カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Mid Career Program

Stanford MSx Program Info. Session in Tokyo 11/10 (木)

Stanford MSx Program Information Sessionのご案内です。

This event is an opportunity for you to get a detailed overview of the Stanford MSx Program’s distinctive features and admission process. An admission officer will introduce you to the program followed by a discussion with Sloan Fellow alumni. We want to give you the chance to get to know us, and we want to get to know you, your experience, and your future ambitions. You will also have plenty of time to get your questions answered.

Date:10 November 2022
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30 pm
Location: MUFG Toyosu Training Facility
8th floor, Toyosu Front Bldg.
3-2-20 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo

GSB Admissions Event Registration (tfaforms.com)

【2021年入学用エッセイ課題】:Stanford MSx Program

Stanford MSx Programのエッセイ課題が発表されました。

Your essays help us understand what character traits have propelled you in your career and tell us how the MSx Program is integral to maximizing your impact in the world.


We require you to write two essays that answer the following prompts:

  1. What matters most to you and why?
  2. Why Stanford and why now? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them.

The admission committee can better engage with your essays if you format them appropriately. We encourage you to:

  • Submit one document with both essays
  • Include the prompt with its respective essay
  • Write concisely (total word count must not exceed 1,200 words)

Career Aspirations Short Answer Question

Please tell us about what you aspire to do in your career. How will the Stanford MSx Program, combined with your experience, education or background, help you achieve your career goals?

Qualities of Exceptional Essays

Exceptional essays are authentic: Write about what you are compelled to tell us, not what you believe the admission committee wants to hear. In addition, they:

  • Indicate self-awareness and acknowledge areas for growth opportunities
  • Express an understanding of your effect on others
  • Demonstrate how you want to maximize your impact on the world
  • Showcase your unique worldview and goals by being personal, specific, and honest
  • Detail how you see the MSx Program helping you achieve your goals and how you will leverage your year at Stanford

Additional Information Essay (Optional)

The application provides an additional opportunity for you to share any other pertinent information not otherwise captured in your application. You might use this opportunity to:

  • Describe the circumstances affecting academic or work performance
  • Explain why you are not using a current supervisor as a reference
  • Address an academic suspension or expulsion

【2021年入学用: 出願締め切り日&Test Options】Stanford MSx Program

Stanford MSx Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

〇 Round 1
Application due: October 15, 2021 (MSx Only)*
Stanford Two-Year MBA Programの締め切り日はSeptember 15のため”MSx Only”とウェブ上に記載されております。

〇 Round 2
Application due: January 6, 2021

〇 Round 3
Application due: March 12, 2021


2021年度入学用からExecutive Assessmentスコアを受け付けます。

Test Score Requirement

The MSx Program is now accepting the Executive Assessment (EA) exam as well as the GMAT and GRE.  The EA is administered by GMAC, so the test is similar to the GMAT exam, but it is shorter and does not have a writing component.  A current GMAT, GRE or EA test score is required for admission to the MSx Program, and we do not offer test waivers. We do not have a preferred standardized test nor do we require a minimum score.  The MBA Program does not accept the EA, so if you are submitting a joint application for the MBA and MSx Programs in Round 1 or Round 2, you will need to have a valid GMAT or GRE score.

Although similar proficiencies are evaluated, generally, the GMAT focuses more heavily on quantitative abilities, while the GRE has more emphasis on verbal skills assessment.

If you have previously taken either test and wish to use that score for your application, your score must be current as of your application round deadline. (GMAT, GRE and EA test scores are valid for five years.)

MBA Interview Workshop in Tokyo on January 19, 2020

Interview preparation is a very, very important part of the MBA application process. Please join Adam Markus and John Couke for a highly interactive 3-hour workshop that will kick off your interview preparation.

Proactive Interview Preparation:

In the first part of the workshop, we will describe and practice (in groups and with instructors) a method of interview preparation that many applicants have used to gain admission to the world’s top MBA programs.

Our objective is that you become better at preparing for MBA interviews, by focusing on your own stories and key points and practicing those, rather than working from a script. At its core, proactive interview preparation is based on thinking about your message, no matter what the question. You don’t know what you will be asked, but you do know your message. Being ready for the unexpected is thus incorporated into the very method itself because you don’t focus on preparing for answering specific questions, but rather for knowing things you want to discuss about yourself.

