【LL.M. 2018年入学用出願締め切り日】:University of North Carolina

University of North Carolina, Chapel hill校 LL.M.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Application materials will be available in mid-October and applications will be reviewed on a rolling admissions format, beginning in November. To allow enough time for the processing and issuance of the required visas, the deadline date for the submission of application materials is May 31.


LL.M. students take most of their classes together with UNC law students, sharing their international perspective with and learning American law from UNC faculty and students. Legal areas in which LL.M. students may concentrate their law studies at UNC include:

  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Banking and Finance
  • Intellectual Property
  • Environmental Law
  • Health Care Law
  • Human Rights and Civil Rights Law
  • International and Comparative Law
  • Public Law and Regulation

In addition to the UNC law curriculum, LL.M. students may also receive instruction outside the law school, taking advantage of opportunities in other departments on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus. The LL.M. program encourages collaboration between its students and University faculty and students, particularly those in business school and international studies.

上記ハイライト箇所は、同じ大学内におけるcross-registration systemへ言及しています。
同大学にはKenan-Flgaler Schoolという日本人からの留学生も学ぶビジネススクールが存在します。