月別アーカイブ: 2015年9月

【告知協力】MBA Interview Workshop (Adam Markus & John Couke)

15年来の友人でもあり、ビジネスパートナーでもあるAdam Markus氏、そして昨年から今年にかけてAffinity英語学院でMBA出願対策セミナーを共に運営するJohn Couke氏によるMBA Interview Workshopが下記の日程にて開催されます。

MBA Interview Workshop: Proactive Interview Preparation and Active Listening
Offered by Adam Markus and John Couke

We will hold this workshop twice in 2015:
Sunday, October 11th, 3:00pm-6:00pm
Saturday, October 24th, 7:30pm – 10:30pm
Location: E4TG Isshin Building 5F, 2-11-7 Yaesu Chuo-ku, Tokyo
東京都中央区八重洲 2-11-7 一新ビル 5階

Proactive Interview Preparation:
In the first part of the workshop, we will describe and practice (in groups and with instructors) a method of interview preparation that many applicants have used to gain admission to the world’s top MBA programs.

Our objective is that you become better at preparing for MBA interviews, by focusing on your own stories and key points and practicing those, rather than working from a script. At its core, proactive interview preparation is based on thinking about your message, no matter what the question. You don’t know what you will be asked, but you do know your message. Being ready for the unexpected is thus incorporated into the very method itself because you don’t focus on preparing for answering specific questions, but rather for knowing things you want to discuss about yourself.

For more about proactive interview preparation, see http://www.adammarkus.com/mba-application-interview-strategy-3/.

Active Listening:
We will then focus on enhancing your ability to listen and engage with others during an interview. While it is important to know what you want to say, it is equally important to focus on having a conversation during an interview. Based on our experience, interviewees don’t always actively listen enough. Sometimes they just focus on speaking and speaking too much at once. By focusing as much as on what the other person is saying as on what you want to say, you can better connect with an interviewer, which is critical for making a positive impression. For some kinds of interviews, such as Wharton’s Group Interview, active listening is critical because you have to engage with other members of your interview group.

After a brief introduction, there will be active listening group exercises monitored by both instructors.

Cost: 16,200 yen paid in advance by bank transfer
19,000 yen if paid in cash on the day of the event. (all prices are inclusive of 8% sales tax)

Prepayment is mandatory. The October 11th event payment is due by October 5th. The October 24th event payment is due by the 16th. If we cannot confirm your payment by the due date, you will need to pay in cash on the day of the event.

We encourage you to audio record the workshop. To protect your personal information please do not reveal anything about yourself that you would be uncomfortable having recorded by others. Therefore changing the name of your company, clients, etc. is highly advised during participatory parts of the workshop.

To make a reservation and arrange for payment, please email John Couke at john.couke@gmail.com


9月に入りビジネススクールが、今秋入学者のClass Profile情報を公開し始めました。そうしたProfileをみるたび思うことがあります。それは、「自分が希望とするスクールへ入学した方々はどのような努力を重ねてきたのだろうか?」と。私も海外大学院への出願経験は二度あり、今とは違ってインターネットもそれほど普及していない頃ですから、情報収集の面など非常に苦労した記憶が残っています。とはいえ、なんとか希望する大学院にて学位を取得しましたので、当時における自分の頑張りや努力が報われたと言えると思う次第です。

少し前置きが長くってしまいましたが、自分にとって成果を残す、もしくは結果を出すための努力について考えてみたいと思います。MBAやLL.M.を中心とした留学の指導に携わってから15年になろうとしていますが、最後に結果(成果)を残し、満足した状態で出願を終えられる方々をみていますと、出願準備中においても現状分析を怠ることなく、次なる目標を達成するために行うことを考え続けていました。つまりは、大きな目標(例GMAT 700点突破)へ到達するための小さな目標を設定し、自分に適した努力を継続していました。「ひたすらガムシャラに頑張る、気合で乗り切る」等の意気込みも、いざとなった時には大切な心がけかもしれません。しかしながら、私は目標達成に向けた方法論を常に考える習性の大切さを共有したいと思います。テスト対策のみならず、出願準備におきましても、マニュアル的な考えは存在します。そのマニュアルを応用し、自分に適した対策法(方法論)を見つけ出していきませんか。





【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Stanford University

Stanford, LL.M.の締め切り日とパーソナルステートメント課題が発表されております。

The advanced degree application for Fall 2016 admission will become available on September 15, 2015 and the deadline date for submitting the application will be December 4, 2015, 11:59PM PST. Most decisions will be announced by early April 2016.

