カテゴリー別アーカイブ: LL.M.

LL.M.教育と起業家思考:Duke University


Duke University Law SchoolのLaw & Entrepreneurship Programのディレクターを務めるエリカ・ビュエル教授は次のように述べています。


Duke University Law Schoolでは、弁護士はスタートアップ・ベンチャーズ・クリニック(プログラム)で起業家の代理を務めるといった実地経験を積むことができ、起業家は自らのアイデアを商業化する方法について無料で法的アドバイスを受けることができます。

さらにLaw Schoolの学生は、同じ大学の一部であるFuqua School of Businessで、ベンチャーキャピタルの資金調達に関するコースやイノベーションのコースを受講できます。このように他学部(大学院)からオファーされているコースを履修し卒業単位としてカウントする制度をCross-Registration Systemと言います。LL.M. Programのカリキュラムを確認することはもちろん重要ですが、ビジネススクールを始め、環境学大学院や公共政策大学院など、LL.M.取得後のキャリアパスと照らし合わせて独自の履修計画を作り上げてはいかがでしょうか?

【2021 LL.M. Application Deadline】Harvard Law School

Harvard Law Schoolが2021年入学用の出願情報を発表しました。https://hls.harvard.edu/dept/graduate-program/llm-application-deadlines-and-materials/

The application for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2021 will open in September 2020. The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2021 is December 1, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

Application Materials

  • Online application form
  • CV/Résumé
  • Personal statement, parts (A) and (B)
  • Transcript(s) (including diplomas for all degrees that have been received)
  • Recommendations (at least two)
  • Official TOEFL report (if applicable; please note that we do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports)*
  • Financial Aid application (if applicable)
  • Application fee of US$85**

注):MyBestスコアの取り扱いは各ロースクールによって異なります。出願要綱に関するサイトで確認できない場合は、Admissions Officeにお問い合わせください。

The LL.M. Class of 2019-20のProfileは以下のリンクよりご確認いただけます。

  • 182 students, 98% of them are international
  • 82% have 2 or more years of practice or teaching/advanced studies experience
  • 20% hold advanced degrees
  • 61 countries / jurisdictions represented from Argentina to Zimbabwe
  • 22 Fulbright Scholars
  • 16 Supreme or Constitutional Court clerks
  • 18 full or part-time law teachers
  • 8 judges and 7 current or former prosecutors

English Proficiency Examination

  1. For the internet-based test (iBT), we require a total score of at least 100, with at least 25 in each of the four subsections.
  2. We do not accept IELTS scores in place of TOEFL scores.
  3. We do not accept MyBest™ TOEFL score reports.


MyBestスコアに加え、IELTS Scoreを受け付けるLL.M.プログラムはMinimum Scoreが関連サイトに掲載されますのでその都度ご確認ください。

Personal Statement
The Personal Statement is an essential component of your application. It provides an opportunity for you to present your ideas and demonstrate your writing ability to the Committee on Graduate Studies. Please limit your statement to no more than 1,500 words —anything exceeding this limit will be disregarded. Please note that footnotes do not count towards the overall word limit as long as they are limited to providing sources and citations


Your Personal Statement should address both of the following questions specifically, with Part (A) constituting at least half of the total length:

(A) Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.

(B) Please tell us something about yourself — in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future.Please follow the instructions on the Personal Statement page of the online application to upload your Personal Statement. Note that your Personal Statement must be uploaded and submitted with the rest of your application. We will not accept any Personal Statement sent to us separately from the online application.

【2020年入学用締め切り日】: Columbia University LL.M. Program

Columbia LL.M. Programの締め切り日が発表されました。

LL.M. Application Deadlines 
Early Review:
November 1, 2019

Regular Review:
December 18, 2019 

ロースクール側が求めるTOEFLの要求スコアと自身のスコアとの伸び具合等も考慮しながら出願準備を決めてください。「とりあえずEarly Review Roundに出しておく」という対方法はお勧め致しません。


1) Personal Statement:内容に加え、枚数、文字の大きさもご確認ください。
2) Resume / CV
3) Transcripts and Diplomas
4) Statement of Rank:出身大学(院)等で発行されない場合の対応方法をご確認ください。
5) Letter or Recommendation:推薦者のメールアドレスに関して注意事項欄をご確認ください。
6) TOEFL Score

Once submitted, all application materials become the property of LSAC and/or the Office of Graduate Legal Studies and as such will not be returned to you under any circumstances.

【2020年9月入学用出願締め切り日】Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program

Harvard Law School (HLS) LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

The application deadline for the LL.M. class beginning in August 2020 is December 1, 2019, at 11:59 p.m., U.S. Eastern time.

In addition to submitting the online LL.M. application by the deadline, applicants must make sure that any other required documents (e.g., transcripts, TOEFL results) are sent out in time for delivery to our office on or before the deadline. Please note that the application deadline will be strictly observed. It is your responsibility to make certain that all required materials reach the Graduate Program office by the deadline.