For more about proactive interview preparation, see http://www.adammarkus.com/mba-application-interview-strategy-4/. 

Active Listening:

We will then focus on enhancing your ability to listen and engage with others during an interview. While it is important to know what you want to say, it is equally important to focus on having a conversation during an interview. Based on our experience, interviewees don’t always actively listen enough. Sometimes they just focus on speaking and speaking too much at once. By focusing as much as on what the other person is saying as on what you want to say, you can better connect with an interviewer, which is critical for making a positive impression. For some kinds of interviews, such as Wharton’s Group Interview, active listening is critical because you have to engage with other members of your interview group.


  1. General Introduction: what is being assessed
  2. Active Listening Group Exercises
  3. Strengths and weaknesses
  4. Story-telling
  5. Why MBA and why now
  6. Wrap-up (key messages and Q&A)
  • Instructors: Adam Markus, Graduate Admissions Guru and John Couke, MBA Admissions Consultant
  • Date & Time: Sunday, January 19th, 2020 from 13:30-16:30
  • Location:  C-Work Hanzomon (details: https://cwork-cck.jp/access/)
  • Cost: 27,500 yen (including tax) paid in advance by bank transfer
  • Payment:Prepayment is due by January 16th, 2019, after this cash (29,900 yen including tax) will be accepted at the door
  • Seating Capacity: 30 people

To make a reservation and arrange for payment, please email biz.adammarkus@gmail.com

Recording: We encourage you to audio record the workshop. To protect your personal information please do not reveal anything about yourself that you would be uncomfortable having recorded by others. Therefore, changing the name of your company, clients, etc. is highly advised during participatory parts of the workshop.


今回はStanford Graduate School of BusinessのMBA Program、そしてMSx Program (One-year program)の課題として出題されているEssay A “What Matters Most to You, and Why?”を取り上げてみたいと思います。

For this essay, we would like you to:
• Do some deep self-examination, so you can genuinely illustrate who you are and how you came to be the person you are.
• Share the insights, experiences, and lessons that shaped your perspectives, rather than
focusing merely on what you’ve done or accomplished.
• Write from the heart, and illustrate how a person, situation, or event has influenced you.
• Focus on the “why” rather than the “what.”




そうして用意した回答内容の分析は、My own career における”Theme”を発見するために必要な作業ではないでしょうか。


今年1月よりLondon Business School (Sloan Program)に留学中の長原正樹さんが「受講体験記」を執筆くださいました。

受講生の皆様はじめまして。私は現在London Business SchoolのSloan Programに参加しておりまして、昨年12月に渡英して以来、早9ヶ月経過致しました。ロンドンで最終インタビューを受けたのが丁度去年の今頃で、不安とプレッシャーに押し潰されそうになりながら、ものすごくタフな精神状態が続いた時期をまるで昨日のことのように思い出します。体験談を書こうと思ってからかなり時間が経ってしまい、今更どうかなあと悩みつつも、今このタイミングでこそお伝えできることがあるのではと思い、勇気を振り絞って?!筆を取らせて頂きました。

私の受験対策は全てアフィティにお任せしました。初回は佐取先生との面談からスタート、ビックピクチャーを共有し、合格までのスケジュールや個別の作戦を詳細に練っていきました。飯島先生とは何度も面談を実施し、個別に学習プログラムを策定して頂きました。飯島先生が日頃から仰っていることではありますが、IELTSや GMATおよびエッセイ、インタビューに至るまで戦略は個々人によってそれぞれ異なります。やり方は一様でないですし、目指すプログラムやターゲットスコアによって違うはずです。例えば私の場合、TOEFLよりIELTSを選ぶべきであったり、GMATであれば苦手なCRは全部捨ててRCは全部解き、できるだけ全問正解を目指す、でもSCは頑張ってトータルで最低限のスコアを目指す。はたまたIELTSやGMATが芳しくない場合、エッセイやインタビューに重点を置く等、私が目指す職歴が長いミッドキャリア向けSloan Programならではの対策にフォーカスをすることで進めていきました。



