engagement and community culture. Whether during the program or following graduation, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. To help you explore your potential for impact, we encourage you to engage with our students, alumni, faculty, and professional staff. You may choose to connect with them via email or phone or in person during one of our on campus or off campus events. As you seek their input and insight, please be respectful of their time and prepare a few discussion points or questions in advance.

At Cornell we value, students who create impact. Please indicate the opportunities for impact that you’ve identified through engagement with our community and describe how what you learned has influenced your decision to apply to Johnson. Please limit your submission to 500 words or fewer.

2) Table of Contents Essay

This essay is an opportunity to present yourself as an individual. We encourage you to think about your proudest accomplishments, moments of adversity that have been overcome, and interesting personal highlights that will help us to get to know you as a person and potential community member.

You are the author of your Life Story. Please create the table of contents for the book in the space provided or upload it as an attachment. We value creativity and authenticity and encourage you to approach this essay with your unique style. Alternative submission formats may include a slide presentation, links to pre-existing media (personal website, digital portfolio, YouTube, etc.), as well as visually enhanced written submissions.

注意)Maximum file size is 5 MB. If you choose to submit a written Table of Contents, please limit your submission to 500 words or fewer. Multimedia submissions should be under 5 minutes.


【2018年9月入学用出願締め切り日】 Cornell (Johnson)

Johnson Schoolの締切日が発表されました。

October Round
・Application due : October 5 , 2017
・Decision released: November 15, 2017

◆November Round
・Application due : November 15, 2017
・Decision released: January 10, 2018

◆January Round
・Application due : January 10 2018
・Decision released: May 15, 2018

◆April Round
・Application due : April 5, 2018
・Decision released: May 1, 2018

*After April 5th, applications will be received and reviewed on a space available basis.
Application Deadline:
Applications should be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

【MBA 2017年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Cornell (Johnson)

Cornell Johnson Schoolの締切日が発表されました。

◆Round 1
・Deadline: October 5 2016
・Notification: November 15, 2016

◆Round 2
・Deadline: November 15, 2017
・Notification: January 10, 2017

◆Round 3
・Deadline: January10, 2017
・Notification: March 15, 2017

◆Round 4
・Deadline: March15, 2017
・Notification: April 5, 2017

After Round 4, applications will be received and reviewed on a space available basis.
Application Deadline: Applications should be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

MBA インタビュー対策

二月に入り、メールアカウントにInterview Invitationの案内が届いている方々も多いのではないでしょうか。面接対策を本格化させていくうえで、Cornell Johnson SchoolのAdmissions Blog上の”Five tips on how to ace the in person MBA interview”記事を引用させていただきます。


  1. Always be on time, no matter what.  So plan ahead when it comes to allotting time to leave for traffic and logistics. Make sure that you know the location of the interview, where to park and always leave extra time in case there are delays. If you are running behind, let your interviewer know as soon as possible.   If interviewing on campus, previous candidates recommend that you arrive in Sage Hall early to soak up some of the energy in the Atrium prior to your interview.
  2. Dress professionally. You’ve heard it before but first impressions are key. Your dress for MBA interviews is business professional which means suit and ties for men and suits, for women, a pantsuit, a skirt and jacket combination or a structured (and modest) dress.  You may be wearing a great outfit, but remember to take the time to groom your hair and accessorize appropriately as well.
  3. Be Prepared. Take time to review possible questions that you may be asked and review your resume to jog your memory. Students can often find sample questions online. I always recommend doing an internet search for “Johnson interview questions”  or “MBA interview questions” and you will find sample questions  to help you prepare.  Practice interviewing with another MBA candidate or a colleague who has earned an MBA – they can give you valuable feedback that can help you strengthen your interview skills.
  4. Know your goals. Reread your goals essay so that you can articulate well about major points you would like to make.  Make sure you can explain why you want to earn an MBA and why the school you have applied to can help you achieve your goals.  If you want to transition into a new career, have some examples of transferable skills that make the career transition possible.  Remember to stick with specifics and stay on point.
  5. Pick three examples of  your achievements or leadership to highlight during the interview The examples should not be a rehash of your essay.   Remember that giving specific examples and anecdotes will be an advantage and help tell the story of who you are.  Try to pull recent examples of leadership or accomplishments, if your example is more than 3 years old, it’s not relevant.