Personal Statement for LLM Applicants

This statement of two to three pages seeks information about the applicant’s experience in legal practice, and interest in graduate study (in the applicable specialization). This statement should also discuss the applicant’s professional goals, and how the completion of an LLM degree could benefit his or her legal career.

同校のPersonal statement課題のみならず、使用すべきコンテンツをハイライト化、もしくは細分化して考えてみましょう。


【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 University of Michigan

Univ. of Michigan LL.M.の出願締め切り日も発表されています。


The completed application and all supporting materials must reach us between October and the end of January preceding the academic year for which admission is sought. Applications will be reviewed only when they are complete. All applications which are ready for review by the end of January will have equal chances for admission; thereafter, admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis. Applicants will receive notice of decision by late March or early April.

■Application Materials

同校はAppliaction Formsは、CollegeNet or LSAC.orgのいずれかを選択して出願することが可能です。そして、Recommendation Formに至りましても、“All letters of recommendation must include either LSAC’s or Michigan Law’s recommender form, completed by the applicant and the recommender.”とありますように、スクールオリジナルのフォームを使用することが可能です。


【2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】: Kennedy School (Harvard University)

Harvard University, Kennedy School of Governmentにて出願締め切り日が発表されました。http://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/admissions/apply


To start a Master’s degree admission application for 2016-2017 academic year consideration please click here. The application deadline is Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. EST. HKS does not offer spring admission.

A complete application includes:
•a submitted online application
•payment of the $100 application fee
essays, which vary by degree program
•a résumé or CV
•an additional analytic/quantitative résumé (depending on the degree program)
•three letters of recommendation
•official academic transcripts
•standardized test scores (GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, and/or IELTS)


【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 Cornell University

Cornell LL.M Programの締め切り日が発表されました。

All applications are due December 15 for a decision by mid-February. To be considered for a scholarship award, all application materials must be received by this date.

また、上記サイトにはApplication Checklist(Statement of Purpose課題)も掲載されていますので、まずは一読してください。

By December 15, please submit your application, including all supporting materials, through LSAC. A complete application includes the following:

  • Application form-A completed and signed application form.
  • Statement of interestA statement of approximately 750 words explaining your purpose for obtaining the degree, your research and study interests, and their relation to your previous education and professional goals. Include your full name on the top of each page of the statement of interest.
  • Transcripts/degree certifications-Complete official transcripts of all previous college, university, and graduate/professional school study, including work done at Cornell. You must use LSAC’s Document Assembly and International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Services.
  • Letters of recommendation-Two letters of recommendation from faculty members acquainted with your work in the major area of study. If that work occurred more than three years ago, or if such letters are not obtainable because of circumstances beyond your control, recommendations from those familiar with your professional performance are acceptable. These should also be submitted through the LSAC’s Letter of Recommendation Service.
  • Demonstration of English proficiency-Proficiency in English is required for admission. Your level of proficiency, as demonstrated by all aspects of the application, is a significant factor in our decision-making process. If your native language is not English, you must take the TOEFL unless you have received your first degree in law from a college or university in a country where both the language of instruction and native language is English. We do not accept IELTS.
  • Application fee-Nonrefundable U.S. $80 application fee.

Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation in a signed, sealed envelope. Our committee will review complete applications only. Applications received after January 1 will be reviewed on a space-available basis.

【LL.M. 2016年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 New York University


LLM and E-LLM Applicants with Foreign Education Credentials:

  • December 15, 2015
    All prospective students who received their first law degree outside of the United States, whether interested in full-time or part-time study, must apply and submit all required materials by December 15 to begin studies in the Fall 2016 semester (August).

Personal Statement and Résumé
All applicants must electronically attach to the online application a brief personal statement of no more than 500 words. Applicants may describe their professional interests and goals, or they may use the statement to describe aspects of themselves and/or their work that are not apparent from their other application materials. Applicants should include their reasons and qualifications for applying to a particular program or specialization.

All applicants must also electronically attach a résumé or curriculum vitae to their application. This document may be one to two pages in length, and should account for all education and work experience, as well as any period of more than three months not spent in school or employed. Publications, presentations, or other career-related information may also be indicated.

Any additional information an applicant would like to share with the Committee on Graduate Admissions that is not already present in the other application materials may be electronically attached as an addendum to the online application.