月別アーカイブ: 2014年6月

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 : Harvard

Harvard Businss Schoolエッセイ課題に関するアナウンスメント内容です。

There is one question for the Class of 2017:

•You’re applying to Harvard Business School. We can see your resume, school transcripts, extra-curricular activities, awards, post-MBA career goals, test scores and what your recommenders have to say about you. What else would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy?

There is no word limit for this question. We think you know what guidance we’re going to give here. Don’t overthink, overcraft and overwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that those of us who don’t know your world can understand.


同校の教育方針の中心となるリーダーシップの側面を効果的に書き表すための達成事例は不可欠な要素となります。その一方で、そうした達成事例をあれもこれもと多くの数を書き出す必要はないと認識していきましょう。”in clear language”と述べていることから、冗長に書き連ねることは注意しましょう。

上記のapplication materialsにてシェアされている以外の情報を通して「出願者自身を知ること」を目的としていますので、レジュメ、推薦状、on-line application form(願書)等を介してどういったセルフイメージをAdmissions側と共有しているかについて考えていきましょう。まずは各情報リソースから第三者に伝わるイメージを1、2語で書き出してみてはいかがでしょうか。そうした作業を通じ、知識やスキル、さらには経験値についても自分の言葉にてパラフレーズできると思います。


【MBA 2015年入学用出願締切日】 Duke (Fuqua)

Fuqua Schoolで出願締切日が発表されています。その他の詳細も下記URLから確認しておきましょう。

◆Early Action
Deadline : Septemebr 17, 2014
Notification : October 29 2014

◆1st Round
Deadline : October 20, 2014
Notification : December 19, 2014

◆2nd Round
Deadline: January 5, 2015
Notification : March 13, 2015

◆3rd Round
Deadline: March 19, 2015
Notification : May 6, 2015

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 : Texas (MaCombs)

Texas MaCombs Schoolでもエッセイ課題が発表されました。

1.Imagine that you are at the Texas MBA Orientation for the Class of 2017. Please introduce yourself to your new classmates, and include information you feel relevant to both your personal and professional life. Select only one communication method that you would like to use for your response.

■Write an essay (250 words)
■Share a video introduction (one minute)
■Share your about.me profile

2.In the Texas MBA program, we promote a diverse and collaborative community by providing opportunities for growth in an academically rigorous environment. Please discuss why McCombs is the right program for you, what you hope to gain from your time in the Texas MBA Program both personally and professionally, and how you will contribute to your classmates’ experiences. (500 words)

3.Optional Essay: Please provide any additional information that you believe is important and/or will address any areas of concern that will be beneficial to the Admissions Committee in considering your application. (250 words)

For example, if your standardized test scores are not exactly what you would like them to be or if you have not had coursework in core business subjects (i.e. calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting, or finance), please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MBA curriculum.

If relevant to your circumstances, please also discuss any other factors that you think may impact your candidacy (i.e., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance, or any significant weaknesses in your application or extenuating personal circumstances).

【MBA 2015年入学用出願締切日】 NYU (Stern)

New York University, Stern Schoolより2015年秋入学用の出願締切日が発表されました。

今シーズンは4ラウンド制を敷いていますが、遅くとも3rd Roundの1月15日までには出願を終えるよう、出願スケジュールを立てていきましょう。

◆1st Round
Deadline : October 15, 2014
Notification : December 15, 2014

◆2nd Round
Deadline: November 15, 2014
Notification : February 15, 2015

◆3rd Round
Deadline: January 15, 2015
Notification : April 1, 2015

◆4th Round
Deadline: March 15, 2015
Notification : June 1, 2015

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 Virginia (Darden)

Darden Schoolからもエッセイ課題が発表となりました。そして、その課題数は1題となっています。

Below is the essay question for the Darden MBA 2014-2015 application cycle:

Describe the most courageous professional decision you have made or action you have taken. What did you learn from that experience? (500 words maximum)

【MBA 2015年入学用出願締切日】 Yale

Yale より2015年秋入学用の出願締切日が発表されました。

◆1st Round
Deadline : Septmeber 18, 2014
Notification : December 8, 2014

◆2nd Round
Deadline: January 8, 2015
Notification : March 27, 2015

◆3rd Round
Deadline: April 23, 2015
Notification : May 25, 2015

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 Berkeley (Haas)

Haas Schoolよりエッセイ課題が発表されました。


At Berkeley-Haas, our distinctive culture is defined by four key principles — Question the Status Quo; Confidence Without Attitude; Students Always; and Beyond yourself. We seek candidates from a broad range of cultures, backgrounds, and industries who demonstrate a strong cultural fit with our program and defining principles. Please use the following essays as an opportunity to reflect on and share with us the values, experiences, and accomplishments that have helped shape who you are.(Learn more about Berkeley-Haas’ Defining Principles).