【MBA 2016年秋入学用 エッセイ課題】: Cornell (Johnson)


You are the author for the book of Your Life Story. In 500 words or less, please create the table of contents for the book in the space provided or upload it as an attachment. We value creativity and authenticity and encourage you to approach this essay with your unique style. Alternative submission formats may include a slide presentation, links to pre-existing media (personal website, digital portfolio, YouTube etc.), as well as visually enhanced written submissions.

What are your short and long term goals and how do you see the Cornell MBA enabling you to achieve both? Please limit your response to 500 words or less.

Complete this essay if you would like to add additional details regarding your candidacy. For instance, if you believe one or more aspects of your application (e.g., undergraduate record or test scores) do not accurately reflect your potential for success at the Johnson School. If you are reapplying for admission, please use this essay to indicate how you have strengthened your application since the last time you applied. (500 words)

【MBA2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Cornell (Johnson)

Johnson Schoolの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

・Round 1: October 1, 2015
Initial Notification: December 15, 2015

・Round 2: November 17, 2015
Initial Notification: February 15, 2016

・Round 3: January 15, 2016
Initial Notification: March 15, 2016

・Round 4: March 17, 2016**
**Applications will be received and reviewed on a rolling basis.

Application Deadlines: Applications need to be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Initial Notification Date: You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer without interview or denial of admission.


新カリキュラム:Johnson at Cornell University


New curriculum prepares students in two-year MBA program to lead, with emphasis on critical thinking, targeted leadership skills, and data analysis and modeling


Modeling and Decision Analysis: An enhanced required course, Data Analytics and Modeling, takes students beyond statistics, to data modeling and Big Data techniques and strategies. Modeling is woven into other courses to help students develop the analytical skills needed in all areas of business.

Personal and Leadership Skills: Every Johnson student progresses through a targeted curriculum in leadership consisting of the proprietary Johnson 360° Leadership Assessment, coursework, case exercises, teamwork, hands-on leadership experience, coaching, and customized programming. The personalized program begins in the pre-term, with individual assessment and feedback, and continues through the first year, with the Leading Teams Practicum, and second year with Principled Leadership. Marquee leadership instructors teach intensives on leadership topics. These classes are enriched with a menu of Leadership Skills workshops and Leadership Expeditions that span the entire program.

Integrative and Critical Thinking Skills: In their first semester of MBA study, students learn and practice critical thinking skills, with a focus on analyzing, integrating, and synthesizing information for optimal decision making, in the face of challenges, such as incomplete, inaccurate, or ambiguous information.


The Art of Innovation: A Design Thinking Immersion and Making Design Thinking Work. These hands-on courses prepare MBAs to be future innovators by teaching them the human-centered design methodology known as Design Thinking.

Core Leadership Skills for a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) World, with retired U.S. Army General George Casey. This course builds on the skills acquired in earlier components of the leadership program, through discussion and interaction with an experienced practitioner and former leader of the United States Army.

Johnson’s FinTech Trek and Hackathon. Students convene at Cornell Tech in New York City to learn about disruptive technologies facing the financial industry and develop relevant solutions. The experience culminates in a hackathon, in which participants have about 24 hours to develop financial products or services that meet a real business need. Similar classes are planned, each focusing on a different industry.

Our new curriculum reflects the findings of the curriculum review, as well as industry and research trends in leadership, collaborative teamwork, and data analytics,” said Vishal Gaur, associate dean for MBA programs. “We’re carrying forward innovation in required courses to elective offerings, as well, exposing students to fresh ideas and creative, team-oriented problem solving approaches.”

こうしたコメントを読み込む作業も、その学校の校風を理解していく上での手段となります。カリキュラム変更という動きが、来シーズンにおけるApplication Essay QuestionsやAdmissions側の審査方針へどういった影響を与えていくことになるでしょうか。

【MBA 2015年入学用出願締切日】 Cornell (Johnson)

Cornell (Johnson School)にて出願締切日が発表となりました。

◆Round 1
・Deadline: October 1, 2014
・Notification: December 17, 2014

◆Round 2
・Deadline: January 7, 2015
・Notification: March 25, 2015

◆Round 3
・Deadline: March 11, 2015
・Notification: May 13, 2015

Application Deadlines: Applications need to be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time.