人によっては非常に長期にわたる受験生活。心が折れる瞬間は幾度もなく訪れます。でも皆さんには留学をしようと決断した、その志(こころざし)が必ずあるはずです。その志をどうか忘れずに。必ず道は開けますので。  あと、大丈夫です、入ってからの方がもっと強烈に大変ですから(笑)。ちょっと現実的な話になりますが、リスニングの勉強はしてもしすぎることはありません。逆に私みたいにリスニングがイマイチなまま留学に行くと本当に大変ですよ!読む書く話すは(最終的には)何とかなりますが、聞けないことには何もできません。それだけ本場の英語環境は予想以上に過酷だし、日本人MBAのサバイバルな環境ではリスニングができないのは致命傷です。合格する前も合格した後もリスニングの準備は余念無く!


The way
Every person has a path to follow.
It widens, narrows, climbs and descends.
There are times of desperate wanderings.
But with courageous perseverance and personal conviction, the right road will be found.
This is what brings real joy.


【2018年入学用 Essay課題】 Stanford University MSx Program

Stanford MSxプログラムのエッセイ課題が発表となりました。

Our two essay questions are meant to be straightforward, not trick questions. We hope that thinking about and writing your essays will prompt self-reflection and that your essays will go beyond relating the “what” of your experiences, to the “so what” and the “why.”

  1. What matters most to you, and why?
  2. Why this program now? What are your personal and professional objectives, and how will the Stanford MSx Program help you achieve them?

We do not limit the length of your essays in the Stanford MSx Program application, as we want you to use as many words as you feel necessary to convey your message. Having said that, these are business school essays, and good business writing is succinct and to the point. If you are using the combined Stanford MSx and MBA programs application, your responses to the essays are limited to a total of 1,200 words.

【2018年入学用出願締め切り日】 Stanford University MSx Program

Stanford MSx Programの締切日が発表されました。

◆Round 1
Application Deadline: September 19, 2018
Notification : December, 2017

Round 2
Application Deadline: January 10, 2018
Notification : March, 2018

◆Round 3
Application Deadline: March 14, 2018
Notification : April, 2018

Though you may apply in any one of the three application rounds each year, we suggest you apply only when you feel your application is as strong as it can be. Once you have submitted a complete application, the Stanford MSx Program will review and evaluate it on its own merits and in the context of the broad applicant pool. We will inform you of our admissions decision by email as soon as we can.



【2018年9月入学用出願締め切り日】 Stanford GSB

Stanford Graduate School of Businessより、2018年9月入学用出願締切り日が発表されました。

Round 1
Deadline: September 19, 2017
Notification Date : December 14, 2017

Round 2
Deadline: January 10, 2018
Notification Date: March 29, 2018

Round 3
Deadline: April 4, 2018
Notification Date: Mid May, 2018

10:00 am Pacific Time, including your letters of reference and application fee payment. We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA Admissions Office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.

Selecting an Application Round

You may apply in any one of the three application rounds each year.

If you plan to apply in round one or two, we strongly encourage you to apply in round one. Over the last few years, the number of applications we receive in round two has increased, making it more competitive.

Do not rush your application, but there are some advantages to applying in either the first or second round, including:

  • The ability to receive a need-based financial aid award from the Financial Aid Office prior to the date by which you must respond to your offer of admission.
  • Ample time to complete recommended quantitative and/or English language coursework prior to arrival on campus.
  • Access to the on-campus housing lottery and/or housing at Highland Hall and Schwab Residential Center.
  • Sufficient time to complete the visa application process (international students).
  • The opportunity to attend Admit Weekend (there is no Admit Weekend for Round 3).

If you want to use one application to apply for both the MBA and MSx Programs, you must apply in Round 1 or 2. You may apply in Round 3 to both programs, but you would need to complete two separate applications.


【MBA 2017年秋入学用出願締め切り日】 MIT (Sloan Fellows Program)

MIT Sloan Fellows Program の締切日が発表されました。

◆Round 1
・Deadline: September 26 2016
・Decision Rendered by : January 1, 2017

◆Round 2
・Deadline: November 14, 2016
・Decision Rendered by : March 15, 2017

◆Round 3
・Deadline: January 31, 2017
・Decision Rendered by : April 7, 2017