1.Describe an experience that has fundamentally changed the way you see the world. How did this transform you? (400-500 word maximum)

2.What is your most significant professional accomplishment? (200-300 word maximum)

3.What is your desired post-MBA role and at what company or organization? In your response, please specifically address sub-questions a., b., and c.
a. How is your background compelling to this company?
b. What is something you would do better for this company than any other employee?
c. Why is an MBA necessary and how will Haas specifically help you succeed at this company?
(500-600 word maximum for 3a, 3b, and 3c combined)

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 Stanford

Stanford GSBでのエッセイ課題も発表されております。

Essay Questions for the Class of 2017

We request that you write two personal essays. The personal essays give us glimpses of your character and hopes. In each essay, we want to hear your genuine voice. Think carefully about your values, passions, aims, and dreams prior to writing them.

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

A strong response to this question will:
• Focus on the “why” rather than the “what.”
• Reflect the self-examination process you used to write your response.
• Genuinely illustrate who you are and how you came to be the person you are.
• Share the insights, experiences, and lessons that shaped your perspectives, rather than focusing merely on what you’ve done or accomplished.
• Be written from the heart, and illustrate how a person, situation, or event has influenced you.

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Enlighten us on how earning your MBA at Stanford will enable you to realize your ambitions.

A strong response to this essay question will:
• Explain your decision to pursue graduate education in management.
• Explain the distinctive opportunities you will pursue at Stanford.


Your answers for both essay questions combined may not exceed 1,100 words. Below are suggested word counts per essay, but you should allocate the maximum word count in the way that is most effective for you.

また、エッセイ課題のみに注力しがちですが、以下に案内するサイトに記載されている同校のEssay Philosophyをも一読してはいかがでしょか?

“We want a holistic view of you as a person: your values, passions, ideas, experiences, and aspirations.”


そして、同サイトよりEssay AとBに対する各コメントを抜粋させていただきます。
■Esasy A:
Many essays describe the “what,” but good essays move beyond this and describe how and why these “whats” have influenced your life. The most common mistake applicants make is spending too much time describing the “what” at the expense of how and why these guiding forces have shaped your behavior, attitudes, and objectives. Please be assured that we do appreciate and reward thoughtful self-assessment and appropriate levels of self-disclosure.


■Essay B:
In this essay, we ask you “Why Stanford?” Given what you hope to achieve, how will your education and experiences at Stanford help you turn your dreams into reality? We give you broad license to envision your future; take advantage of it. The key here is that you should have ideas for your best self after Stanford, and related objectives for your Stanford education. How do you plan to take advantage of the incredible opportunities at Stanford? How do you envision yourself contributing, growing, and learning here at Stanford GSB? And how will the Stanford experience help you become the person you aspire to be?

同校のIncredible opportunitiesに対する理解を深めるためにも、他校が提供するopportunitiesの内容を比較分析してみましょう。同解説文には”dreams into reality?”と記されています。”Dream”という言葉からも、MBA取得後後における数年先の目標を考える以上に、自らのキャリア全体におけるビジョン、ミッション、モットーなど、”Dream”の中身を周囲から支えるコンテンツをも共に考えてはいかがでしょうか。

【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 Pennsylvania (Wharton)

Wharton Schoolでもエッセイ課題が発表されています。昨年よりも課題数が減り、今年は1題となっております。


1. (Required) What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words)

2. (Optional) Please use the space below to highlight any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about your candidacy. (400 words)


【MBA 2015年入学用エッセイ課題】 Michigan (Ross)

Michigan Ross Schoolにおいてもエッセイ課題が発表されております。

今回は同エッセイ課題が掲載されているAdmissions Blogの最終センテンスにも記されているメッセージを考えてみたいと思います。
Your undergraduate school and major may be similar to another applicant’s. Your career path and goals may be similar to another applicant’s. But your experiences and what you take away from them will be unique.



For the coming year, there will be two required essays instead of three, and 800 words instead of 950. Here are the two essay questions (400 words each):

• What are you most proud of professionally and why? What did you learn from that experience?

• What are you most proud of personally and why? How does it shape who you are today?

Our goal with these new questions is that we’ll get a sense of who you are, how you think about yourself and how you process your experiences. The range of responses can be quite wide – from an accomplishment to a challenge or difficult situation that you overcame or a characteristic about yourself. There isn’t a “right” or “preferred” type of response. Applicants often ask how they can differentiate themselves. The essays are the best way to do it. Your undergraduate school and major may be similar to another applicant’s. Your career path and goals may be similar to another applicant’s. But your experiences and what you take away from them will be unique.