数多くのアメリカLL.M.プログラムがLaw School Admissions Council (LSAC)の出願代行サービスの理由を義務づける中、同校は独自の出願方式(HLS専用の願書フォームの使用)を実施してきました(LSAC経由で出願できるものの、推薦状はLSAC経由で提出できない**といった多少手間暇がかかります)。自分の手や周囲の推薦者の手を煩わせないためにも、HLSへ出願する際は同校の願書フォーマット(推薦状フォームも含む)を使用して出願することをお勧めします。

**Please note that we do not accept letters of recommendation submitted through LSAC.

We strongly recommend that you have your transcripts/diplomas and TOEFL score to LSAC no later than the beginning of October to ensure we receive your LSAC report by the December 1 deadline.

また、上記では12/1と締め切り日を設定していますが、昨年用のApplication Form内では以下の記述が見られました。
Your application and all supporting documents must be received by the Harvard Law School Graduate Program office no later than 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern time on December 1 (and preferably by November 15).
11/15と12/1ではわずか2週間程度の違いですが、”preferably”という表現を用いてるだけに実質上のEarly Admissions Deadlineの役割を果たしていました。現時点では2020年入学用の締め切りは12/1で11月に関する記述内容は見当たりませんが、9月の時点で2020年出願用の願書を改めて一読する際はDecember 1 (and preferably November 15)の記述があるか否かを確認しましょう。


【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用出願締め切り日】: Boston University

Boston University, LL.M. programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

International Applicants*: April 15, 2019

*Please note: the LLM in American Law is open to foreign-trained attorneys only and is only available for Fall entry

The Program Director and/or Assistant/Associate Director interviews all qualified applicants by phone (or in person, if practical). The appropriate graduate program office will notify applicants of the time and date of scheduled interviews.

  • Two Letters of Recommendation: You must submit two letters of recommendation written by individuals who are well acquainted with your academic or professional abilities and are able to provide a thoughtful, thorough and candid assessment of your academic ability and potential for success in graduate level law study. BU Law requires at least two – but accepts up to four – letters of recommendation. We welcome letters from former law professors, as well as from employment supervisors and other professional colleagues who have direct knowledge of your skills and attributes. If these letters are not in English, a certified English translation must also be submitted.                                                            こちらに記載されているように、翻訳証明書の提出は忘れないでください。2通の推薦状の文体や英語表現が似ているが「翻訳証明書が提出されていない」となると、「同一人物が推薦状を書いたのでは?」とアドミッション側に考えさせてしまうため、各校の出願用インストラクションはしっかりとご確認ください。
  • Personal Statement of Interest: A carefully worded and detailed personal statement of interest is an important part of your application. You should discuss your personal and professional reasons for pursuing the LLM degree. You should also include an explanation of your study interests and their relation to your previous study, employment experiences and professional goals.                          ここでのgoalsとは、Short-term およびlong-term goalを指します。
  • Curriculum Vitae: Please include your curriculum vitae as a separate item, not as a substitute for your personal statement.                        略称でCVと呼ばれ場合もありますが、アプリカントの皆さんが作成している英文レジュメです。

Applicants are occasionally admitted to the program on the condition that they fulfill other requirements in order to improve their English skills or meet our test score minimums. We may accept an applicant provisionally on the condition that he or she successfully complete BU’s summer program in Legal English at CELOP or submit other proof of testing or intensive ESL course completion. For information on CELOP, please visit CELOP’s website.

上記にも書いてありますが、Minimum scoreに達成していないため、出願を見送る(諦める)といったアクションを取られることなく、その時の状況を踏まえてご相談ください。

【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用エッセイ課題】: Duke University

Duke, LL.M.の出願書類関連情報を確認していきたいと思います。


Please submit a resume with your application. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment.

Personal Statement

You are required to submit a 2-5 page personal statement. If you apply via LSAC, use the electronic attachment. The personal statement should include your professional and educational experience, special areas of interest, previous overseas experience, and any other information that supports your application. Please let us know if there is a special reason for applying to Duke Law School such as family members who are alumni or who are living in North Carolina, or a spouse or significant other with admission to a nearby school or who is also applying to the LLM program.

>>>最長5ページと記されていますが、2から3ページの長さで書き纏めることができる内容を無理やり長くする必要はありません。Duke LL.M.用のPersonal Statementにどういったコンテンツを使うのか?、そしてそのためにも早めに自己分析作業等に着手していきましょう。

Recommendation Letters

A minimum of two letters of recommendation should be submitted on behalf of the LLM applicant. Such letters should not be from relatives or close family friends. The letters should explain the relationship of the writer to the applicant. At least one letter should be from a faculty member well acquainted with the applicant’s academic ability.

If applying electronically, LSAC offers an LOR service for letters of recommendations.  Please follow the instructions on the LSAC site.

If application materials are being submitted in hard copy format directly to the International Studies office, recommendation letter forms must be included and are available for download at our site. Your signature on the recommendation form indicates you have waived your right to the material contained in the recommendation letter and should be included with all letters submitted on your behalf.  Referees may also submit recommendation letters directly to the International Studies office. We prefer recommendation letters in hard copy format but will accept electronic letters if a referee is unable to submit the letters prior to the application deadline.

ご存知のように推薦状の提出方法は、①LSAC経由、もしくは②各スクール独自のフォーマット(各校のHPよりダウンロードします)となります。しかしながら、②の提出方法は一部のスクール(例:Harvard, Michiganなど)に限られますのでご注意ください。

【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用出願締め切り日】: Duke University

Duke University, LL.M.プログラムの出願締め切り日が発表されました。

Applicants to Duke Law’s LLM, SJD and exchange programs may begin submitting applications for the 2019-2020 academic year on September 1, 2018. The application deadline for the LLM program is January 20, 2019.

Although the application deadline is January 20 for the LLM program and March 20 for the SJD program, candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis beginning in January. A rolling basis means that applications are considered until the class is full. Admission to the LLM and SJD program is for fall semester only.

他校のアドミッション方式でも、Dukeと同様に上記”A rolling basis”が採用されるケースもあります。こうした情報は出願戦略を考えていく上で参考にしてください。

Our preferred method for submitting application materials is electronically via LSAC (Law School Admission Council). Please visit the LSAC website for account access or to create a new account. Complete application instructions are available on the electronic application for the Duke Law LLM program.

You may also submit your application materials directly to our office. The application checklist allows you to investigate the options available for both application types. Please note that you must omit the box number from the address if you plan to send application materials via courier (DHL, FedEx, etc.) to the International Admissions office.  Please note that we do not accept applications materials submitted via e-mail.

【2019年度 LL.M. エッセイ課題】New York University

先日の投稿では出願締め切り日を共有しましたが、本日はNYU LL.M.のエッセイ課題などに関する情報を確認したいと思います。

Personal Statement & Resume

All applicants must electronically attach to the online application a brief personal statement of no more than 500 words. Applicants may describe their professional interests and goals, or they may use the statement to describe aspects of themselves and/or their work that are not apparent from their other application materials. Applicants should include their reasons and qualifications for applying to a particular program or specialization.

  1. 同校のエッセイ課題は毎年500 wordsで出題されております。同校のように字数を制限しないスクールもあることから、まずは制限を設けていないスクールの(エッセイ)課題から着手することをお勧めします。
  2. GoalsはShort-termとlong-term goalの内容を含みます。
  3. このキャリア開発時期にLL.M.を取得したいと思う理由
  4. Qualificationsを伝えるためにも、これまでの(主には)仕事上の実績について述べます。

All applicants must also electronically attach a résumé or curriculum vitae to their application. This document may be one to two pages in length, and should account for all education and work experience, as well as any period of more than three months not spent in school or employed. Publications, presentations, or other career-related information may also be included.

2. LL.M.アプリカントの中には、Publicationに関する実績をお持ちの方もいます。自らの専門性をアピールする機会ですので、レジュメコンテンツとして活用していきましょう。

Due to the large number of LLM applications that we receive each year, the Committee on Graduate Admissions is not able to read or consider writing samples, articles, or research papers submitted with applications. Instead, publications, academic presentations and the like may be noted on an applicant’s résumé or curriculum vitae for consideration by the Committee.


Any additional information an applicant would like to share with the Committee on Graduate Admissions that is not already present in the other application materials may be electronically attached as an addendum to the online application.


【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用出願締め切り日】: New York University

New York University, LL.M. Programの出願締め切り日が発表されました。


Applicants must submit their application and materials by the appropriate deadline. It is strongly recommended (though not a requirement) that mailed application materials be received at LSAC two weeks before the application deadline. No guarantees can be made concerning applications submitted, or application materials received by LSAC, after the respective deadline; such applications may be returned unprocessed.

Full-time LLM Program

Applicants with Foreign Education Credentials

  •  December 20, 2018

Prospective students who received their legal education outside of the United States must apply by December 20 for Fall 2019 entry.

【2019年度 LL.M. 入学用エッセイ課題】: Georgetown University


■ Personal Statement(エッセイ)
All applicants must submit a detailed “personal statement” (a.k.a. motivation letter) describing your background, goals, and reasons for applying to Georgetown and your chosen program. You should include any information that you feel will assist the Graduate Admissions Committee in its decision. This information should provide the admissions committee with more depth than is available in your transcripts and resume alone regarding your fit for the program and school.


1) 自分の専門分野
2) Post LL.M.の目標を達成するために必要なスキルや知識:左記の側面を第三者に伝えるためには、具体的なエピソードが必要です。そのエピソードは、レジュメ(CV)の内容とも関わりを持たせなければなりません(レジュメに記載されていない達成事項をPersonal Statementで言及することは回避しましょう)。

Post LL.M.の目標(短期と長期)、さらにはGeorgetown LL.M.に進学したいと思う理由です。

While there are no specific formatting requirements the personal statement should only be 1-2 pages (single spaced) or 2-3 pages (double spaced).

Double Space 3ページという文量を考えると、比較的多くのコンテンツを述べることが可能です。他校のエッセイ課題内容や字数、そして志望度合との兼ね合いにもよりますが、「 字数の多いエッセイ課題から書き始め、字数を調整する」という考えに基づいて、各校のエッセイを書き始めることも考え方の1つであると思います。